Dr. C.S. Ramesh
obtained his PhD in Metallurgical Engineering with academic distinction from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India, in 1992 in the area of composite coatings with Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from U.V.C.E, Bangalore and Masters in Metal Casting from Bangalore University. He has over 22 years of experience in teaching and research. His current research interests are thermal spray coatings, metal matrix composites, finite element methods related to bio-implants. Being passionate about research, he has executed projects of national and international importance funded by several government and private agencies such as Naval Research Board, Aeronautical Research Board, Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment, Department of Science & Technology, Indian Space Research Organisation, GE- India, Allegion, BHEL, and AICTE. A state-of-the-art facilities in rapid prototyping, metal forming, tribology, thermal spray & CAE has been setup by him at PESIT, Bangalore. He has contributed over 150 papers in international, national journals & conferences, 05 book chapters and authored 06 technical reports. He has to his credit guided 14 PhDs and over 50 postgraduate students. Recognizing the research activities, Government of Karnataka has conferred Dr. Ramesh with Professor Satish Dhawan Award for Young Engineers for Outstanding Contribution to Engineering Science in 2008. He received the Best Research Publication Award by Vision Group of Science & Technology, Karnataka, 2010 and Sudharshan Bhat Award from IIT Madras, 1992, for Best PhD thesis. Under Fusion Fund International Exchange Programme Prof. Ramesh was a Visiting Professor at School of Design, Engineering & Computing, Bournemouth University, UK (2012).
Dr. Pradyumna Ghosh
is Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. He did his Ph.D from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, India; M.Tech from IIT Bombay; and B.E (Mechanical Engineering) from Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur, West Bengal. Before joining academics he had five years of experience in research and industry at TERI, New Delhi; University of Maryland, College Park, USA; and Infosys Technologies Ltd. His area of research is microgravity fluid physics, flow through porous media, nanofluids. He has authored 40 international journal publications and one book, “Thermal Convection in Microgravity” and one book chapter in “Heat Transfer in Humans”, John Willey, UK. Prof. Ghosh is a reviewer of many international journals like ASME heat transfer, IJHMT, Transport in Porous Media, Energy, International Journal of Thermal Science. He is also an expert committee member of DST, Government of India.
Dr. Elango Natarajan
is a Chartered Engineer (CEng.) awarded by Engineering Council, UK. He was awarded PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2010. He was associated with Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO) in UTM, Skudai, Malaysia in 2013 as a post doctoral research fellow. He has been serving for engineering colleges/universities for about 20 years in various academic positions. He has published 48 articles in ISI/Scopus publications till today. He has completed two external grants under Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia, and two internal grant projects, supported by UCSI University. He is now working with two external grants received from MOHE, Malaysia. He has been involved in curriculum development, accreditation, professional membership. He is associated with professional bodies like IEEE, IET and BEM. He is an executive committee member of IEEE/RAS, Malaysia.