Mazzolani / Herrera | Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 1130 Seiten

Mazzolani / Herrera Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas


E-Book, Englisch, 1130 Seiten

ISBN: 978-0-203-11941-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas is a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of seismic resistant steel structures. It comprises a collection of papers presented at the seventh International Specialty Conference STESSA 2012 (Santiago, Chile, 9-11 January 2012), and includes the state-of-the-art in both theoretical and experimental research on the behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas. The book is organized in the following sections:

- Performance-Based Design of Structures;
- Seismic, Wind and Exceptional Load;
- Material Behaviour;
- Member Behaviour;
- Connection Behaviour;
- Global Behaviour;
- Analytical and Experimental Methods;
- Mixed and Composite Structures;
- Passive and Active Control;
- Strengthening and Repairing;
- Codification;
- Design, Fabrication and Practice.

Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas aims to close the gap between the results of academic research, codification and application on the one hand, and common practice on the other. This book provides a complete framework of the most recent trends in the field of steel structures in seismic areas, with particular reference to the utilisation of multi-level performance based design concepts, the analysis of factors influencing the steel structure behaviour during strong ground motions, minimizing earthquake damage, seismic retrofit, the collapse behaviour of steel structures, recent developments in advanced large-scale experimental techniques, and the utilization of large-scale seismic testing facilities. The book is a valuable resource for engineers, academia and Ph.D. students in Civil Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Engineering, Steel Construction, Steel Development, and Building Disaster Prevention.
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Keynote lectures
Recent worldwide application of seismic isolation and energy dissipation to steel and other materials structures and conditions for their correct use
A. Martelli, P. Clemente, F. Saitta & M. Forni
Multistorey steel framed building damage from the Christchurch earthquake series of 2010/2011
G.C. Clifton, M. Bruneau, G.A. MacRae, R. Leon & A. Fussell
Responses of tall buildings in Tokyo during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
K. Kasai, W.C. Pu & A. Wada
Seismic performance of steel structures during the 2010 Maule earthquake
R.A. Herrera, J.F. Beltran, C. Aguirre & A. Verdugo

Analytical and experimental methods
Seismic failure analysis of a composite girder bridge
F. Schanack, J.P. Reyes & R. Luco
Cyclic tests of beam-upright connections in racking systems with a new hybrid procedure
L. Calado, C.A. Castiglioni & A. Drei
Development of standard dynamic loading protocol for buckling-restrained braced frames
M. Dehghani & R. Tremblay
Hybrid simulation of a 2-story steel MRF retrofitted with HPFRC infill panels
D.G. Lignos, D.M. Moreno & S.L. Billington
Estimation of the risk amplification in steel buildings subject to seismic actions using Monte Carlo simulation
C.A. Bermúdez, J.E. Hurtado, A.H. Barbat & L.G. Pujades
Effects of low-cycle fatigue on steel moment frames with RBS
A. Amiri, F. Rojas & J.C. Anderson
Reliability-based seismic response transformation factors using Artificial Neural Network
J. Bojórquez, S.E. Ruiz & E. Bojórquez-Mora
Finite element modeling of the inelastic cyclic response and fracture life of square tubular steel bracing members subjected to seismic inelastic loading
A. Roufegarinejad & R. Tremblay
Experimental and analytical modelling of seismic behaviour of braced framed structures with “zipper” mechanism
A.M. Reinhorn & M. Schachter
Application of Endurance Time method in seismic assessment of mid-rise and high-rise steel moment and braced frames
M.A. Hariri Ardebili, Y. Zarringhalam, M. Yahyai & M. Mirtaheri
A finite element approach for modeling bolted top-and-seat angle moment connections
D.J. Ruffley, J.A. Swanson & G.A. Rassati
Study on concentrically V-braced frames under cyclic loading
M. Serra, C. Rebelo, L.S. Silva, A. Tenchini, M. D’Aniello & R. Landolfo
Computer-based nonlinear analysis method for seismic performance assessment of 3D frameworks
C.G. Chiorean, G. Tarta, G.M. Barsan, Zs. Gobesz & M. Nedelcu
A fast incremental-iterative procedure for ultimate strength analysis and design of composite steel-concrete cross-sections
C.G. Chiorean
Real-time hybrid simulations of a 3-story steel frame building with magneto-rheological dampers subject to strong ground motions
Y. Chae, J.M. Ricles & R. Sause
Influence of friction on the constraints with degrees of freedom on the seismic behavior of steel structures
A. La Tegola & W. Mera
Seismic evaluation of a braced plan irregular steel structure using hybrid testing
D.P. McCrum & B.M. Broderick
Seismic testing of concentrically braced frame models for the BRACED project
A.D. Hunt & B.M. Broderick

