Lin / Zhang | Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement I | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 2450 Seiten

Lin / Zhang Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement I

E-Book, Englisch, 2450 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-03813-709-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).This volume covers all aspects of vibration, structural engineering and measurement: in particular, vibration engineering, structural engineering, building materials and measurement. All of the papers were reviewed by several expert referees, and the book thus provides the reader with a broad and reliable overview of the latest advances in these fields.
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Preface, Sponsors, Organizing and Committee
Chapter 1: Vibration Engineering
Wave Propagation Modeling in One-Dimension Structures by the B-Spline Wavelet on Interval Finite Element
The Influence of Turbulence Integral Scale to Buffeting of Long-Span Bridge
A Theory Research of Asphalt Pavement Dynamic Response under Vehicle Random Stimulation
A Practical Mathematical Model for Nonlinear Hysteresis of Metal Rubber Isolator
An Equivalent Method to Evaluate the Vibration Control Effect due to Blocking Mass Added to Complicated Structures
Suppression of Ground Vibration for SSRF Foundation
Experimental Investigation on Natural Characteristics and Forced Response of Bladed Disks
Finite Element Simulation on Failure of Elbow Impacted by Flat-Nosed Missile
Structure Noise Prediction of Submarine by Propeller Excitation
Nonlinear Stability Analysis of the Reinforced Absorption Tower
Analysis of CFD for the Vortex Rope in the Draft Tube Urged by the Long and Short Blades Runner
The Optimization of Balancing Least Squares Influence Coefficient Method Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
The Research on Nonlinear Vibration Characteristic of Ravingneaux Compound Planetary Gear Sets
The Damage Boundary Curve of the Suspension Packaging System under Rectangular Pulse
The Study on Influence of High Frequency Noise on Sound Quality for Generator
Numerical Simulation of the Buried Object Detection Based on Underwater Plasma Acoustic Source
An Investigation of Acoustic Similarity on an Underwater Structure
Finite Element Modeling and Modal Analysis of Bolted Joints
Study on the Effect of Supporting Stiffness on Energy Dissipation Efficiency of Viscous Dampers
Influence of Self-Vibration Characteristics of Pump Station Considering Liquid-Solid Coupling
The Analysis on the First Order Vibration Frequency of Post-Tensioned Unbonded Pre-Stress Concrete Beam
Testing in-Phase Analysis for Adjacent Transmission Towers under Ambient Vibration
Stability Analysis for the Milling of Thin-Walled Plates
Numerical Simulation on Underwater Shock Wave Focusing
Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Cylindrical Fluid-Saturated Poroelastic Shell Immersed in Fluids
Stochastic Stability of Mathieu-Van Der Pol System with Delayed Feedback Control
A Numerical Investigation on Reduction of Fluid Force on Three Dimensional Circular Cylinder with Tripping Rods
Application of LDV in Vibration Analysis of Satellite Solar Panel
Bifurcation Analysis of a Network of Three Neurons with Time Delays
Numerical Analysis of Rain-Wind Induced Vibration on Conductor by Finite Element Method
Vibration Troubleshooting of Two Turbine Generator Units in a Power Plant by Bearing Elevation Adjustment
Research on Axial Magnetic Force and Rotor Mechanical Stress of an Air-Cored Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Machine Based on 3D FEM
Research on the Planar Near-Field Acoustic Holography for Cyclostationary Sound Field
Finite Element Analysis of the Tractor Front Axle Housing Based on ANSYS
Numerical Simulation and Analysis for the Flow Field of the Main Nozzle in an Air-Jet Loom Based on FLUENT
Experimental Study of Particle Collision Damper for Vibration Attenuation
The Design of Dynamic Vibration Absorber on the Engine of Fire Smoke Exhausting Robot
Modeling on Hydrocyclone Separation Performance by Neural Network
Element Grouping Method for the Calculation of Dynamic Response and Acoustic Radiation from an Underwater Structure
Research on Patch Near-Field Acoustic Holography
The Vibration Analyses of Motorcycle Exhaust System and Suspension-Point Improvement
Modal Analysis of Boring and Milling Machine
Frequency Response Analysis of Truss Spar by Considering the Viscous Damping
Application of MASW Method for Evaluating Dynamic Properties of Lu-Liao-His Earth Dam
Influences of Thermal Loads on Nonlinear Response of Thin-Walled Structures in Thermo-Acoustic Environment
Durability Analysis on Hydraulic Suspension System of Modular Assembled Trailer
Dynamic Responses of the Powerhouse Structure of Hydropower Stations due to Hydraulic Excitation
Experimental Studies on Application of Digital Image Correlation in Modal Parameter Identification
Modal Analysis of Mechanical System Containing Nonlinear Joint
Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of Cantilever Beam Coupled with Moving Mass
