Gwen Swennen is a renowned expert in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery. Currently, he holds the position of Professor in these disciplines. Dr. Swennen serves as a consultant in oral and maxillofacial surgery and facial plastic surgery at the esteemed Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at St John's General Hospital in Bruges, Belgium. He is also the coordinator of the Cleft & Craniofacial Centre in Bruges, Belgium. In addition to his work at St John's General Hospital, Professor Swennen runs a private practice specializing in cosmetic facial surgery called the Tilleghem Clinic, located in Bruges.
Dr. Swennen pursued his medical degree at the University of Antwerp (UA) in 1995, and subsequently obtained a degree in dentistry from the University of Brussels (ULB) in 1998. He underwent extensive training in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery under the guidance of Professors J.-E. Hausamen and H. Schliephake in Hannover. He further honed his skills in plastic-reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in both Hannover and Brussels, studying under the guidance of Professor A. De Mey. He earned the certificate in "Maxillofacial Surgery" in 2002 and the certificate in "Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery" in 2005. Dr. Swennen also habilitated at the Hannover Medical School in 2004, subsequently receiving the appointment of associate professor. In 2009, he received the academic title of "APL Professor."
Professor Swennen's professional interests revolve around orthognathic surgery, cosmetic facial plastic surgery, and congenital malformations. He possesses a special expertise in the use of three-dimensional virtual imaging and planning techniques.
Until 2017, Dr. Swennen served as a member of the Education Committee of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (IAOMS) and acted as the Section Editor for the "Imaging Section" of the International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery. Since 2017, he hasheld the position of member on the Editorial Board of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and has been appointed Councilor for Belgium by IAOMS. He has shared his knowledge through extensive publications in scientific literature and by delivering numerous lectures at national and international conferences. Furthermore, Dr. Swennen has also taken on the role of editor for two books: "Three-Dimensional Cephalometry: A Color Atlas and Manual" and "Three-Dimensional Virtual Planning of Orthognathic Surgery."
Dr. Swennen is currently the chair of the orthognathic section of S.O.R.G (Strassbourg Osteosynthesis Research Group).