Connection behavior
Numerical study on welded beam-to-column joints in hybrid-steel building frames
B. Cermelj & D. Beg
Cyclic behavior of a new mechanical beam-to-column connection for steel structures
J. Iyama, Y. Fukushima, K. Araki, S. Piao, K. Hirosawa, N. Sato & E. Ohata
Beam-to-column connection for built-up column using ultra-high-strength steel
X. Lin, Y. Chung, T. Okazaki & M. Nakashima
Experimental research on hysteretic behavior of non-diaphragm joint connecting cold-formed steel tube and H-shaped beam
L. Zhang & Y. Chen
Finite element simulation of cyclic flexural behavior for braced frame beam-column connections
C.D. Stoakes & L.A. Fahnestock
Cyclic behavior of welded T-shapes for Double Welded T-connections
M.A. Bravo & R.A. Herrera
Prequalification of two beam-to-column welded moment connections with reduced beam section and with cover plate in beam for steel building applications under the action of dynamic load
C.A. Cerón, G. Areiza & P. Thomson
Cumulative damage models for steel moment frame connections
S.D. Campbell & R.M. Richard
Shim and bolt size effects on the Asymmetric Friction Connection
H.H. Khoo, G.C. Clifton, J.W. Butterworth & G.A. MacRae
Experimental study on mechanical behavior of weld-free steel structure with knee brace damper using square tube column
Y. Koetaka, K. Suita, K. Inoue, N. Uno, Y. Fukuchi & D. Kawai
On bottom steel plate to concrete anchorage in hybrid steel trussed concrete beams
N. Cancelliere, P. Colajanni & L. La Mendola
Control of bolted beam-to-column connections in moment joints by T-stub properties
D. Grecea, N. Muntean & D. Dubin
Seismic behaviour of the diagonal through plate moment connection
S. Torabian, S.R. Mirghaderi & F. Keshavarzi
Study on structural behavior of weldless joint in beam-to-column connection of interior column with knee brace reinforcement
S. Honma, K. Ebato & Y. Harada
Friction T-stub joints under cyclic loads: Experimental behavior
M. Latour, V. Piluso & G. Rizzano
Strength capacity of the gusset plate connection with fillet welds
Y. Cui, H. Asada, S. Kishiki & S. Yamada
PTED beam-to-column connections for seismic resistant steel frames
B. Faggiano, M. Esposto & F.M. Mazzolani
Inelastic seismic performance of brace connections in steel tension-only concentrically braced frames
J. Hartley, C.A. Rogers, P.X. Castonguay & R. Tremblay

Design, fabrication and practice
Steel structure base shear coefficient comparison among the codes
K. Zandparsa
Design of composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting under concentrated loads
L. Calado
Design of the Linked Column Frame structural system
A.P. Lopes, P. Dusicka & J.W. Berman
Design of large scale wind turbine towers in seismic areas
C.C. Baniotopoulos, I. Lavassas, G. Nikolaidis & P. Zervas
Earthquake resistant design of eccentric, braced frame, steel buildings for improved inelastic response
M.T. Kyrkos & S.A. Anagnostopoulos
Seismic design and experimental tests of an Italian cold formed steel structure
O. Iuorio, L. Fiorino, V. Macillo & R. Landolfo
Performance of steel tanks in Chile 2010 and 1985 earthquakes
P. Pineda, G.R. Saragoni & E. Arze L.