Performance Research of a Novel Spiral Piezoelectric Harvester
Pressure Waves Propagation in an Elastic Shell with Polydisperse Liquid-Gas Mixture
The Spectral Analysis of Vibration Signal on Wire Bonder
The Study of Tire Pattern Noise by Using Wavelet Transform
Frequency–Amplitude Relationship of Coupled Anharmonic Oscillators
Research on the Structure System Mode Match of a Remote Control Weapon Station
Single-Negative Properties Based on the Bandgaps of One-Dimensional Phononic Crystal
Biomechanical Evaluation of Two Rowing Training Methods
Modal Experiment Research on Fluid-Solid Coupling Vibration of Hydraulic Long-Straight Pipeline of Shield Machine
Vibration Fatigue Analysis of the Solder Connector
Numerical Analysis of Shock Wave Propagation Law of Internal Gas Explosion
The Simplified Analytical Method for Computing Dynamic Characteristics of Transmission Steel Towers
Mode Jumping in Structural Damage Identification for Beam String Structure
Simulation Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics on Three-Body Vibrating Screen
Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded and Magneto-Electro-Elastic Materials in Spherical Symmetry
Power Flow and Sound Radiation of a Submerged Cylindrical Shell with Internal Structural
A Simplification Method for Acoustic Model of Big and Complex Cylindrical Shells
Decision Making Framework for Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of RCS LOCA Based on Secondary Development of ANSYS
Research on Dynamic Response with Complicated Structure System
An Analysis of Forming Limit in Micro Deep Drawing of the Square Cup for Anisotropic Foil
ARMA Modeling of Artificial Accelerograms for Algeria
Dynamic Elasto-Plastic Analysis on the Steel Arch Truss under Earthquake Action
Reliability Analysis on Shear Capacity of Reinforced Masonry Wall Due to Earthquake
Experimental Analysis and CAE Optimization for Exhaust Noise of the Diesel
C1 Natural Element Method for Couple-Stress Elasticity
Elastic Energy Change Rate Method Research Using Energy Catastrophe Theory
Numerical Simulations on the Cable Clamp of a Concave Cable Arch
Optimization of Contact Problem by Genetic Algorithm Method
Oscillation Response of Museum Cultural Relics under Earthquake by Shaking Table Tests
Analysis of Failure Modes and Mechanism of Subgrade under Earthquakes and Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design
Thermal Analysis on the Shell Stiffeners of Double Steel Wall LNG Storage Tank
Study on Seismic Response Characteristics of Double Cables Suspension Bridge
Earthquake Response Analysis of Sliding Base Isolation Frame with Equipment of Sliding-Limit under Collision Responses
Simulation of Oscillation Response of Free-Standing Object under Earthquakes
On the Basis of Fuzzy and PID Double Control of Honing Machine Reciprocating Motion
Research on Seismic Isolated Floor Slab with Damper and Rolling Base
Chapter 2: Dynamics
Stability and Bifurcation of a Continuum Rotor with Transverse Electromagnetic and Bearing Excitations
Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Large Coal Vibrating Screen
Dynamic Analysis of Flexible Rotor-Ball Bearings System with Unbalance-Misalignment-Rubbing Coupling Faults
Dynamics Analysis of a Sinking Winch Mechanism
The Simulation of the Steady Dynamic of Trailing Antenna on an Aircraft
The Test Study of Bus Engine Mounting Device Dynamic Behavior in Engine’s Idling Status
Flutter Analysis of Hypersonic Wings Subject to Thermal Load
Analysis of the Arresting Dynamic Loads of Aircraft’s Landing Gear
Study on Dynamic Simulation of 4-Bundle Ice-Coated Conductor Galloping Based on 3-D Model
Dynamic Modeling and Bifurcation Analysis of Hypersonic Aircraft
Research on Tire Pressure Monitoring Inflatable Restraint System
Application of Terrain Data Management in Driving Simulator
Dynamic Response Analysis for the Solar-Powered Aircraft Composite Wing Panel with Viscoelastic Damping Layer
Rigid Contact Model of Ultrasonic Motor Based on Finite Element Method
Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Analysis on Ride Comfort Performance of Tracked Vehicle
Dynamic Peculiarity of Piezoelectric-Stack Displacement-Amplifying Actuator
Study of Modal Parameter Identification from Ambient Vibration on a Deep Radial Gate
Numerical Simulation of Fluctuating Propeller Forces and Comparison with Experimental Data
Regression Analysis of Dynamic Parameters Based on Experimental Data of a New Seismic Isolation Layer
Robust Optimization of Dynamic Response of Structures with Uncertain Parameters
Research on Steering Dynamic Characteristics of Tracked Vehicle Transmission System
Dynamical Analysis on a Mass at the Tip of a Flexible Rod on a Rotating Base
Research and Analysis of Dynamic Behaviour in the Mathematical Models of the 6-Axle Locomotive
Study of Critical Speed for a Flexible Drill String System Based on Fluid–Structure Interaction
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of a Combined Gantry Milling Machine
Drag Force Analysis of Spheres Penetrating Gelatin Based on Surface Integral
