E-Book, Englisch, 3480 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-03826-042-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
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Preface and Conference Organization
Chapter 1: Geological and Geotechnical Engineering
A Study of the Prediction of Load-Settlement Curves of Bored Piles with an Improved Grey Model
Analysis of Bearing Capacity for Quicklime Compaction Pile Composite Foundation
Analysis on Response of Destructive Piles with and without Post-Grouting Craftwork
Application of Georadar in Detecting Karst Cave underneath Independent Foundation
Back Analysis of Parameters and Settlement Prediction of Chengdu Clay Ground Considering Its Creep Behavior
Construction of 3D Strata Model Based on the Multiple Source Data
Coupling Calculation of Continuous and Discrete Method
Evaluation on Engineering Geology Applicability for Urban Construction Land Based on GIS: Taking Zhengding New District of Shijiazhuang City for Example
Experimental Study on the Process of Geomorphic Evolution of Debris Flow on Slope
Field Test Study on Frost-Heave of Subgrade in Seasonal Frozen Region along Haerbin-Dalian Passenger Dedicate Line
Flac3D Numerical Simulation Study on the Failure Developing Law of Interface for Geotechnical Prestressed Anchorage Bolt
Influence Research on Pit Excavation Close to Existing Shield Tunnel
Landslide Machanism in Xinghai Zhong Long Yuan and Its Reinforcement Technology
Measurement and the Distribution Law of In Situ Stresses at Deep Depth of Hongyang Coal Mine
Monitoring and Numerical Simulation of the Supporting of the Inverted Side Wall Shaft
Numerical Simulation of Static Liquefaction in Tailings Pond
Orthogonal Analysis on Factors Influencing Slope Stability of Coal Gangue Dump
Relative Impermeability of the Ordovician Top and Risk Assessment of Water Inrush from Coal Floor in Baode Coalfield
Reliability Analysis of the Vertical Bearing Capacity of Prestressed Pipe Pile Foundations
Research for Dynamic Modulus and Ing Ratio of Fly Ash Modified Loess
Research on Application of Deep Foundation Pit Decompression Dewatering Technology and Impact on Surrounding Environment
Research on Prediction Model of Support Vector Machine Based Land Subsidence Caused by Foundation Pit Dewatering
Research on Stability of Slope by Influence of a Rapid Drawdown of Water Table
Simulation Analysis on Deep Foundation Pit Construction Near the History Style Construction
Simulation of Coal Mechanical Characteristics with Discrete Element Method
Soil Layer Settlement Experimental Study of Dynamic Compaction in Aeolian Sand Foundation
Soil Nailing Optimization Design Based on Improved Response Surface
Study on Non-Linear Numerical Method of Composite Foundation with Rigid-Flexible Piles
Study on Slope Stability & Stress-Deformation of Foundation Pit Based on FEA
Study on the Methods of Layer Adjustment in Gas Dynamic Reserve Measurement
Test Research on the Long-Term Consolidation Mechanism of Ultra-Soft Clay
The Degradation of Saturated Clay’s Un-Drained Shearing Deformation Modulus under Cyclic Loading
The Relationship between High Fluorine Groundwater and Geological Environment in Gaomi
Underlying Surface Influenced on the Landslide Runout
A Neural Network Approach for Estimating Model Parameters of Rockfill Materials
A Study on the Effect of Initial Shear Stress on Dynamic Properties of Saturated Clay
Application of GA-BP to Back Analysis of Rock’s Parameters
Application Study on the Stability of Xiufengsi Landslide by Using Limit Equilibrium Method and Finite Element Method
Back-Analysis for Design Parameters of Large Diameter Bored Piles
Construction Technique of Dynamic Consolidation on Saturated Silt
Disturbance Effects by Excavation of Neighboring Roadways in Deep Coal Mine
Dynamic Response Analysis of Compaction Loess Subgrade
Effect Analysis on Foundation Pit Excavation Adjacent to Existing Railway
Environmental Vibration Analysis Induced by Subway Trains Running in Overlapping Shield Tunnels
Influence of Slope Thickness and Soil Porosity on the Failure Mechanism of Reduced-Scale Slope Models
Numerical Analysis on the Bearing Capacity of Single Pile in Deep Excavation Area
Numerical Simulation on Supporting of Deep Surrounding Rock with Zonal Disintegration Tendency
Parameter Optimization Design of Soil Nail Supporting to Deep Foundation Pits
