Zeng | Materials, Mechatronics and Automation | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 2308 Seiten

Zeng Materials, Mechatronics and Automation

E-Book, Englisch, 2308 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-03813-493-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

A forum for those researchers, educators, engineers, and government officials involved in the general areas of Materials, Mechatronics and Automation and sensors, was provided by this collection of peer-reviewed papers. The resultant dissemination of the latest research results, and the exchanges of views concerning the future research directions to be taken by these fields makes the work of immense value to all those having an interest in the topics covered. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The more than 387 papers are grouped into: Chapter 1: Intelligent Mechatronics, Robotics, Biomimetics, Automation, Chapter 2: Materials, Mechatronics and Automation, Chapter 3: Industrial Automation and Manufacturing Process.
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Preface and Committees
Chapter 1: Intelligent Mechatronics, Robotics, Biomimetics, Automation
Urban Heat Island Monitoring and Analysis Using Landsat ETM+/TM Imageries
Disaster Management and Response Strategy in Urban Public Safety of the U.S.A
Research on Statistical Process Control of Packaging & Printing Quality Management
Post Classification Comparison Change Detection of GuangZhou Metropolis, China
Integrating a HMM-Based Driver Fatigue Recognition Model into Smart Vehicle Space for Ubiquitous Computing
Research on Evaluation of Auto Parts Suppliers by VIKOR Method Based on Intuitionistic Language Multi-Criteria
Research on Selection of Service Outsourcing Suppliers Based on Intuitionistic Language Fuzzy Entropy
Research on Evaluation of Emergency Logistic Plans Based on the Similarity of Intuitionistic Language
Heating Steady Thermal Stresses in an Al1100/Ti-6Al-4V/SiC 2D-FGM Plane Four-Side Clamped Plate
Analyse Volleyball Echelon Construction of Shandong Province
Biquadratic TC-Bézier Curves with Shape Parameter
Three Dimensional Highway Real-Time Visual System Design and Application
QoS-Aware Web Services Composition: A Cooperate Optimization Approach
Effect of Wave and Ocean Current to Motion of Low-Velocity UUV
Study on the Flow Behavior in Thin Cavity during Water-Assisted Injection Molding
Reasearch and Application of Honeynet Key Technique
The Drawing Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Shape Domain
Stochastic Model and Simulation Research for Random-Storage S-Type Manual Order Picking
Research on Stochastic Model and Simulation for Sorted-Storage S-Type Manual Order Picking
A Real-Time Transport System for High-Resolution Measure Image
Sensor Fusion Based on Strong Tracking Filter for Augmented Reality Registration
Modeling Web Service Behavior Based on Workflow Nets and Consume-Produce-Read Nets
Budget Estimate Management Information System for Blast Furnace Coal Powder Injection Project
An Ant Colony System Based Method for Edge Extraction
Research and Implementation on Personalized Search Engine
Magnetron Sputtering of NiCr/NiSi Thin-Film Thermocouple Sensor for Temperature Measurement when Machining Chemical Explosive Material
Effects on Locomotive Diesel Engine Performance by Selecting Solenoid Valve Parameters
Robust Time-Frequency Watermarking Based on Improved S Transformation
The Automotive Electronic Throttle Control Based on the Non-Linear Torque Observer
Automatic Synthesis of Dynamic Systems Based on Hungarian Algorithm and Genetic Programming
Quality Control and Signaling Strategy in Supply Chain
Reliability Assessment of Control Systems
Ductile Fracture due to Adiabatic Shear during the Serrated Chip Formation in High Speed Cutting: a Microscopic Investigation
Application and Research of Rotate-Lookup-Summation in Robot Motion
Optimal Size of China’s Fiscal Expenditure and Policy Evaluation: 1978-2006
Prediction of Forces in Micro-Cutting and the Study Based on Simulation
Research on Compressive Resistance of Honeycomb Paperboard with Different Number of Paper-Core
Digital Mining Control Management System in an Open Pit Based on GIS/GPS/GPRS
Rolling Process of Ribs with Triangular Cross Section on Surface of Copper Tube
A Novel Time Synchronization Algorithm Based on the Synchronizer on Wireless Sensor Network with Clustering Architecture
The Application of an Improved Ant Colony Algorithm in Mobile Robot Path Planning
Research on Diffusion Behavior of ERP under the Influence of Government
Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Self-Adaptive and Chaos Theory
High Frequency Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Turning Studty for Weak Rigidity Precision Workpiece
Effects Analysis of Mobile Phone’s Signal to Space-Borne Radiometer
Interpolation Algorithm on Numerical Control Technology
Research on CNC Key Technology for High Speed Milling
The Effect of Aging Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Cu-Al-Fe-(x) Alloys
Research on Wire-Driven Parallel Manipulators
Modeling and Modifying the Foraging Strategy in Swarm Robots
Thermal Stress Analysis of a Multi-Layered Structure
Strain Analysis of an Embedded Optical Fiber Sensor
Analysis of Flowing Characteristics of Abrasive Flow Machining in Slit
Description Pattern of Design Knowledge Databases
Development Strategy and Situation of Process in Advanced Manufacturing
The Robust Reliability Optimization of Steering Mechanism for Trucks Based on Non-Probabilistic Interval Model
Study on the Ant Colony Optimization
Research on the Improved Apriori Based on Rough Set Method
Influence of Ammonia on the Fabrication of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Using Thermal CVD
A Novel Design of BOD Biosensor Based on Immobilized Microbial Biosensor
A Novel Hyperchaotic System and its Circuit Implementation
Research on AODV Routing Protocol Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network
Design of Airfield Lighting Monitor and Control System Based on Hybrid Network
Product's Optimum Design Based on the Combination of Reverse Engineering and Finite Element Analysis
A New Computer Simulation of Neck Injury Biomechanics
Error Emendation of Sensors Array Autonomous Localization Algorithm
The Influence of Wind and Emendation in Passive Acoustic Localization
A New Sensor-Based Temperature Measuring System with High Accuracy for Wide Temperature Range Applications
Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Problems
Phase Transformation, Microstructure and Hardness of Electrodeposited Fe-Based Amorphous Coatings
Structure Analysis and Simulation of Chemical Sensor for Food Safety Detection
Optimization Design of MEMS Thermal Actuator for Food Industry
High Accuracy Simulation for the Weakly Coupled System of Two Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations
Non-Equidistant Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equation with Periodical Boundary Value
Research and Application of Extension CBR Fault Diagnosis Method for Process Production
Modeling and Analysis of Continuously Electronics Infrared Heating Oven
Displacement Analysis of the 3SPS-3CCS Mechanism Based on Hyper-Chaotic Newton-Downhill Method
The Research of Lorenz Chaos Mapping Method to Mechanism Synthesis
The Research of Sinai Chaos Mapping Method to Mechanism Synthesis
The Research of Chebyshev Chaos Mapping Method to Mechanism Synthesis
Synthesis of Planar Stephenson III Six-Link Mechanism for Function Generation Based on Hyper-Chaos Newton Downhill Method
NDA Based Hierarchical Classification Scheme for Identifying the Contributors to a Multivariate Control Chart
Fuzzy PID Control for Intelligent Smartcar System with CCD Camera
Synchronization of Hyper-Chaotic Lorenz System and its Application in Secure Communication
A Research on the Construction Material Export and Energy Consumptions Using the Gravity Model
A Maneuvering Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Gaussian Filter for Multiple Passive Sensors
Technical Efficiency Evaluation of Grid Corporations Based on the DEA Model
Maintenance Simulation and Maintainability Design Based on Virtual Reality
A Study on the X-Ray Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Weighted Local Entropy
Integrated Input Training Neural Network PCA and RBF for Chemical Process Modelling
The Price of Anarchy of Non-Uniform Altruism Traffic Assignment
A Hybrid Approach for Information Systems Security Risk Assessment under Uncertain Environment
An Improved Locally Linear Embedding Method for Feature Extraction
Micro-Simulation System on Passengers of the PDL Station Design
Realization of Interactive Communication among Multi-Sensors Based on CAN Bus
Comparative Study on Moving Object Detection Method of Video Surveillance System in China High-Speed Railway Transport Hub
Dynamic Disturbance Simulation of Modal Control and Control Model of Torsional Vibration of the Rolling Mill
Danger Theory Based Risk Evaluation Model for Smurf Attacks
Design of a New Chipboard-Splitter
