Dr. Yang Yu received his Ph. D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2013. Currently Dr. Yu is Postdoc researcher at Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice in France. He works on nonlinear dynamics and space exploration of asteroids, and his Ph. D. thesis has won "Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University" in 2014.
1. Yu Y., Baoyin H., Li J. Dynamic modeling and analysis of space webs. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2011, 54(4): 783-791. (IF: 0.863)
2. Yu Y., Baoyin H. Orbital dynamics in the vicinity of asteroid 216 Kleopatra. The Astronomical Journal, 2012, 143, 62. (IF: 4.052)
3. Yu Y., Baoyin H. Resonant orbits in the vicinity of asteroid 216 leopatra. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013, 343(1): 75-82. (IF: 2.401)
4. Yu Y., Baoyin H. Generating families of 3D periodic orbits about asteroids. Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society, 2012, 427(1): 872-881. (IF: 5.226)
5. Yu Y., Baoyin H. Routing the asteroid surface vehicle with detailed mechanics. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2014, 30(3): 301-309. (IF: 0.616)
6. Baoyin H., Yu Y., Li J. Orbital maneuver for a rotating tethered system via tidal forces. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2013, 50(5): 1060-1068. (IF: 0.474)
7. Yu Y., Richardson D. C., Michel P., Schwartz S. R., Ballouz R. Numerical predictions of surface effects during the 2029 close approach of asteroid 99942 Apophis. Icarus. 2014, 242: 82-96. (IF: 2.840)
8. Yu Y., Baoyin H. Modeling and migrating grains on asteroid’s surface. Astrophysics and Space Science. In Press. (IF: 2.401)
9. Ballouz R., Richardson D. C., Michel P., Schwartz S. R., Yu Y. Numerical simulations of collisional disruption of rotating gravitational aggregates: dependence on material properties. Planetary and Space Science.
In Press. (IF: 1.630)
10. Yu Y., Baoyin H., Li J., Chen Y. Static and dynamic analysis of space webs. 61st International Astronautical Congress Proceedings,Prague, 2010.
11. Yu Y., Baoyin H., Chen Y., Li J., Gong S., Zeng X. The orbital propulsion of spinning tether via angular momentum transfer. 62nd International Astronautical Congress Proceedings, Cape Town, 2011.
12. Richardson D. C., Michel P., Schwartz S., Yu Y., Ballouz R., Matsumura S. Applications of granular dynamics numerical simulations to asteroid surfaces. Asteroids, Comets and Meteors, Helsinki, 2014.
13. Statler T., Richardson D. C., Walsh K., Yu Y., Michel P. A mechanism for self-reinforcing YORP acceleration of fast-rotating asteroids. Asteroids, Comets and Meteors, Helsinki, 2014.
Prizes and awards:
2014 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University
2013 National Scholarship
2012 First-class SMC Scholarship
2011 Freshman Scholarship for Doctoral Student
2010 First-class SMC Scholarship
2009 Excellent Graduate Award of Beihang University
2006 Kwang-Hua Scholarship