Dr. Lakshman Nandagiri is a Professor in the Department of Applied Mechanics & Hydraulics at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. He has an academic career spanning over 34 years. He possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (University of Mysore, 1983), a Master’s degree in Hydraulics (University of Mysore, 1986), and a Doctoral degree in Water Resources Engineering (IISc, 1994). His main areas of research interest are surface water hydrology, hydrological modeling using remote sensing/GIS, vadose zone hydrology, and irrigation & drainage engineering. He has to his credit over 80 technical papers in journals/conference proceedings and has guided 08 doctoral candidates and over 50 M.Tech/B.Tech dissertations. He has completed 07 R&D projects and several consultancy assignments in the area of hydraulics and water resources engineering and remote sensing/GIS. Prof. Nandagiri has a keen interest in promoting research culture and ethical values amongst students and has delivered a large number of popular lectures on these topics. He is a reviewer for several reputed international and national journals and Associate Editor for the ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Taylor and Francis).
Dr. Mattur C. Narasimhan is a proud alumnus of University BDT College of Engineering, Davangere, India [B.E (Civil Engg) - 1982]. He obtained his Masters and a doctoral degree from Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India during the years 1985 and 1993, respectively. He started his teaching career at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) [formally, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, KREC] as a lecturer in the Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics in the year 1985 and was promoted as a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering in the year 2002. His research interests are in the areas of concrete technology, special concretes, structural behaviour of RCC, steel and compositeconstructions, and Numerical methods in structural analysis. He has completed a number of R&D and consultancy projects in his department. He has guided more than fifty postgraduate students for their dissertations and eight students for their doctoral thesis. He has a large number of research publications to his credit--- either published in leading journals or presented and included in proceedings of reputed international conferences. He has been a reviewer of papers submitted to leading international research journals like Construction and Building Materials, Cement and Concrete Composites, Thin-walled structures, Journal of Cleaner Production and Journal of Building Engineering, etc. He has chaired technical sessions at international conferences held at Curtin University, Miri, Malaysia, IIT-Delhi, BITS-Pilani, etc. He is an associated member in the sectional committee on special structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. He is also a life member of leading professional organizations like Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Cement Institute, Association of Consulting Civil Engineers, Indian Society for Technical Education, and Indian Society for Earthquake Technology.
Dr. Shriram Marathe is serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at NMAM Institute of Technology NITTE. He completed his Ph.D. degree at VTU Belagavi in the area of Alkali Activated Concrete Pavements. He completed his M.Tech.[Transportation Engineering] from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, and Master Facilitator Degree (MFLHRD) in Human Resources Development from CLHRD, Mangalore. His areas of research interests include Alkali-activated Concrete applications to pavements, Stabilization of Sub-grade soil, Road Safety, Pavement Material characterization, and Pavement Design. He has guided several projects for B.E. and M.Tech dissertations. He also successfully executed one funded research project on "Study and to Develop Cost-Effective and Green Masonry Block Using Industrial Waste Materials", funded by NITTE Education Trust. To date, he has published more than 50 research papers out of which 10 articles are published in scopus indexed journals (Three Q1 articles). Out of his research contribution 24 research articles are published in international journals, 06 technical papers in National journals, and also includes conference proceedings papers at 13 National/International conferences, and 5 papers under review. Further, he also filed a patent on his invention entitled, "Sustainable Pervious Alkali Activated Concrete Paver Block Pavement for Ground water Recharge" on 29-07-2020. He also served as conference secretary and successfully completed the CTCS-2020, International Conference held at NMAMIT Nitte during December 2020. Further, he is also serving as a potential reviewer for "International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology" published by Springer Nature Singapore, "Construction and Building Materials" published by Elsevier B V, and "Case Studies in Construction Materials" published by Elsevier B V."Cogent Environmental Science" published by Taylor & Francis Online.Being a resource person, he had delivered several technical talks at various graduate schools. He is a life member of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) New Delhi, Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) New Delhi, Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Indian Society of Systems for Science and Engineering (ISSE), Technical Institute for Engineers (India), and Kannada Sahithya Parishadh, Karnataka. He worked as Departmental Co-ordinator (Civil Engineering) for NAAC, NBA, IQAC, Industry Institute Interaction, ISTE, IE(I), and IOV related works.
Dr. S V. Dinesh is working as Professor of Civil Engineering at Siddaganga Institute of Technology (SIT), Tumkur. He obtained his PhD degree from IISc, Bangalore, in 2003. He completed his postdoc from Yamaguchi University, Japan, under NPEE fellowship from MHRD, Govt. of India, during 2005-06. He is the recipient of the Institution of Engineers fellowship during BE program. He is a life member of Indian Geotechnical Society, Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, Indian Road Congress, Institution of Engineers, and associate Member of ASCE. His areas of interest in research are in geotechnical engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, and pavement geo-techniques. He developed research facilities in the area of geotechnical earthquake engineering and pavement geo-techniques. He has guided 7 Ph.D. students and more than 50 M.Tech theses. He has 30 publications in reputed national and international journals. He has completed several funded projects from various funding bodies. He is the recipient of ISET V H Joshi award for the best journal paper in Soil Dynamics from the Indian Society for Earthquake Technology, Roorkee. Presently, he is an Executive Committee Member, ISET, Roorkee for the period 2019-2021. He has served as a reviewer for several prestigious journals published by Springer and Taylor and Francis. He is a geotechnical consultant and actively involved in geotechnical investigations for private as well as state and central government organizations in India. He also served as a member of BoS at many institutes and involved in the development of many courses at UG and PG levels. He advised many institutions with diploma, UG and PG degrees in the preparation of SAR for NBA accreditation. He is instrumental in developing a skill development centre at the Department of Civil Engineering, SIT to impart hands-on training in construction trades to UG students. He is involved in several outreach activities relevant to societal and technical areas.