Optimization Method for Globally Solving a Kind of Multiplicative Problems with Coefficients
A Deterministic Method for a Class of Fractional Programming Problems with Coefficients
VOC Emission from a Multi-Layer Work Surface (Panel) of a Workstation System
Research on the Operating Performance Evaluation of Listed Companies Supplying Water and Gas Based on Factor Analysis
The Experimental Study of Thermodynamic Performance on R407C Air-Conditioner Hot Water Combined Unit
A RFID Privacy Protocol Based on PUF
An Authentication Scheme Based on PUF
Microstructure and Toughness Mechanism of Tooth
Mechanism of High Modulus and Strength of Unio Douglasiae Shell
Properties Analysis of Bolted Composite T-Joint
Dynamics Analysis of Aircraft Landing on the Pitching Deck
Chapter 2: Materials, Mechatronics and Automation
Influence of Strain Rate on Mechanical Properties of Shape Memory Alloy
A Research on the Trinity Mechanism of Atomization Based on Centrifugation Oscillation and Impact Breakage
Design of Cotton-Picking Laptop Machine without Winding
DEA-Based Measurement of Information System Performance
A New Solution Method for Large-Scale System Optimization Operation
Uni-Objective Negotiating Model and Tactics of Multi-Agent Supply Chain System
Supplier Selection of Multi-Agent Logistic System
Research and Design of Intelligent Lighting Control System Based on Industrial Wireless Technology
Optimal Control of Large Flood of Ankang Reservoir
Automatic Location of the Talairach Cortical Landmarks from T2-Weighted MR Images
Influence Axial Vibration on Lateral Bending Deformation of Twist Drill in Machining Small Hole
Unlinkable Affiliation-Hiding Authenticated Key Exchange
Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for 6-DOF Parallel Robot Based on Support Vector Machines
Design of Transmission Endurance Tester with Electric Energy Recycle Technology
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation into the Surface Roughness of Small-Hole EDM
Getting Rid of the Wires: Curved Layer Fused Deposition Modeling in Conductive Polymer Additive Manufacturing
An Adaptive Architecture of Service Component for Persuasive Computing
Study on the Key Position of the Trailer House Vacuum Insulation Materials in Cold Regions
Heat and Mass Transfer of Cabbage in Vacuum Cooling and Experimental Research
Application of Fault Phenomenon Vector Distance Discriminance in Mechanical System Fault Diagnosis
GMM with Modified Weight Applied into Audio Segment Classification
Study on Bonding Characteristic of Mixed-Type Chloride Ion in Sulphoaluminate Cement
The Research of Real-Time Image Acquisition and Sobel Edge Detection with FPGA
A Sensor Data Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Ranging Technology for Accurate Localization in Short-Range Wireless Networks – A Comparative Study
Determination of Pear Leaf Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Spectral Imaging Technology and Multivariate Calibration
Selection of Preprocessing Parameters for PCA of Soil Classification Affected by Particle Sizes Based on Vis/NIR Spectroscopy
Globally Exponentially Stability of Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks with Unsaturating Linear Activation Functions
Apllication of Computer Technology for Automatic Weeding System
Effects of Atrium on the Electrical Activity of Sino-Atrial Node
Concept of Active Measurement
Primary Research on Multirate Nature of Mechatronic System
Modeling and Designing Fuzzy Membership Function Based Neural Network Controller for Hexrotor Micro Aircraft Vehicle
Dynamic Anti-Saturation Integral Controller Used in Time-Varying Delay System
Simplified Calculation for Thermal Deformation of Scroll Wrap Height in a Small-Parameter Scroll Compressor
Assessment of Degrees of Cumulative Fatigue Crack Initiation Damage at Guyed Mast Earplate Joint
Motion Planning for a Redundant Manipulator Using Genetic Algorithm
AI Techniques to Estimate Muscle Force and Joint Torque for Upper Extremity
Fuzzy Logic Based Sensors Data Fusion for Mobile Robot Navigation
A Model for Ultrasonic Testing Conical Transducer and Optimal Design
Improved Estimate-to-Track Association Method for Track Continuity
A Fast Design Space Exploration Method for Reconfigurable Architecture Based on Loop Optimization
Design of Touch Screen Driver Based on Linux
Optimal State Fusion of Linear Systems with Two Channel Observations
Discussion on GPS-RTK Using in Undersea Topographic Survey
Dynamic OD Estimation under Automated Vehicle Identification Environment
Measurement of the Incident Sound Power in Ducts and Effect Factors Analysis
