Dr. Dietlinde Köber - lecturer and researcher at the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania, at the Reinforced Concrete Department; her main activities concern eartquake resistant design of structures, reinforced concrete as building material, special reinforced concrete structures; part of the team that edited the current version of the Romanian Code for Building Examination; invited lecturer at two faculties from Germany, HTWG Konstanz and OTH Regensburg; praxis experience - design of structures and project verification, project management, energetic auditor; member of WG8 of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering; member of the Bavarian Association of Engineers (Ingenieurkammer); member of the Romanian Association of Design Engineers (AICPS).
Prof. Mario De Stefano, born in 1962. Graduate of Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Naples Federico II and MSc from University of California at Berkeley. After PhD from University of Naples Federico II, in 1992 he started his academic work first at the Naples University and next at the University of Florence, from 2000 as full professor of Structural Engineering. Author of more than 200 scientific papers, many of them published on international journals. Co-editor of 2 International books on 'Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures', published by Springer in 2013 and 2016. From 2010 Coordinator of Working Group 8 (Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures) of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering. Principal Investigator of numerous research programs financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, Department of Civil Protection, the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Prof. Zbigniew Zembaty, born in 1955. Graduate of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Opole University of Technology, Poland. PhD in 1987. From 1998 professor at theOpole University of Technology. Research in structural dynamics, seismic engineering and random vibrations. Author or co-author of about 100 publications including 41 covered by Web of Science. Co-author of book Chmielewski, Zembaty “Fundamental of Structural Dynamics” (in Polish). Member of Int. Working Group on Rotational Seismology, European Association for Earthquake Engineering, Seismological Society of America and numerous other ones. Member of Scientific Committees of European and World Conferences on Earthquake Engineering. Co-editor of special issue of Journal of Seismology (vol.16, no.4, 2012): Advances in rotational seismology.