Global behavior
Seismic performance of a high-rack warehouse structure with vertical and horizontal mass asymmetries
S. Petrovcic & V. Kilar
Seismic behavior of steel buildings: Perimeter vs spatial moment frames
A. Reyes-Salazar, O. Rivera-Leyva, E. Bojórquez-Mora,H.E. Rodriguez-Lozoya & A. López-Barraza
Comparative assessment of the seismic performance of steel building configurations
C. Málaga-Chuquitaype & A.Y. Elghazouli
Seismic simulation and design of low-rise CBF buildings with and without dissipative connections using OpenSees
L. Tirca, C. Caprarelli & N. Danila
Control of vibrations by means of independent stiff braces for seismic protection
R.E. Tosoni
Seismic performance of high-strength steel moment-resisting frames
A.T. Silva, C. Rebelo, L.S. Silva, M. Serra, L.R.O. Lima, M. D’Aniello & R. Landolfo
Cyclic full-scale test of a two-story special steel beam-through braced frame for industrialized steel residential house
Q. Zhou, W. Wang, Y. Chen & L. Tong
Seismic response of semi-rigid connections of moment resisting steel buildings: A parametric study on the effects of strength and stiffness
A. Gómez-Bernal, E. Cruz-Mendoza & H. Juárez-García
Damage-based seismic performance evaluation of masonry-infilled steel frames
N. Nanos, A. Elenas & D. Tzourmakliotou
Local-buckling analysis of lower chord member in steel truss bridge under seismic loading
E. Yamaguchi & K. Yamada
Interdependence between seismic damage and masonry-infill wall topology for steel structures with a bare ground floor
N. Nanos, A. Elenas & D. Tzourmakliotou
Impact of gravity loads on the lateral performance of cold-formed steel frame/steel sheathed shear walls
J. DaBreo, I. Shamim & C.A. Rogers
Response behavior of steel buildings under pulsive earthquake ground motion during inland shallow earthquake
N. Takiyama, Y. Hayashi & H. Minami
P-delta effects on the response of steel moment-resisting frame structures
A.G. Ramos-Zela & T.J. Sullivan
Field measurements and numerical predictions of the dynamic properties of a low-rise steel building with a flexible steel roof deck diaphragm
J. Proulx, B. Boulanger, C.-P. Lamarche, P. Paultre, F. Bakhti, R. Tremblay, K. Shrestha & C.A. Rogers
Seismic performance of steel concentrically braced frames with bracing members intersecting columns between floors
A. Imanpour, R. Tremblay & A. Davaran
New aspects concerning the ductility of steel members
A.S. Anastasiadis, M. Mosoarca & V. Gioncu
Simplified assessment of the seismic collapse capacity of flexible moment-resisting steel frame structures
C. Adam & C. Jäger
Seismic response of dual eccentrically braced systems designed by Eurocode 8
M. Bosco, A. Ghersi & P.P. Rossi
Seismic behaviour of a large span welded steel structure considering lateral restraints and initial imperfections: A case study
Zs. Nagy, I.M. Cristutiu & D.L. Nunes
Residual stress and out-of-plumb effects on steel column seismic behaviour
G.A. MacRae, A. Lu, V. Sadashiva, A. Wada, T. Masuno, R. Ziemian & G.C. Clifton
Contribution of shear connections to the lateral stiffness of steel frames
M.A. Barber, G.A. Rassati & J.A. Swanson
Influence of the initial imperfections on the seismic performance of pitched roof portal frames made of welded non-prismatic plated elements
I.M. Cristutiu & D.L. Nunes
Seismic behavior of setback and pyramid-shaped steel moment-resisting frames designed by an energy-based method
Z. Chegini, S.R. Mirghaderi, Sh. Vahdani & F. Keshavarzi
Global performance of steel frames of shear walls
D. Dubina, F. Dinu & C. Neagu
Influence of connections on the seismic behaviour of hybrid hot-rolled and cold-formed steel frames
B. Calderoni, C. Giubileo & M. Tarantino
A comprehensive study on the performance of Submerged Floating Tunnels during severe seismic events
G. Martire, B. Faggiano, F.M. Mazzolani, A. Zollo & T.A. Stabile
Seismic assessment of existing steel braced frames designed in accordance with the 1980 Canadian code provisions
Y. Jiang, Y. Balazadeh-Minouei, R. Tremblay, S. Koboevic & L. Tirca

Member behavior
Lateral buckling of steel I beams with different boundary conditions by numerical simulation
H.A. Sánchez & C. Cortés
Finite element study of the cyclic flexural behavior of hollow structural sections
M.F. Fadden & J.P. McCormick
Impact of flange holes on the strength and ductility of steel beams
K.S. Sivakumaran & P. Arasaratnam
Experimental study on buckling-restrained steel plate shear walls
H.J. Jin, Y. Lu, X.L. Liu, F. Sun & G.-Q. Li
Challenges in designing ultra-lightweight buckling restrained brace
J. Tinker & P. Dusicka
Experimental study on brittle fracture of buckling-restrained braces influences of core plate welding specifications and experimental temperatures
M. Iwata, M. Murai & T. Nakagomi
Seismic shear response of slab with distributed mass (linear-elastic bay model to story shear)
C. Iihoshi, S. Kiriyama, T. Minagawa & T. Hanai
Experimental study on hysteretic behavior of thin-walled H-shaped steel beam-columns under compression and cyclic weak-axis bending
X. Cheng, Y. Chen, L. Pan & Q. Wu
Evaluation of plastic deformation capacity of H-shaped steel beams with new value of plate slenderness
K. Ikarashi, R. Suekuni, T. Shinohara & T. Wang
Effect of local buckling of core plates on cumulative deformation capacity in buckling restrained braces
R. Matsui & T. Takeuchi
The influence of cyclic loading on flexural response of steel beams
M. D’Aniello, S. Tortorelli & R. Landolfo
Seismic behavior of flanged cruciform columns in moment-resisting frame systems
S.R. Mirghaderi & M. Motallebi