Study on the LQG Control of Acceleration/Braking System Based on Wheelbase Preview
Dynamic Simulation of Remote Control Weapon Station Servo System Based on Virtual Prototype Technique
Quasi-Steady Marching-on in Time Approximation Technique of Numerical Simulation of Wind Pressures on Building
The Study of the Correlation between Technical Standard and Administrative Decree Based on System Dynamics
Dynamic Modeling of Viscoelastic Body in Multibody System
Computation of Guidance Electrimagnetic Force for High-Speed Maglev Train Negotiating the Curve
Influence of Worn Tread on EMUs Dynamic Performance and Passenger Comfort
Computation of Aerial Towed Cable Aerodynamic Performances with Large Eddy Simulation
On the Applicability of New Symplectic Approach for Exact Bending Solutions of Moderately Thick Rectangular Plate
The Finite Element Analysis and Optimization for the Steel Structure of Gantry Bucket Wheel Stacker-Reclaimer
Chapter 3: Vibration Control and Condition Monitoring
Temperature Influence Compensation for Lamb Wave Damage Detection
Blast Wave Effect on Apparatus and Propagation Laws in Dry Sand in Geotechnical Centrifuge Model Tests
Real-Time Monitoring Method for Five-Degrees-of-Freedom of the Extruder’s Moving Parts
Analytical Study on Wind-Induced Vibration and its Control of Transmission Towers in Mountainous Area
The Research of Semi-Active Fuzzy Control on Sweep Frequency Vibration of Geophysical Prospecting Car
Optimal Sensor Placement Based on Damage Sensitivity of Modal Parameters
Multi-Fractal Vibration Signal Fault Diagnosis
The Developmental Research on Fault Diagnosis System of Mine Fan Based on Grey Theory
Study on Health Evaluation System for Coal Mine Speed Reducer Based on Embedded System
The Test Scheme Research on Active Control of Coupled Vibration between the Multiple CNC Milling Machines and the Flexible Foundation
Active Vibration Control for the Flexible Spacecraft Structure Based on an ATMD/PPF Strategy
Modeling Research for Active Control of Coupled Vibration between Multiple CNC Milling Machines and Flexible Foundation
Vibration Fault Diagnosis of Aero-Engine Rotor System Based on Recurrence Quantification Analysis
Real-Time Model Method Research in Ship Pipeline System Leakage Detecting
Detection of Cracks in Beam Structures Using Modal Analysis
Study on Data Structure of Excavation Monitoring System
Research on Active Control of Driver’s Seat Suspension System
Optimal Damper Location for Mid-High Frequency Vibration Control on Built-Up Structures: Case Study Using VA One
Structural Crack Detection Using Hilbert-Huang Transform Method and Wavelet Analysis
Research on Horizontal Cracks in Web Plates of Rail Girder under High Frequency Impulsive Loads
Numerical Method of Evaluating Noise from Vibrating Tyre
Blind Separation of Excavator Noise Signals in Frequency Domain
Diagnosing Intermittent Faults to Restrain BIT False Alarm Based on EMD-MSVM
Active Vibration Isolation System for Free Space Optic Communication: Virtual Prototyping Using LabVIEW-SolidWorks
An Evaluation of Damage Features Extraction from Attractors in Structural Health Monitoring
Study of Earth-Fault Location Method for Distribution Network Based on Transient Signal
Research on B/S Mode-Based Rotating Machinery Remote Status Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis System
Integrated Analysis for Gearbox Fault Based on Autocorrelation and Spectrum Analysis
Wheel-Rail Lateral Force Continuous Measurement Based on Rail Web Bending Moment Difference Method
Effect of Fire on Self-Excited Vibration Characteristic of Composite Beams of the Overall Structure
The Study on Structure Vibration Real-Time Monitoring System
Research on Damage Alarming Method of Structures Based on Information Statistics in Frequency Domain
Chapter 4: Structural Engineering
Study and Application of China’s Freeze-Thaw Action Spectrums for Life-Cycle Structure Design
The Dynamic Responses of RC Columns Subjected to Blast Loading
Limiting Buckling Moment Design for Singly Symmetric Girders
Numerical Simulation on the Torsion Behavior of '+'-Shaped Columns under the Actions of Pressure and Torque
Acoustical Design and Measurement of 316 Classroom in TYUT
Analysis of Harbin’s Freeze-Thaw Action for Life-Cycle Structure Design
Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixture Properties and Mechanical Testing
Irregular Structure of the Metal Energy Dissipation Wrest Resistant Performance Analysis
Reliability Analysis and Numerical Simulation on Time-Dependence of RC Free Beams
Key Factors for the Dynamic-Static Drainage Consolidation Method
Analysis of Creep Characteristics of Shallow Mined-Out Areas Roof under Low Stress Conditions
Curved Box-Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs under Torsion Loading
Synthesis Experimental Study on the Supporting Capacity of the Strongly Weathered Diorite in Jinan Area
Mechanic Behavior Analysis of Connection with Haunch under Single and Cyclic Load
An Study on the Flexural Performance of Reninforced Concrete Beams Considering Loading History with Pre-Stressed Cfrp Sheets