Reliability Analysis of Foundation Pit Based on Response Surface of Support Vector Machine
Research on 2D Limit Equilibrium Method of Slopes Considering the Effect of Horizontal In Situ Stress
Research on Calculation Theory of Double-Row Piles Retaining Structure
Research on Nonlinear Viscoelastic Creep Characteristic of Frozen Soft Rock of Cretaceous Formation
Research on Suitable Anti-Sliding Piles Spacing Considering of Soil Arch Effect in Colluvial Landslide
Research on the Failure Mechanism of Bedding High Rock Slope at an Open-Pit Mine
Research on the Softening and Disintegration Mechanism of Carbonaceous Shale
Research Status and Prospect of Rock Mass Acoustic Emission Instrument
Sensitivity Analysis of Influence Factors at Open-Pit Coal Mine High Slope Based on Uniform Experimental
Sensitivity Analysis on Influencing Factors of Double-Row Piles for Excavation
Study on Deformation of Steel Cylinder during Artificial Island Construction
Study on Law of Structural Evolution and Sedimentary Evolution for North Uskyurt Basin
The Analysis for the Dynamic Strength and Vibration Liquefaction of Saturated Sand under Cyclic Loading
The Block Spring Model for Slope Stability Analysis (BSM)
The Influence Factors Analysis on Heavy Cone Dynamic Penetration Test Method to Geotechnical Exploration in Gravel Soils
The Slope Deformation Forecast Model Based on Kalman Filter and Wavelet Neural Network
Volcanic Oil and Gas Reservoir Characteristics and Comprehensive Evaluation in Oulituozi Area
Study on Sample Preparation Method of DEM
Practice of Slip Surface Depth of Highway Slope Determined by Synthetic Survey Method
Study of Artificial Structural Loess under the True Triaxial Tests
Finite Element Analysis with Joint Element for Model Pile under Vertical Loading
Deformational Influence of Foundation Pit on Foundations of Style Constructions
Study on Effects of Ground Deformation Based on Foundation Pit Excavation
Deep Horizontal Displacement Measurement Technology in the Application of Foundation Pit Excavation
Determining Method for Effective Length of Soft Ground in Tianjin Binhai
Experimental Study on Evaluating High-Pile Wharfs for Real Ship Berthing Impact
Experimental Determination of Coefficient of Soil Hydrodynamic Dispersion
Safety Analysis of Arch Dam with Strength Reverse Method
Numerical Study for Water Waves Generated by Debris Flow
Signal Feature Analysis of Excited Stress Waves in Bolts Embed in Different Anchor Medium
Chapter 2: Structural Engineering
Estimation Theory on Cross-Sectional Area of Cables in Mega Steel Frame and Cable Bracing Structure
Estimation Theory on Initial Prestress of Cables in Mega Steel Frame and Cable Bracing Structure
Experiment Research on Square Columns Reinforced by High Strength Wire Mesh Mortar
Experimental Analysis of Wall Consist of Straw Concrete Composite Board under the Action of Vertical Load
Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Joint of Special-Shaped Concrete-Filled Rectangular Composite Tubular Column with H-Shaped Beam
Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Spring-Settlement Support on Bearing Capacity of the Shallow-Buried Structure
Deflection Calculation on Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Externally Prestressing Transverse Tensioning Method
Design and Construction of the Cofferdam Pile with GFRP Reinforced Concrete
Dynamic Effects on a Pre-Stressed Multi-Story Plane Steel Frame Caused by Sudden Failure of a Cable
Effects of Web Height-Thickness Ratio on Longitudinal Residual Stresses of the Welded Monosymmetric I-Section
Equivalent Static Wind Loads on Low Rise Buildings
Experimental Research on Steel Bar Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Columns
Experiments on Cold-Formed Steel Lipped Channel Beams with Complex Edge Stiffeners and Web Holes
Fatigue Behavior of Elastic Concrete-Steel Composite Beams
Finite Element Analysis of Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams after Fire
Fire Protection of Steel Space Truss Structures
FRP Reinforced Short Wood Columns under Axial Compressive Load
Genetic Analysis and Treatment of Cracks in the Residential Construction
Influence of Span-Depth Ratio to the Ductile Property in Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab
Light Steel Structure Residence Social Benefit Analysis
Modal Analysis for Space Grid Structure under Different Supporting Conditions