Pricing Scheme Based Nash Q-Learning Flow Control for Multi-User Network
Modeling and Simulation of Lean Supply Chain with the Consideration of Delivery Consolidation
Continuous Join Query Processing over Structured Overlay Networks
Base on Honeywell Business FLEX® PKS™ Planning and Scheduling Optimization Engineering Study
Research of WBS-Based Project Quantitative Portfolio Decision-Making Model
Absorption Simulation of Micro-Structual Material on BK7
A Kind of NLP Algorithm with NCP Function
QP-Free Method for Nonlinear Programming Problems
Recognition of Mineral Water with an Electronic Tongue Based on PCA and PNN
An Optimizing Method of Competitive Neural Network
Free-Form Surface Five-Axis Machining Tool Path and Tool Posture Simultaneous Multi-Objective Optimization Theory Research
Development of Embedded Linux CNC System Based on ARM9
A Bit-Decomposition Adaptive Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Multi-Polar Mask
Vendor’s Conduct and Contract Mechanism in IT Outsourcing Based on Information Inferiority
A Neural Network Ensemble-Based Approach to Sensor Fault Detection
Predictive Control of the VAV System Based on Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network
Effect of Additions on Properties of the Mullite-Based Investment Materials
Analysis of Vacuum-Degree Limit of Plane Circular High-Vacuum Gas-Bearing
Estimation of Curing Profile's Parameters for Flip Chip Packaging Using DSC and TGA
A Component Model Supporting Dynamic Evolution of Internetware
Sliding Mode Predictive Control Method for Attitude Control of Networked Launch Vehicle
Spectrum Analysis Methods to the Two-Level Three-Phase Inverter
An Energy Efficient Geocast Routing Protocol Based on a Defer-Time Control Function for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
Dynamic and Control Modeling and Simulation of High Speed Precision Positioning XY Table
Water Level Control System of Boiler Drum Based on GPC
Object-Oriented Petri Net Modeling and Analysis of China Railway Container Freight Yard Logistic System
Study of Elastic-Viscoplastic Analysis and Water Damage Mechanism for the Asphalt Pavement
Utilizing the QFD to Make the Most Potential Marketing Strategy through Applying the Innovative Wireless Technology in a Hypercompetitive Era
How to Evaluate the Economic Value Added of Innovative Interface Technologies in a Booming Cyber Commerce Environment
Some Motion Models of Artificial Animals and Momentarily Continously Switching of the Models
New Matter Element System AND\OR Net Models and Relevant Extension Reasoning of Product Conceptual Design
The Method of Round Image Matching Based on Log-Polar Transform*
An Extended D&M Model to Assess Health Websites Success
Grid Resources’ Fuzzy Clustering Based on Mobile Agent
Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Interfacial Crack in Anisotropic Bi-Materials
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Sensorless Vector Control
The Perceptions and Usage Intention of a Telecare System: An Empirical Study in Taiwan
Air Suspension Optimal Control Based on the Genetic Algorithm
Vehicle Interior Noise Measurement and Analysis
Exponential Stability Estimate of Fully Nonlinear Aceive Equation by Boundary Control
Preparation and Characterization of Modified Bamboo-Charcoal by Ferric Sulfate Dipping and Microware Radiation
The Cylinder Errors Calculation of Three Edges Isometric Polygonal Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
A Novel Image Fusion Method Using Beamlet Transform and Graph Cuts
Application of Improved BPNN to Damage Detection of Composite Materials
Scheduling a Pipelined Operator Graph of Bounded Treewidth
Collision-Free Path Planning for Mobile Cranes Based on Ant Colony Algorithm
RBF NN-Based Block PD-Type Backstepping Control of Induction Motor
Study on Performance Evaluation of Enterprise
The Association Rules Updating Algorithm Based on Reverse Search
An Effective Modeling and Control Strategy for Supply Chain Design and Planning
Research on the Framework of 4PL Based on GIS/3G/GPS
Damage Detection and Assessment System of Roads for Decision Support for Disaster
Key Computer Technology of Precision Fruits in Suzhou City
A General Traveler Agent Behaviour Model for Traffic Flow Simulation
A Design of Remote Control System for Robot Based on Internet
Study on Wood Drying Based on Neural Network and Expert System
Research on the End-Plate Thickness of Extended End-Plate Connection in Plastic Hinge Theory