Practical Constitutive Model in the Application of Arch Dam Shape Design Calculation
Dynamic Elasto-Plastic Analysis on the Steel Spatial Arch Truss with 120 m Span and 0.4 Rise-Span Ratio
Analysis and Computation Method of Prestressed Concrete Bridge in Construction Control
Effects of Materials on Cracking of Pumping Concrete
The Optimization of the Structure of Bulk Chemical Hull Based on MSC.Patran/Nastran
Numerical Simulation of Shield Tunnel Passing Through Underground Structure
Theoretical Analysis and Model Experimental Research on Single-Layer Hyperbolic Paraboloid Latticed Shell
Accelerated Test Method for Cement Strength Based on the Weighted Maturity Theory
Analysis on System Reliability of Steel Framework Structure and Optimal Design
Optimal Design of Double Bottom Structure Filled with Liquid Resisting Underwater Explosion
Parametric Study on Reinforced Concrete Beams with Transversely Prestressed Bars
Research on Support Structures of a Horizontal Axial Tidal Current Energy Conversion System
Effect of Heat-Reflective Insulation Coating on Exterior Walls of Building Energy Consumption in Summer
Stress Transferring Mechanism and the Bearing Capacity of Joints between Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tubular Special-Shaped Columns and Steel Beams
Dynamic Response of a Ring-Stiffened Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Underwater Explosive Loading
Research on Structural Influencing Coefficient of Moment-Resisting Steel Frames
Comparison of Asphalt Ultraviolet Radiation Aging with other Aging Types by Infrared Adsorption Spectrum
An Experiment on Seismic Shear Capacity for HRB500 Grade R/C Frame Columns within Yield Hinge Regions
Analysis Method of Secondary Moment in Prestressed Plane Structures
Chloride Binding of Self-Compacting Concrete with Different Crack Depths under Electric Migration Test
Investigation of the Plane Model of Steel Staggered Truss System
Study on the Distributed and Non-Stationary Dynamic Load Being Transformed into Several Equivalent Centralized Loads for Aerocraft
The Experimental Investigation of Slab Participation in Flexural Behavior of Beams under Two-Way Loading
Experimental Study on Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Splitting Damage Processes for Different Ages of Concrete
Random Analysis of RC Structures during Construction
Structural Dynamic Response Monitoring of Power Transmission Tower
A Pseudo-Space Model of Steel Staggered Truss System
The Construction Control of Long-Pan Continuous Beam Bridge Based on Self-Adaptive Control Method
Structural Damage Localization Using D-S Evidence Theory
Practical Calculation Method for Crack Torque and Ultimate Torque of Special-Shaped Columns under Actions of Pressure and Torque
The Compare and Analysis to the Hollow or Solid Circle Cross Section Shafts Being Twisted
The Critical Construction Techniques of Preventing Quality Defects of External Wall Insulation
The Construction Subcontract Risk Analysis Based on the Information Diffusion Method
Analysis on the Applications of Novel SMA Damper in Seismic Retrofitting of One Teaching Building
Simulation on Expanding Crack of Reinforced Concrete Based on Franc2d
Calculation of Flexural Capacity of Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Near-Surface Mounted CFRP Rods
Experimental Behavior of One-Way Concrete Slabs at Large Displacements
Spatial Soil Pressure Test and Calculation Analysis of Sheet-Pile Wall
The Evaluation of Crack Control Safety Level for Concrete Members by Equivalent Guarantee Rate
The Measuring Test and Finite Element Analysis for Prestressed Concrete Beams
Analysis of Cracks on the Containment of Loop Nuclear Power Stations for 60 Days
Study on Critical Corrosive Ratio of Reinforced Concrete Based on Monte-Carlo Method
Experimental Research of Bottom Chord Splice Joints with Variable Cross-Section in Steel Roof Truss
Experimental Study on Strengthening the Structure of Tower of Overhead Transmission Line
Logic Analysis of Event-Based Emergency Handling
Reliability Analysis for Differential Expansion of Steam Turbine by Saddlepoint Approximation
Comparison of Analytical Approaches to Tall Building Structural Damage Identification Based on Measured Dynamic Characteristics
A Novel GFRP-FBG Smart Steel Strand and its Properties Research
Analysis on Mechanics of Complex Concrete about Steel Fiber and Polypropylene Steel-Wire-Like Fiber before and after Freeze-Thaw Cycles
Agent Construction System Application and Improvement Discussion in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project
Reliability-Based Robust Optimization Design for Rubbing Rotor System
Strategies on Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation in Rural
Lattice Light Steel Frame System and Application
Chapter 5: Road and Bridge Engineering
Cable Tension Test Research of Short Boom
The Fast Cooling Measures and Effect Analysis of Precast Box Girders in Passenger Dedicated Lines
A Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Continuous Welded Rail Track under Different Longitudinal Stress
Finite Element Analysis of Effect of Fluid Scour on Piled Pier Bridge
