Ross Calman (Ngati Toa, Ngati Raukawa-ki-te-tonga, Ngai Tahu) is a descendant of Te Rauparaha, one of the offspring of a peace marriage forged between Ngati Toa and Ngai Tahu in the 1840s. He has authored and edited important works on Maori language and history including Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi (with Mark Derby and Toby Morris), The Essential Maori Dictionary (with Margaret Sinclair), The New Zealand Wars and The Reed Book of Maori Mythology (with A. W. Reed). He is also a licensed translator. He lives in Wellington with his wife Ariana and they have two adult children.
Tamihana Te Rauparaha (1822-1876) was the son of Ngati Toa leader Te Rauparaha and Te Akau of Tuhourangi. Known as Katu in early life, he received a chiefly education and accompanied his father on many of his campaigns. He later became a key figure in the early Anglican Church in New Zealand, and one of a new generation of chiefs to adopt literacy. He was friendly with many of the Pakeha elite, adopted the manners of an English gentleman and became a successful sheep farmer in the Otaki district.