An Approach for Security Assessment of Transmission Grid Concerning the Influence of Indices Balance
A Global Calibration Method of Multi-Vision Sensors in the Measurement of Engine Cylinder Joint Surface Holes
Design of Water Dissolved Oxygen Test System
The Evaluation Model of Product Satisfaction Based on Cloud Model
Design and Application of Geomagnetic Dynamic Simulator
Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets Based Modeling and Analyzing for Web Service Composition
The Analytic Measure of Human Head SAR Computed by 3-D Impedance
Knowledge Application Model for Manufacturing Process
Daily Maximum Electric Load Forecasting with RBF Optimized by AFSA in K-Means Clustering Algorithm
The Initial Construction of a Information Systems Model Response to the Environment Change
The Study on the Relationship between Hypercompetition and Organizational Innovation: The Role of Organizational Learning
Modeling the Elasticity of Oriented Electrospun Nano-Fibrous Scaffold
A HSEG Model for Bending Size-Dependency of Polymer Nanofiber
Study the Residential Land Demand by Ridge Regression and Multiple Linear Regression
PPPs Performance Evaluation Based on RBF Neural Network
The Application of Binocular Visual Theory in the Depth Measurement on Castings Defect
DOM-Based Multi-Factor Web Information Extraction Study
Research and Development for Cable Industry-Oriented Manufacturing Process Information System Based on Rough Set Theory
Plastic Deformation and Surface Recrystallization of Cu-4 Mass%Zn Alloy under Instantaneous Extrusion and High Speed Friction
Multi-Objective Parameters Optimization Design of Single-Pipe Ring-Type Mixing Water Oil-Gathering Pipe Network
Neural Ensemble Coding during Working Memory Task in Rat Prefrontal Cortex
Feeding Submillimeter Microparts Using an Asymmetric Fabricated Surface with Symmetric Vibrations: Effects of Feeder Surface Materials on Feeding
The Structure Method of Assembly Product in Variant Design
A Dynamic Model of Knowledge Alliance Based on Knowledge Complementarity and Knowledge Share
Modeling of a Direct-Drive Table for Automatic Wire Bonder
The Design and Implementation of Leveler Process Database System
Industrial Automation and Manufacturing Process
Fatigue Life Calculation of the in-Service Dented Pipeline
Optimized Design of Permanent Magnetic Stage Based on Simplex Method
A Novel P2P Business Traffic Prediction Algorithm
Natural Vegetable Gum Drilling and Completion Fluids System for Industrial Control and Application
Realization and Simulation of Motion Trajectory of a 2-DOF Planar Parallel Manipulator
RETRACTED: Based on PRO/E Sheet Metal Product Design Simulation
A Human-Attention Driven Video Capture Method for Wearable Visual Computing
Prediction of the Plastic Fracture Mechanical Properties on Metallurgical Composite Bimetallic Tube with Axial Crack
The Numerical Simulation on the Temperature Field of Laser Cladding
An Algorithm of Complete Coverage Path Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
A Web Data Mining Algorithm Based on Weighted Association Rules
Virus Evolution Based Gene Expression Programming for Classification Rules Mining
Study on Forecasting of Gold Price Based on Varying-Coefficient Regression Model
Effects of Chlorine on Aluminum Refining: A Review and an Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study
A New Method of Wireless Health Monitoring for SMA Composite Structure Based on Micro-Capacitance Measurement
The Memory of Fuzzy Neural Network Based on Lattice Point Distribution
Robust Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Quad-Rotor UAV Based on Double Loop Frame
An Improved KPCA Method of Fault Detection Based on Wavelet Denoising
A Real-Time Traffic Information Model Using GPS-Based Probe Car Data
Design, Model on MATLAB and Realization by C Language about Repetitive Control
The Study of Urban Low Carbon Buildings Design
Control for Nonlinear Chemical System
Design of MFCS with Time-Delay for Chemical Processing System
Design of the Model Following Control System for Robot Control System
A Design of the MFCS with Time-Delay
Influence of Temperature and the BZ Substrate on Aggregation-Disaggregation Self-Oscillation of a Polymer Chain
Intelligent Techniques for Fed-Batch Bioprocess Control
A Continuous and Reversible LOD Algorithm for Highway Terrain
Research on Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking Algorithm Based on Video Image
A Comprehensive Agent-Based Safety Solution Meeting the Controllable Work System
Simulation on Combustion Process of 16V240ZJ Diesel Engine