Nonlinear Solution Formulation for Complex Space Truss
Numerical Analysis of Bearing Capacity to Q690 Tubular Joints Enhanced by Inner Sleeve
Numerical Analysis of Bearing Capacity to Q690 Tubular Joints Enhanced by Tile Shaped Plate
Numerical Simulation on the Dynamic Response of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Blast Loads
Orthogonal Analysis on T-Shaped Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Column Seismic Performance Based on the Finite Element Analysis Results
Parameter Sensitivity and Reliability Analysis for Construction Control of Cable-Net Structure Supporting the Reflector of FAST
Research on Behavior of RCS Composite Joints
Research on Influence Factors of the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the Soil of Push-Extend Multi-under-Reamed Pile under Compression
Research on Load Distribution Effect of Load Distributed Structure in the Complex Rotational and Translational Engineering
Research on the Connection Modes and Numerical Simulation Methods of RC Frame and Infill Wall
SAP2000 Analysis of a Particular Beam String Structure
Situation and Prospect of H-beam with Corrugated Web
Snow Distribution on Low-Rise Roofs and Practical Analysis Method
Stationary Problems of Moisture-Elasticity for Inhomogeneous Thick-Walled Shells
Structural Optimization Design of a Tall Residential Building with Rectangle Layout in High Seismic Intensity
The Empirical Analysis on the Reinforcement Application of the Energy Dissipation to the Framework Structure
The Method of Sandwich Plate about Thin-Wall Cast-in-Site Reinforced Concrete Hollow Floor
The Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis to Bonded Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Frame Based on Two-Stage Loading Model
The Performance Analysis of Calcium Silicate Composited Wall's Impact Resistance
The Research about the Method of Establishing the Model of Limited Unit about the Push-Extend Multi-under-Reamed Pile
A Steel Headframe Structure before and after the Comparison and Analysis of the Performance of Process Modification
Analysis and Test for the Space Different Thickness Film Structure in Still Air
Analysis of Cracking Moment and Immediate Deflection in FRP Rebars Reinforced Concrete Beams
Analysis on Reinforcement and Design of a Historic Building Retrofitting Project
Axial Compressive Behavior of High- and Ultra High-Strength Concrete-Filled AFRP Tubes
Calculation Methods for Flexural Capacity of Normal Section of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Prestressed CFRP Plates
Capacity Calculation on Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Externally Prestressed Transverse Tensioning Method
Comparative Analysis of Traditional Braced Wall System and Retaining Wall System with Pre-Stressed Wale and Square Pipe Struts
Compressive Testing of H-Shaped Steel Stub Columns Fabricated with Grade 800MPa High Performance Steel
Damage Inspection and Assessment on a Transmission Angle Tower in Coastal Areas
Elastic Results’ Comparison between Computing and Test of a Scaled Model of a Complex Supertall Building
Experimental Study on Improving Seismic Performance of Load-Bearing Masonry Walls Made of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete
Experimental Study on Local Compression of Concrete-filled Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum Wall Panel
Experimental Study on the Corrosion Rate of Rebars in Chloride-Contaminated Concrete with Adding or Painting Inhibitors
Finite Element Analysis of Corrugated Mild Steel Damper
Finite Element Analysis of Historical Construction with Differential Settlement
Finite-Element Study of Geometrical Parameters of Corrugated Web Girders
Influence of Reinforcement Ratio to the Ductile Property in Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab
Introduction of Regional Confined Concrete
Introduction of the Application of Strut-and-Tie Model in Concrete Deep Beams
Local Buckling Behaviors of Built-Up Box Columns Fabricated with High-Performance Steel under Concentric Axial Loading
Mechanism and Theoretical Calculations of Buttress Anti-Slide Pile
Nonlinear Analysis on Static Behaviors of New All-Bolted Beam-to-Column Connections for Concrete-Fillled Square Steel Tube
Numerical Simulation Analysis of Auxiliary-Rod Force for Tower