Mixed and composite structures
Study on the shear strength of composite concrete and steel plate shear walls with binding bars
D. Zhou, L. Zhu & B. Stojadinovic
Experimental study on composite steel-concrete shear walls with vertical steel encased profiles
D. Dan, A. Fabian & V. Stoian
Experimental study on mechanical behavior of exposed-type square CFT column base with built-in reinforcing bars
S. Matsuo, Q. Qiao, T. Ninakawa & A. Kawano
Strength of headed studs in composite structural connection with SFRCC
Y. Luo, S. Song, Y. Cui, K. Hoki & M. Nakashima
Strength and ductility of concrete encased composite columns
C. Campian, V. Sav, N. Chira & A. Chira

Self-centering seismic systems
Self-Centering Truss Moment Frame with replaceable energy-dissipating elements
S.C. Darling & M.R. Eatherton
Experimental validation of steel post-tensioned connections with web hourglass pins
G. Vasdravellis, B. Uy & T.L. Karavasilis
Behavior of self-centering buckling-restrained braces
D.J. Miller, L.A. Fahnestock & M.R. Eatherton
Parametric study of self-centering concentrically-braced frame systems with friction-based energy dissipation
D. Roke & B. Jeffers
Seismic energy demands on steel framed structures with rigid and, alternatively, with post-tensioned semi-rigid connections
A. López-Barraza, S.E. Ruiz, E. Bojórquez-Mora & A. Reyes-Salazar
Shake table testing of a rocking steel frame designed to mitigate higher mode effects
L. Wiebe, C. Christopoulos, R. Tremblay & M. Leclerc
Comparison of welded and post-tensioned steel moment-resisting frames
G.M. Herning, M.E.M. Garlock & A. Freidenberg
Effects of energy dissipating capacity on seismic performance of self-centering structures
X. “Bill” Zhang
Re-centring capability of dual eccentrically braced frames with removable bolted links
A. Stratan, A. Ioan & D. Dubina
Seismic performance of a steel Self-Centering Moment Resisting Frame: Hybrid simulations under DBE and MCE
Y.-C. Lin, J.M. Ricles & R. Sause
Evaluation of performance-based design methodology for steel self-centering braced frame
N.B. Chancellor, G. Akbas, R. Sause, J.M. Ricles, E. Tahmasebi & A.L. Joó
Collapse performance of steel self-centering braced frame systems
E. Tahmasebi, N.B. Chancellor, J.M. Ricles, R. Sause, G. Akbas & A.L. Joó

Passive, semi-active and active control
Hysteretic behavior of dissipative devices for seismic resistant steel frames (FUSEIS 2)
L. Calado, J.M. Proença, M. Espihna, C.A. Castiglioni & I. Vayas
Innovative energy dissipation systems (FUSEIS 1)
D. Dimakogianni, G. Dougka, Ph. Karydakis, I. Vayas, L. Calado & C.A. Castiglioni
Full-scale testing of the cast steel yielding brace system
M.G. Gray, C. Christopoulos & J.A. Packer
Response analysis of a 12-story structural steel building with isolated base subjected to ground motion excitation
A.J.M. Ojeda Ruiz, B.E. Lluhen Ortiz, C.R. Sánchez Vergara & D.A. Parra Meza
System DC90—three-axial steel hysteresis-sliding joint support
Z. Petraskovic
Seismic resistant composite steel frames with dissipative devices
C.A. Castiglioni, A. Kanyilmaz, A. Drei, L. Calado, M. Espihna, R.M. Gonçalves, T. Rauert & I. Vayas
Advanced compressed elastomer dampers for earthquake hazard reduction to steel frames
R. Sause, J.M. Ricles, A. Mahvashmohammadi, R. Michael, S. Sweeney & E. Ferro
Base isolation mitigating effects
O. Prodan, I. Lada

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