Neural Networks L2-Gain Controller Design for Nonlinear System
Simulation and Analysis of a Motorcycle Engine Production Cell
Fabrication and Characteristic of Small-Area Flat Lamp Utilizing Carbon Nanotube Film Cathode
Optimization Design and Fabrication of Annular Field Emitter for Field Emission Display Panel
Study of Low-Carbon Life and Low-Carbon Construction Materials
A P2P Protocol Identification Algorithm Based on PSO-SVM
Investigation of Low Temperature Properties for Ultraviolet Radiation Aged Bitumen and Mixture
Investigation of Creep Mechanics Properties of Layered Nano-Montmorillonite Modified Asphalt Mixtures
Investigations on Motion Precision of High-Resolution Stereolithography System
Design and Performance of an Asphalt Pavement Snow Melting System
Measurements and Potential Applications of Force-Control Method for Stick-Slip-Driven Nanohandling Robots
An Improved Algorithm of Virtual Potential Field in Directional Sensor Networks
Preparation of Warm Mix Asphalt Additive with Fly Ash
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Small-and-Medium-Sized Motor Manufacturer’s Core Competence
The Study of Identification Method for the Welding Defect Source of Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel Based on AE Technology
Research on Secure Information Transmission Based on Internet of Things Numerical Control System
Evolvable Production Systems: Environment for New Business Models
Warehousing Management Based on Multi-Agent
A Novel Method of Diameter Measurement by Laser Scanning Based on Flat-Crystal
Beltrami Denoising Algorithm for Ink-Jet Printing Material Image
The Finite Element Analysis of FOPS for the Loader
Channel Estimation for OFDM System with Regularized Total Least-Squares Solution
A Two-Stage of Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Employing Rapid Prototyping to Assist Free Fibular Flap Reconstructive Surgery of Mandibular Defects
Study on Architecture and Implement Strategy of Green Remanufacturing Management
Self-Learning Control of PMA-Actuated Knee-Joint Rehabilitation Training Device Based on Fuzzy Neural Network
Fault Forecast for Discrete Event Systems Using Probabilistic Automata
Optimal Control Algorithm of a Dynamic Continuous Systems
Channel Assignment Strategies for Mobile Networks Using Fuzzy Petri Nets
Modelling and Verification of Vending Machine Systems by Using Timed Petri Nets
Research on Trunk Modeling Based on 3D Laser Scanning
A Novel Layout Approach to Production Line Using an Efficient Genetic Algorithm
Experimental Identification Approach of Dynamic Parameters of Precise Horizontal Machining Centre Based on Component-System
Situation Reasoning in an Integrating Adjustable Autonomy Framework
Analysis on Health Risk of Volatile Organic Compounds of Smoked Bamboo Biomaterial by TD-GC-MS
Py-GC/MS Analysis on Biomedicine of Benzene/Ethanol Extractives from Eucalyptus camaldulensis Biomass
Study on Biomedical Prospects of Benzene-Alcohol Extractives of Bamboo Leaves
Study on Mechanics of Laminated Veneer Lumber for Wood Bridge Based on China Southern Plantation
Study on Heat Release Behavior of Smoked Bamboo Biomass by TD-GC-MS
The Decision Analysis on the Development of Green Products Based upon Manufactures’ Competition
Analysis on Function Components and Biohealth Function of Black Bamboo Biomass
Design of Cantilever Semi-Ball Valve Seat Assembly Machine
A Logic of Traffic Light Controller Modelled and Analyzed by Statecharts
Study on Viscosity of Titania Bearing Blast Furnace Slag
Mine Internet of Things Based on Neural Network and its Research and Application
Biodiversity Preliminary Investigation of Nature Reserve Taoyuan Cave
Research on the Construction of College Culture in New Age
WDB's Query Interface Extraction Method Based on Watir & Ruglar Expression
An Improved Segmentation Algorithm for Infrared Imaging Object
The Application of Modal Analysis in Hole-Defect in Lumber
Implied Volatility Surface Estimation Using Transductive Gaussian Fields Regression
Impersonation Attack on RFID Authentication Protocol and its Countermeasures
Configuration Software WinCC Application in Concrete Production
True RMS Detection of Non-Sine Wave for Power Grid
Finite Element Analysis of Track Rollers of the Crawler Excavator Based on ANSYS
Design and Implementation of a Control System for Sludge Dehydration Based on S7-1200 PLC
The Effect of Information Sharing on the Dynamics of a Two-Stage Supply Chain
Research of Noise Induced Intermittent Chaos in Power Converter
Mechanical Parameter Analysis of Rock Material via PLSR Model