An Extraction Method for Live-Load Effect of Bridge Based on EEMD
Collapse Pattern Identification for Cable-Stayed Bridges Based on Ultimate Limit Analysis
Seismic Intervention and Dynamic Testing of an Arch Bridge
Mitigation of Wind-Rain-Induced Cable Vibration in Cable-Stayed Bridges: Energy Cost Assessment
The Numerical Simulations of Forces Acting on TBM Disc Cutters with the Consideration of Confining Pressure and Damage in Rocks
Study on Reasonable Fastener Stiffness of Ballastless Turnout's Vibration Decrease and Noise Reduction of 350 km/h Passenger Dedicated Line
The Influences on Turnout Dynamic Responses due to its Irregularities
Nonlinear Analysis of Behaviors of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams with Slipping
Stress Intensity Analysis of GFRP Bridge Deck Structure
Research on the Mechnical Characteristics of Primary Supports in Guanjiao Tunnel Fault Fracture Zone and its Influence Zone by Field Tests
The Aging Rules of Asphalt and General Study on RAP
Risk Based Decision Making for Bridge under Multi Hazard
Nonlinear Earthquake-Response Analysis of Wuhan Junshan Yangtze River under Uniform and Non-Uniform Excitations
Transfer Mechanism and Experimental Study of Tower of Liede Bridge
The Analysis and Experiment on Key Technologies of Structural Design of Cap Beams of Highway Bridges
Study on Corroded Detection of Bridge Prestressed Reinforcement Based on the Magnetic Flux Leakage Method
Study on Analysis of Deposits Highway Slope Stability and Treatment
Experimental Investigation on HRBF500 RC Circular Pile under Low Cyclic Reversed Loading
Reliability Analysis of RC Freely Supported Beam Bridge with Intermediate State and Failure-Dependence
Prediction of Free Edge Stresses in Laminate Systems Using Multi-Dimensional Method Based on Higher-Order Modeling
Calculation of Hongdu Bridge Foundation Construction
Numerical Investigation and Structural Analysis on the Springing Joint of a Steel Truss Arch Bridge
Dynamic Assessment about Simple-Supported Girder Bridge
Research on Ground Settlement due to EPB Shield
Study on Forecasting the OD Volume of Railway Luggage and Parcel
Wheel-Rail Contact Point Calculation of Flexible Wheelset Base on Wheel-Rail Contact Line Method
Application of Semi-analytical Method in Transient Thermal Field of Pavement Structures
Study on Deformation of Tunnel with Underlying Coal Mining
Seismic Design and Analysis of Large-Size Shield Tunnels. Part I: Parametric Study
Overburden Rock Stability Analysis of Shallow Tunnel
Seismic Design and Analysis of Large-Size Shield Tunnels. Part II: Modified Stiffness Solution
Synthesized Ground Motions as Inconsistent Input for Seismic Analysis of Large Span Bridges
Experimental Study on Deformation Properties of Lining Structure of Hydraulic Tunnel
Dynamic Responses of Time-Dependent System of Long-Span Suspension Bridge and Train under Wind Load
Displace Regulation of Gauss Coordinates Based on Ellipsoid Expanded Modal
Analysis on Overturning of Single Pier Bridge and Reinforcement Design Method
Structural Reliability Analysis of a Steel Truss Bridge Based on the Monitoring Data
Chapter 6: Geotechnical Engineering
Experimental Study on the Wave Attenuation of Porous Pipe Breakwaters
Analysis of Shield Tunnel for Water Conveyance Based on the Interface Element Method
The Research and Application on the Efficient and Local Accuracy Decrease Algorithm in Underground Engineering
Mining Damage and Prevention Countermeasures of Coal Exploitation in West of China
The Prospect and Review of DEM Model Using in Saturated and Unsaturated Soil
A New Method to Test the Fracture Energy Based on Direct Tension
Model Test and Study on Pile Foundation in Transversely Isotropy Clay
Study on Relation Between D-P and C-M Failure Criterion and Rock Fracture Toughness
Dynamic Behavior of Pile Foundation in Frozen and Thawing Soil
The Parameters Research on Considering the Influence of Dynamic Torsion Impedance of the Radial Inhomogeneous Viscoelastic Soil
Analysis on Geomorphology Change of Yangtze River Tributaries after the Impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir - Set the Xiaojiang River in Chongqing China as Example
Study on the Effects of Joints on Tunnel Blasting
Numerical Simulation of Driven Piles in Alluvial Soil
Study on Compressive Stress of Face Slab of Ultra-High Concrete Face Rockfill Dam
Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio of Gravel Material
Performance of Floating Piles for Supporting Embankments in Soft Soils
The Major Problems and Countermeasures on the Shield Machine Tunneling in the Hard Rock Stratum
Strength Characteristics of Natural Rock Mass and its Engineering Application
The Substantial Base of Water-Salt’s Migration in Dispersive Saline Soil and its Influence on Geotechnical Engineering
Study on Seismic Permanent Deformation of Earth Rock Fill Dam
The Stability Analysis of Deep Foundation Pit Engineering Support and Field Testing Research
Degenerative Permafrost Engineering Geology Features Analysis and Forecasting of National Road 214
