Dr. Asunción Mochón
is currently associate professor at the Department of Applied Economics and Economic History at UNED, Madrid, Spain. She received her Ph.D. in Economics with Honors from UNED University in 2003 and her degree in Economics from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in 1998. Her research has focused on auctions and she has written numerous articles and participated in multiple conferences on this topic. Most of her recent work, both theory and practice, has addressed questions in multiunit auctions and combinatorial auctions by means of evolutionary computation techniques and game theory analysis. She is co-founder of Auctimize and is affiliated with Auctionomics (a world leader auction advisory company). She has also worked with Professor Paul Milgrom (Stanford University) since 2011.
Dr. Yago Sáez
received the degree in computer engineering in 1999. He got his Ph.D. in Computer Science (Software Engineering) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in 2005. Nowadays, he is vice-head of the Computer Science Department from the Carlos III University of Madrid, where he got a tenure and is associate professor. He belongs to the Evolutionary Computation, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence research group (EVANNAI). He is involved in several competitive national research projects in collaboration with private companies and he is affiliated with Auctionomics (a world leader auction advisory company) and co-founder of Auctimize. His main research areas encompasses the evolutionary computation techniques, the computational economic and finance applications and the optimization by means of meta-heuristics. He is author of a number of research articles in journals and conferences related to artificial intelligence and auctions. He was visiting at the SIEPR, collaborating with Prof. Paul Milgrom at the University of Stanford since 2011.