Wireless Sensor Failure Identification Technology for Thermal Monitoring System of NC Machine Tools Based on Bayesian Networks
The Prediction on the Size and Location of Internal Defects of Standing Trees Using Ultrasonic Technology
PVC Sheet Blow Forming Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Study
Study on Automation Technology and Method of Forest Measurement in Fixed Sample Based on Total Station and PDA
Analysis on Torsional Fatigue Life of Turbo-Generator Shafts
Region Classification of Forestry Ecological-Economy System with BP Neural Network
Research on Automatic Detection Technology for Coal Seam Floor Failure Features
Reconstruction of the Stomach with Smooth Muscle Cell Seeded Constructs in Rat Model
Influence of the Regenerative Process on the Trans-Critical CO2 Cycle
Research on Enterprises Scientific Development Performance Evaluation Model
The Development of Walking Assistant Robot for the Elderly
Development of Fuzzy-PID Temperature Controller for Heating Furnace Based on ARM9
Embedded Speech Recognition Based on Multiclass Support Vector Machine
New Technology Research on Granulation of Methyl Cellulose
A New Technique for Camera Calibration Using Circle Template
Crankshaft of RMP Analysis Based on CAE
The Investigation on TSSC Based on 3C
The Research of Hierarchy Assembly Semantic Model Based on Intelligent Assembly Process Planning
Research on N-Body Problem with FMM Algorithm Based on FPGA Acceleration
Research of Decision-Making in the Multi-Agent System Based on Interactive Influence Diagrams
Workspace Measurement Positioning System Based on Optical Scanning and Wireless Sensor Network
Research and Implementation of Color Schemes in Color Digital Jacquard CAD
An Adaptive Clonal Selection Algorithm with Stage Mutation Operation for Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times
Study on Hardware and Software Realization of Harmonic Detection in Power System
Study of Key Techniques on Electrocardiogram Printouts Digitizing
A Novel Method of Identifying Threshold for Gabor Transform Filter Based on Inter-Cluster Distance Probability
Study on Specialized Emergency Navigation Terminal for Disaster Relief
The Design and Realization of Laser Performance Test Software
The Software Design of Inverter Test System Based on VC and NI Controls
Self-Adaptive Parameters Adjustment Scheme for Load Balancing in LTE Systems
Fabrication of Microfluidic Rapid Micromixer
Bayesian Image Denoising Using an Anisotropic Markov Random Field Model
Studies of Protein Absorption and Fouling Behavior on Amphoteric Charged Polypropylene Microfiltration Membrane
Research on Influencing Factors for Facilitating Innovation Capability: Evidence from Chinese High-Tech Industries
Statistical Analysis on Practice of Human Capital Pricing within Chinese Aeronautical Manufacturers
An Efficient Sport Video Segmentation System
Risk Assessment of Investment Projects Based on Principal Component Analysis
Composition and Microstructure of Laser Cladding of 316 Stainless Steel
Designing of Assembly Cell by CA System Support
Assembly and Disassembly via Automation Tools
Study on Financial Market Risk Management Based on the Dynamic Copula Model
Quality of Service Support in Wireless Sensor Networks
Application of Nanoscale Poly(divinyl-Benzene Vinylpyrrolidone) as Solid-Phase Extraction Adsorbent Prior to LC-MS-MS for the Determination of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Toxins in Shellfish
Context-Aware Recommender System for Location-Based Advertising
Simulation of the Fixed-Point Number Arithmetic
The Study of PNN Quality Control Method Based on Genetic Algorithm
Application and Research of Virtual Design for Superfine Wood Powder Pulverizer with Multi-Granularity
Key Technology Research for Wood Powder Disintegrator Used in Fuel Based on ADAMS Environment
VCHR: Virtual Cluster-Based Hybrid Routing Protocol
Moving Vehicle Classification Using Cloud Model
Evaluated Preference Genetic Algorithm and its Engineering Applications
The Effect of Organizational Support and Self Efficacy on the Usage Intention of E-Learning System in Hospital
Coordinated Control among High-Speed Trains Based on Model Predictive Control
Flower Robot – A Product of Biomimetic Technology
Risk Prediction of Environmental Impact Assessment - Actual Protein Project as an Example
Research on Noise Reduction in Boiler Room - An Actual Case on North Boiler Room
The 3D Geological Structures Modeling in the Hei 47 Area of Daqingzijing Oil Field

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