The Research on Calculating the Low Pile Foundation According to the Limitation State Considered the Interaction between the Soil, Pile and Irrigation Structure
Prediction of Concrete Dam Failure: A Wavelet Approach
Research on SCS-CN in Lanhe Basin Distributed Rainfall Runoff Event
Dynamic Response of Underground Structure under Vertical Earthquake Action
Test on Meso-Damage Data of Marble under Dynamic Load
FEM Analysis of Composite Soil-Nailing Considering Tensile Failure
Primary Research on the System Identification Method of Pitching Motion of Composite Trimaran
Study on Embedded Pile Length in Slope Reinforced
The Research on RhodamineB Degradation in MW/H2O2 System under Alkaline Environment
Study on the Dynamics Characteristics of Elastic Wave of Weathered Zone in Longmen Grottoes
Statistical Macro- and Meso-Damage Study on Marble under Uniaxial Compression Based on SEM Equipment
Numerical Simulation of Gas Distribution and Mined Seepage Passage with the Pressure Relief of Short Distance Protective Coal Stratum
Research on the Damage Fracture of Rock Blasting Based on Velocity Response Spectrum
An Effective Evolutionary Algorithm for Analyzing a Realiability of Geotechnical Engineering
Damaged Plasticity Theory and its Application in Studying on Fractured Rock
Attenuation-Type and Failure-Type Curves of Cyclic Accumulated Deformation Models in Saturated Normal Consolidated Clay
Similitude Derivation of Stabilizing Model Pile in Centrifugal Model Test
Study on the Difference between Turfy Soil and Normal Peat Soil in China
Acceleration Discrimination of Stability and Reliability Analysis of Surrounding Rock of Loess Tunnel
Geotechnical Engineering Intelligent Monitoring and Controlling System and its Application in Pit Engineering
Elasto-Plastic Analysis Method for Vertically Loaded Pile Considering Pile-Soil Slip
A Numeric Analyses Method and Application of Loess Collapse Deformation
Grey Model Theory Used in Prediction of Subgrade Settlement
NDT Using Transmission Line Model to Identify the Defects in Pile Shaft
Chapter 7: Building Materials
Composite Grid Method on Computation of Stress Intensity Factors of Biomaterial Interface Crack
Study on Energy Accumulation and Damage Evolution of the Coal and Rock Using Acoustic Emission Test
Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio for Threshold Strain in Cohesionless Soils
Study on Single-Diameter SMA High-Temperature Stability Test
Approach of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Ultrasonic Method Based on Ann
Effect of Physical Fields on Solidification Structures of DC Casting AZ80 Magnesium Alloy Billets
Dynamic Elasto-Plastic Analysis on the Steel Spatial Arch Truss with 30 m Span and 0.1 Rise-Span Ratio
Analysis on Intelligentized Project of Airport Terminal
On Spatial Layout Patterns of Harbin Songbei New District Under the Guidance of Smart Growth Theory
Effect of Technological Parameters on Corrosion Resistance of Phytic Acid Coatings on 6063-Al Alloy
Properties of Low-Density Lightweight Aggregate Concrete under Uniaxial Loading
Study on Fatigue Properties of Double-Wall-Brazed-Tube
Simulation on Ceramic Composite Armors against Multi-Hit of APPs
Effect of Immersion Time on Corrosion Resistance of Phytic Acid Coatings on AZ91D-Mg Alloy
Thermal Degradation Characteristics and Kinetics of High Temperature Vulcanized (HTV) Silicone Rubber/POSS Hybrid
Mechanical Strength Characterization for Silicon-to-Silicon Direct Bonding
Corrosion Resistance of Reverse Pulsed Electrodeposition Nano-Nickel Coating
Experimental Evaluation on Fixed End Supported PFRP Channel Beams and LRFD Approach
Flexural Tests on the H-Section Simple Beams with Local Buckling
Geometrically Nonlinear Free Vibrations of Laminated Composite Beams: An Effective Formulation
An Experiment on Bond-Anchoring Property of Prestressing Spiral Groove Tendon
Dynamic Response of Magnetorheological Fluid Damper for Automotive Suspension and the Influence by Long-Time Standing-Still
Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of the Magnetostrictive Power Ultrasonic Transducer
Limit Wind Loads of a Concrete Filled Steel-Tube Transmission Tower
Numerical Assessment of the Boundary Layer Effect Predicted by the Shear Flexible Beam Theory with the Sixth-Order Differential Equations
The Simplified Calculation of the End Moments for Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections
Study on Toughening Effect in EPS Concrete
Flame Retardation of Natural Bamboo Fiber/ Polypropylene Fiber Non-Woven Materials
An Action Reversible Mechanism with Piezoelectric Actuator
Influence of Subjection to Plasma Nitriding Surface Modifications on Ultra-High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V
Research on Producing New Ceramic Filter Media Modified at Surface and its Application in Pre-Treating Slightly-Polluted Water
Experimental Investigation on Composite Circular Steel Columns - Taguchi’s Approach
Study on High Thermal Conductive BN/Epoxy Resin Composites
Study on Experiment of Concrete Compounding XYPEX and Steel Fiber
Synthesis and Characterization of Silylated Kaolinite/Silica Core–Shell Nanoparticles