Numerical Simulation of One-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Blast Loadings
Performance of Different Corrosion Ratio RC Beams under Fatigue Load
Primary Analysis of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Slender Columns with Elliptical Section under Axial Compression
Probabilistic Model of Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structures Considering Coupling Effects of Influence Factors
Reinforcement and Repair Pressure Pipeline With CFRP
Reinforcement and Replacement Technology on Members and Roof Purlin of a Space Grid Structure after Snowstorm Disaster
Reliability and Resistance Statistical Analysis for the Structural Members of Cold- Formed Thin-Walled Structures
Research on the Attenuation Law of Stress Wave Propagation in Concrete Media
Simple Assistant Frame Fabrication for Duct Assembly
Soft Rock Roadway Mesh Shell Lining Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties
Strengthening and Retrofitting of the Industries Building After Fires
Strengthening Research in the Longitudinal Frames of Prefabricated Structures with Viscous Dampers
Stress Analysis of Steel Pipelines Strengthened by CFRP Sheet
Structural Flexural Bending Assessment of Prestressed Concrete Joist with Corrosion
Study on Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthening with CFRP Cloth
Study the Impact of Differential Settlement on Frame Structure through Back-Analysis Method
The Case Analysis of Adding-Storey and Strengthening Design of Certain Single-Span Steel Structure of High-Rise Building
The Finite Element Analysis of Overall Stability of High-Frequency Welded H-Section Steel Beam
The Finite Element Analysis on Shear-Lag Effect of the Steel Box-Girder
Chapter 2: Structural Engineering
The Inner Force Analysis of a Long Span Pre-Stressed Multi-Story Building Based on Special Construction Process Requirement
The Mathematical Model of the Reinforcement Layout of the Making of Hyperbolic Paraboloid Thin Shell Roofs
The Study on Static Force Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Lattice Wind Generator Tower Joints
Yield Surface Applied to Dynamic Elastoplastic Analysis of Frame Structures with Flexibility Method
Internal Force Calculation of Continuous Beam Considering Torsional Supports
Nonlinear Numerical Analysis of Transfer Beam Under Complex Situation
Numerical Analysis on Bending Strength and Ductility of Compact Section I-Girders with HSB800 Steels
Finite Element Analysis on the Resistance Capability of a New Precast Concrete Tube Column
Research on the Dynamic Behaviors of Semi-Rigid CFST Frame-Shear Wall
Study on the Dynamic Behavior of Semi-Rigid Frames
Optimization of Steel Liner on Spiral Case Structure for a Large Hydropower Station
Research on Simulation Technique for Fixed Guide Vanes in Axial Symmetric Models of Spiral Case
Elastic Modulus Reduction Method Based Limit Analysis of Steel Lined Reinforced Concrete Penstocks Containing Flaws
Influence of Suspension Length on the Mechanical Response of Submarine Flexible Pipe under Internal Pressure and Transverse Load
The Research of the Slewing Bearing Force Balance of the Super Large Lifting Equipment
A Study on the Effects of Wake Vortex to the Aero-Elastic Parameters of Downstream Square Prism
Dynamic Characteristics of a Wood Frame Structure: (I) the Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity
The Experimental Research on the Reinforced Concrete Beam Performance of Crack Repair
Numerical Investigation on Bending Failure of Concrete Beam Strengthened by Bonded Steel Plate
A Study on Relations Between Section Shape Factor and Temperature History of Steel of Composite Beam Subjected to Standard Fire under Same Thickness Condition of Spray-Type Fire Resistant Materials
Dynamic Characteristics of a Wood Frame Structure: (II) the Effect of Artificial Damage
Nonlinear Inelastic Buckling Behavior and Residual Strength of H-Section Steel Column
The Study on Bearing Capacity of Concrete-Filled Double Skin Steel Tubular Columns of Octagon Section under Axial Compression
Current Situation of Research on CFST and SRC
Chapter 3: Bridge Engineering
3D Temperature Field Prediction and Experiment Verification of Concrete Diaphragm of Box-Girder Bridge in Early Hardening Period
Behaviour Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Deck-Tied Arch Bridge
Comparison of Temperature Gradient Effect on Curved Concrete Box Girder Based on Different Codes
