Dale Jacquette is ordentlicher Professor für Philosophie, Abteilung Logik und theoretische Philosophie, at Universität Bern, Switzerland. He is author of numerous articles on logic, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind, and has recently published 'Symbolic Logic, Philosophy of Mind: The Metaphysics of Consciousness, Ontology', 'Wittgenstein’s Thought in Transition', 'David Hume’s Critique of Infinity', and 'Logic and How it Gets That Way'. He has edited the 'Cambridge Companion to Brentano', the 'Blackwell Companion to Philosophical Logic', and the volume on 'Philosophy of Logic' in the Elsevier Handbook of the Philosophy of Science series. His latest book, forthcoming from Springer Verlag, is 'Alexius Meinong: The Shepherd of Non-Being'.