Dynamic Elasto-Plastic Analysis on the Steel Spatial Arch Truss with 90 m Span and 0.1 Rise-Span Ratio
Buckling Analysis of Soft-Core Composite Sandwich Plates Using 3D Finite Element Method
The Effect and Characterization of Modified Asphalt by Coupling Agent
Uniaxial Compression Tests Research on C35 Glazed Hollow Bead Insulation Concrete
Discussing the Syntheses Table of the Standard Amino Acid Based on the Graph Theory
Vibration Analysis of Axially Compressed Nanobeams and its Critical Pressure Using a New Nonlocal Stress Theory
Research on Strain of Structure about Leg of Cantilever Side Material Piling Machine Based on ANSYS
Corrosion Behavior of HRB400 Reinforcing Steel Based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Chapter 8: Measurement
An FBG Strain Sensor Demodulation Technique Using Temperature- Compensation HBF Sagnac LM
Evaluation of Serviceability Criteria in Wireless Sensor Network for Civil Infrastructure Applications
Recording and Reconstruction of Digital Holography
Noise Characteristics Corresponding to High-Level Rotor Blades Nonsynchronous Vibrations in an Axial Compressor
Experimental Study on Infrared Radiation Changes with the Fracture and Progressive Failure of the Submarine Soft Rock Roadway
Research on Fast Locating Solder Joint on Fully-Automatic LED Wire Bonder
Investigation on Tungsten Needle pH Sensor Modified by Polyaniline Film and its Applications to the Crucian pH Detection
Real-Time Signal Processing Method for Infrared Sensor Arrays
Acoustical Design and Measurement in Surround Sound Classroom
Bi-Camera Ranger-Finder and Error Analyze Based on Binocular Parallax
Measurement of Micro-Mechanics Property of Cell Wall by Nano-Indention
Ultrasonic Positioning Using Curve-Fitting Extrapolation and Redundant Information Fusion
New Traffic Lights Identification Algorithms Based on Image Recognition
An Experimental Investigation of Automobile Interior Wind Noise Using a Production Vehicle
Reliability Analysis on Errors of Measuring Residual Stress in 7050 Aluminum Alloy with X-Ray Diffraction
Opto-Spectrum Measurement and Analysis of Underwater Plasma Acoustic Source Pulse Discharge
Least Squares Phase Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Topographic Factors
Visualization Research on Heat Pipe Radiator in Cooling Electronic Apparatus with High Heat Flux
A New High Speed Frequency Conversion Grating Torque Measurement System
Seismic Damage Information Extent about the Buildings Based on Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Images of Mianzu Quake-Stricken Areas
A Zero TCF SAW Contact Stress Sensor in ZnO/SiO2/Si Structure
The Parameters Calibration and Error Compensation of Circular Gratings for Parallel Double-Joint Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
EMAT for Coiled-Tubing Wall Thickness and Ovality Measuring
The Approach of Cutting Attack Resistant Color Image Watermarking
Preliminary Result of Permafrost Roadbed Settlement Measurement Using Satellite D-InSAR Technology
Educational Resonator Gyro System Driven by Electro-Magnetic Force and Systems Engineering Process for Design
Research of Multi-Sensor Integration System for Train Speed and Position Measurement
The Calculation of Energy Flow of Equal Inclination Interference Fringes
Experimental Study of Angular Acceleration Sensor and its Error Analysis
Design of Information Terminal for PHM Based on Multi-MEMS Sensors
Test Study on Fatigue Property of Sheet Steels for Automobile
Design of Experimental System for Corona Discharge in High-Velocity Airflow
Time Discriminating Design for High Precision Pulsed TOF Laser Rangefinder
A New Approach to Coiled Tubing Improved Inspection
A Wireless Microbial Fuel Cell Voltage Data Acquisition System Based on MSP430F149
LC-Resonant and High-Temperature Resistant Acceleration Sensor Based on DSP
Study on Uncertainty of Gas Monitoring Dynamic Calibration System
The Minimum Zone Evaluation for Sphericity Error Based on the Dichotomy Approximating
Hydrodynamic Forces Measurement in Still Water Tank and Theoretical Validation of a Bio-Dorsal Fin Propulsive System
Study on Four Different Vegetation Types Treating the Sanitary Sewage
Medium-Low-Frequency Signal Detection and Simulation Based on the Principle of Stochastic Resonance
An Improved Method for Vietnam License Plate Location based on Mathematic Morphology and Measuring Properties of Image Regions
Research on Processing of Signals and Images of Critical Heat Flux in Natural Circulation Based on Wavelet Transform and Edge Detection
Research on Construction Mechanics Performance and Measured Results of SRC Ultra High Connected Structure
Research on Measure-Control Technology of Large-Span Suspendome during Construction Period
Study on Soil Landslide by Optical Metrology
Development and Application of Engineering Vehicle Transmission Load Test System
A Study of Temperature Dependence for Capacitive Pressure Sensor
Finding Suitable Indexes to Detect the Locations of Omitted Spot Welds in Structural Joints Using FE Model and Modal Parameters
Nonlinear Measurement Data Processing Based on Improved Damping Least Squares