Design of an Extra-Long Railway Overpass Bridges Construction Supporting Frame with Combat Readiness Equipments
Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factor Range in the Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth at Rib-to-Deck Welded Joints of Orthotropic Steel Decks
Finite Element Analysis on Incremental Launching Construction for Steel Box Girder
Forward-Calculating Optimization Method for Determining the Rational Construction State of Cable-Stayed Bridges
Influence of Shear Lag and Shear Deformation Effects on Deflection of Composite Box Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs
Large Span Continuous Girder Bridge Jacking Steel Hoop Stress Analysis
Research on Loading Model of Bracket in Multiple Mass Concrete Placement
Research on Static and Dynamic Performance of Large-Span Steel Trestle
Study on Rational Position of Joint Section of Steel-Concrete Hybrid Girder Bridge
Analysis of Effective Pre-Stress of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge in Service Based on Inversion Theory
Damage Detection of Continuous Box Girder Based on Modal Flexibility Curvature Method
Dynamic Test and Analysis of Double Curved Arch Bridge Based on Ambient Excitation
Evaluation of Compressive Strengths of HPS Plate Systems Stiffened with Trapezoidal Stiffeners
Field Testing on Natural Frequencies of a Cable-Stayed Footbridge Based on Ambient Excitation
Full-Scale Fatigue Test of Trough-to-Deck Plate Joints in Steel Orthotropic Deck
Influence of Concrete Shrinkage and Creep on Composite Beam of Cable-Stayed Bridge
Space Analysis of Long-Span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridges
Study on Finite Element Modeling of Girder Bridges
Temperature Effect Analysis of the Twin Towers Concrete Cable-Stayed Bridge for Construction Control
The Damage Analysis of Usu Bridge under Static Load
Numerical Simulation of Integral Mechanical Behavior for Dual-Wall Steel Cofferdam during Construction Process
Effect of Different Compaction Methods on Bridge Pavement
Chapter 4: Tunnel, Subway and Underground Facilities
Analysis of Surface Subsidence Rule of the Shallow Subway Tunnel Construction
Analytical and Numerical Anti-Floating Study Concerning the Shield Tunnel across the River
Effect of Shield Tunneling on Existent Piles in Soft Soil Area
Elastoplastic Analysis on Circular Tunnels Surrounding Rock under Asymmetry Load
Monitoring Study on Drift Deformation by Shield Tunnel
An Effect Analysis of Color Design in Guangzhou Subway System: From the Color Universal Design Perspective
On the Principle of “One Line, One Colour”, the Design of “One Station, One Scene” of Stockholm Subway
Study on the Geological Forecast and Treatment for Water-Bearing Fault of the Qingdao Kiaochow Bay Subsea Tunnel
Design of Enclosure for Subway Station Foundation Pit in Southward Extension Line of Chengdu Metro Line One
Experimental Study on Fiber Concrete Lining in Tunnel with Seismic Dynamic Response
Simulation on THM Coupling Process of Deep Rock Roadway with Aquifer in Coalmine
The Study on the Control of the Early-Stage Crack of the Concrete Poured in Winter in Shenyang Subway
Research on Arching Mechanism of the Lane Arching under Pre-Stress Bolt Supporting
Reasons and Control Countermeasures of Special Soft Coal Roadway Deformation in Liangbei Coal Mine
Study on Strata Behaviors of the Coal Face with Sublevel Caving in Hugely-Thick Coal Seam in Qianqiu Coal Mine
Research on Shenyang Metro Line I Engineering underground Structural Waterproofing Technology
Research Situation of Large Deformation Mechanism and Prevention-Control Measures of Surrounding Rock in Tunnel
Chapter 5: Road and Railway Engineering
Analysis of Coarse Saline Soil Salt Expansion Characteristics with Different Freeze-Thaw Cycle
Dynamic Properties of High-Speed Turnouts under Foundation Settlement
Joint Issue Discussion on Cement Concrete Pavement
Study on New Treatment Technology of Subgrade Longitudinal Crack in Qinghai-Tibet Highway
Study on Shear Performance and Construction Technology of the Stress Absorbing Layer in Underground Road Composite Pavement
A Research on Methods to Improve the Subgrade Stability in Permafrost Regions
Experimental Study on Stiffness and Strength of Ballastless Track Slabs
Fracture Performance of Asphalt Mixture with Styrene Butadiene Styrene Based on the J-Integral
