E-Book, Englisch, 276 Seiten
Reihe: Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments
A Study of Authentikos Logos (NHC VI,3)
E-Book, Englisch, 276 Seiten
Reihe: Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments
ISBN: 978-3-647-54036-8
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Bibelwissenschaften Apokryphen, Pseudepigraphen
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Kirchengeschichte Frühes Christentum, Patristik, Christliche Archäologie
- Geisteswissenschaften Religionswissenschaft Religionswissenschaft Allgemein Religionsgeschichte
- Interdisziplinäres Bibliothekswesen, Informationswissenschaften Buchgeschichte, Bibliotheksgeschichte
Weitere Infos & Material
2;Title Page;4
4;Table of Contents;6
7;I. Introduction;10
7.1;1. The Approach of This Study;13
7.1.1;1.1 An Overview of the Contents of Authentikos Logos;15
7.2;2. Previous Studies of Authentikos Logos;18
7.2.1;2.1 Editions and Translations;18
7.2.2;2.2 From a Gnostic to a Christian Approach: Studies from the 1970s to the Present;20
7.3;3. The Contents of This Work;31
8;II. The Background of the Writing;34
8.1;1. On the Manuscript, Language, and Genre;34
8.1.1;1.1 Manuscript;34
8.1.2;1.2 Language;37
8.1.3;1.3 Genre;42
8.2;2. Date and Historical Background;47
8.2.1;2.1 The Question of the Date;47
8.2.2;2.2 Christianity in Late Ancient Egypt;49
8.3;3. The Scriptures in Authentikos Logos;59
8.3.1;3.1 “The soul is fleeing upwards to her treasure, where her mind is”;61
8.3.2;3.2 “The light that does not set”;64
8.4;4. Summary;69
9;III. The Journey of the Fallen Soul in Authentikos Logos;72
9.1;1. Two Nag Hammadi Stories of the Soul;75
9.1.1;1.1 The Exegesis on the Soul: Storyline;75
9.1.2;1.2 Authentikos Logos and the Exegesis on the Soul Compared.;79
9.2;2. Authentikos Logos, Wisdom Myth and other Valentinian Themes;89
9.3;3. Fallen Souls: Platonic background, Origen and Plotinus;95
9.3.1;3.1 Plato on the Immortality of the Soul;95
9.3.2;3.2 Origen on the Minds Cooling into Souls;98
9.3.3;3.3 Plotinus: the Soul as God’s daughter;99
9.4;4. Summary;105
10;IV. The Attributes of the Soul in Authentikos Logos;107
10.1;1. The Invisible Soul ;109
10.2;2. The Pneumatic Soul;113
10.3;3. The Material Soul;116
10.4;4. The Rational Soul;120
10.5;5. Summary;128
11;V. Matter in Authentikos Logos;131
11.1;1. Background: vkg in Ancient Philosophical Discourse;132
11.2;2. References to Matter in Authentikos Logos;139
11.2.1;2.1 Matter and Material Substance in Authentikos Logos 22 and 23;139
11.2.2;2.2 Matter Attacks the Soul and Makes it Material;153
11.2.3;2.3 The Soul Gives Birth to the Offspring of Matter;154
11.2.4;2.4 The Wheat and the Chaff;156
11.3;3. Summary;161
12;VI. The Body and the Soul’s Contest;162
12.1;1. The Descent, Life in Body, and the Contest of the Soul;163
12.1.1;1.1 The Soul’s Descent to a Life in a Body;164
12.1.2;1.2 Asceticism in Authentikos Logos;169
12.2;2. The Soul’s Ascent;178
12.2.1;2.1 The Slave Traders in Authentikos Logos;179
12.2.2;2.2 The Spiritual Body: A Resurrection Body or the Soul’s Pneumatic Vehicle?;187
12.2.3;2.3 The Soul’s Ascent in Authentikos Logos Compared with the Apocalypse of Paul, the First Apocalypse of James and the Gospel of Mary;192
12.2.4;2.4 Asclepius and Antony’s Vision;201
12.3;3. Summary;206
13;VII. Conclusions;209
14.1;1. Primary Sources;215
14.1.1;1.1 Nag Hammadi and Related Writings: Editions, Translations, Commentaries;215
14.1.2;1.2 Ancient Authors and Writings: Editions, Translations, Commentaries;216
14.2;2. Secondary Sources;222
15;Appendix: Translation of Authentikos Logos from Coptic into English;235
16;Index of Ancient Sources;254
17;Index of Modern Authors ;274