Research and Simulation on the Kinematics of a Modular Robot
Research of NC Machine Remote Monitoring System Based on Wireless Data Acquisition
Drop-Weight Impact Measurement System Based on LabVIEW
Improved TOPS about Direction of Arrival Estimation for Wideband Signals
High Precision Measurement of Moment of Inertia Based on Compound Pendulum
Signal Analysis of Impact Test Due to Tidal Bore Using Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)
Evaluation Method for Measurement Uncertainty of Antenna Surface Accuracy
Chapter 9: Manufacturing Engineering and Simulation
Effect of Nano-Carbides on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti(C,N)-Based Cermets
RC Snubber Circuit of Large Gap Magnetic Driven System
Roof Structural Program of Main Plant for GuanDi Hydropower Station
Design and Research of Digital Decimation Filter Based on FPGA
Ground Motion of Non-Circular Alluvial Valley for Incident Plane SH-Wave
Comprehensive Evaluation of Spatial Form Planning for Campuses of Newly-Upgraded Undergraduate Universities
Study on Virtual Design of Positioning Fixture
Study of the Manufacture about Piezoelectric Nanogenerator under Micro Vibration and its Performance
Classification Inversion Algorithm of Circular Cylinder Particle Size Distribution Based on the Light Extinction Date
2-D Numerical Analysis of Fin Efficiency on Straight Rectangular Fin with Combined Heat and Mass Transfer
Mechanical Performance Analysis of Petroleum Derrick Substructure
Design of PID Controller Based on Compensation with Repetitive Control
Study of the Manufacture about Single, Three-Phase Nanogenerator under Micro Vibration and their Performance
Study on Optimal Algorithm for Shipping Route Automatic-Generation Based on Electronic Chart
A 2D Meshless Solver Based on AUSM+ and MUSCL Scheme
Studies of the Stability of Submarine Pressure Hulls with Non-Uniform Circular Ring-Frames
Analysis Calculation on Single-Tooth Roll Mobile Crusher Mechanics Model
Simulation Study on Crack Propagation of Aero-Engine Blade
Research on a Pneumatic Miniature Robotic Control System Based on Improved Single Neural Network PID Control
The Development of a New Electromagnetic Field Generator for Anti-Scaling
Research on RS-WNN Integrated Modeling
Isogeometric Analysis of Heat Transfer in Fluids
Study of the Metal Crack Propagation by Acoustic Emission Testing
Buckling Behavior of Through-Plates under Gravity Loads
Design of the Miniaturized Receiving Antenna Applied in the Detection of Corona Discharge Signals
Optimization of RMC Trucks Dispatch Plan Based on Genetic Algorithms and SMS Technique
Research on the Natural Frequency Prediction Method for Ring Tension Truss Deployable Antenna
The Properties of Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) Gypsum
Comparison of Two Correction Methods for Predicting the Longitudinal Motion of the Hybrid Monohull
Backstepping Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for a Three-Links Spatial Robot Based on Variable Rate Reaching Law
FPGA-Based Intelligent Software Hardening Chip for Computer Numerical Control System
Study of 3D Sound of Airport Crash Fire Vehicle Simulator
Comparison of Two Grey Models Applied in Predicting Numbers of Candidates for College Entrance Examination
Studies on Cable’s Parameters Based on the Cable-Truss Mixed Model
Experimental Research of Grain Mass Flow Condition Monitoring System
Rock Bolting Numerical Simulation Research and Application of the Face Breakthough
Study of the Integrated Configuration of a Parallel Machine with Joint Rings
Study on Road Traffic Condition Identification Based on Floating Taxi
Design and Fabrication of a Micro-Capacitor for Nano Probing System
Numerical Analysis of Static Characteristics of Herringbone Grooved Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing
A New Cylinder Profile of Double-Action Sliding Vane Compressor and its Three Dimensional Model Based on SolidWorks
Design of the Floating Selecting Machine
Development and Application of CNC Turning Macro-Program Based on Non-Circular Curve
Total Labelling of the Tree
Enhancement Measures of 35.6m Span Arched Corrugated Steel Roof
Research on the Application of High Speed on Off Valve in the Hydraulic Cylinder Speed Control System
Analysis of Cogging Torque of PM Motor with Radial Magnetic Field and Parallel Magnetic Field
Comparison between Two ANSYS Finite Element Modeling Methods of Multistage Centrifugal Pump Rotor
A Clonal Selection Algorithm Based Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Random Disturbance
Analysis of Reasons with the Entity for the Evaluation of the Environmental Protection Performance of the County Party and Government Leaders
Numerical Simulation on Mean Flow past a Circular Cylinder Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Application of the Vibration to the Top Coal Caving
Exponential Stability of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks with Mixed Delays in Procurement of Maintenance Material
Thermal Post-Buckling of Heated Cross-Ply Laminated Composite Beams

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