Investigations and Cause Analysis of Early Diseases in SMA Pavement
Method of TER Location for High-Grade Highway Based on Fuzzy Rough Set
Mountain Road Multi-Level Retaining Wall Horizontal Earth Pressure Law
Numerical Simulation Study on Self-Settlement Process of High Embankment
Optimization Design and Research on Gradation of ATB-25
Research on Solidified Mechanism of Compound Consolidated Soil
Study on Anti-Cracking of Mortar and Concrete Pavement in Dry Areas of North China
Study on Calculation Method of Reinforced Embankment Bearing Capacity Based on Landslide Equilibrium Method
Study on Roadbed Soil Dynamic Resilient Modulus Test
Study on the False Joint’s Layout Mode of Unit Double-Block Ballastless Track Bearing Layer
Study on the Prediction Method of Track Maintenance Cycle Based on Track Quality State
Test Analysis of Vibration Characteristics on CRTS II Slab Ballastless Track Subgrade of the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity High-Speed Railway
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Response of the Stress in Pavement Structure under Overload
The Application of Gray Theory on Predicting the Settlement of High Embankment
Experimental Study of High Temperature Properties and Rheological Behavior of Iranian Rock Asphalt
Study on Survey of Bituminous Pavement Rut Distress and Patching Material Performance
Effect of Aging on Urban Asphalt Pavement
Test and Analysis of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete’s Mechanical Properties and Pavement Performance
Test on Cement Stabilized Blast Furnace Slag Material
Study on Reasonable Length of Ballasted-CRTS II Ballastless Track Transition Section on High-Speed Railway Bridge
FEM Analysis and Parameters Determination of Lightweight Concrete Multiple Shear Rivet Paving Project on Steel Box Girder Bridge Deck
Chapter 6: Seismic Engineering
Research Status on Seismic Performance of Steel-Concrete Composite Coupling Beam
Analysis of Seismic Performance of RC Frames with Centrally Reinforced Columns
Analysis of Vibration Frequency Characteristic for Elastic Support Beam
Analysis on Seismic Energy Response of Reinforced Concrete Frame-Core Wall
Applied Research of the Steel Frame-Shear Wall System in the Primary and Secondary Schools
Elastic-Plastic Seismic Response Analysis of High-Rise Building with Transfer Storey
Ground Motion Distribution Analysis about Taipei-101 in Earthquake
Investigation on Seismic Structural Damages in Anchang County in Wenchuan Earthquake
Research for Bridge Optimal Seismic Retrofitting Strategies
Research for Vehicle Load and Load Effect After Earthquake Based on Simply Supported Beam Bridge
Response Spectrum Characteristics of Near-Fault Ground Motions and Influence to CFST Arch Bridge
Seismic Risk Evaluation of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Buildings Utilizing Base Isolation and Considering Mainshock-Aftershock
Study on Engineering Site Seismic Effect in Shijiazhuang
The Seismic Reinforcement Measures of through Type Timber Frame Joint Based on the Earthquake Damage Survey
A Comparative Study of Artificial Boundary Conditions in ABAQUS
Analysis on Seismic Damage of Timberwork Building and Reinforcement
Earthquake Response Analysis and Safety Evaluation of Haokou Gravity Dam
Floating Roof Influence on Seismic Response of Large Vertical Storage Tank
Introspection on Anti-Seismic of Rural Housing
Literature Review of Seismic Behavior of Composite Steel Plate Shear Wall
Optimal Analysis of High-Rise Building Facade Shape Based on Frequent Earthquake Response
Recovering Seismic Displacements from Underground Strong-Motion Acceleration Records of the 2011 MW9.0 Tohoku Earthquake in Japan
Seismic Analysis of a Masonry Structure Retrofitting
Seismic and Collapse Resistant Capacity of New Light Quality Concrete Bearing Masonry
Seismic Evaluation of Retrofitted Factory with Rubber Bearing and Design Method
Seismic Performance Investigation of Research Status and Problems Analysis of Short-Leg Shear Wall
Seismic Response Analysis of CFRP Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Structures
Study on Performance-Based Seismic Performance Method for Masonry-Infilled Frame Structures
Study on the Seismic Performance of Block Masonry
The Fluid-Solid Coupling Analysis of Aqueduct Imposed Multi-Point Seismic Waves
The Seismic Research of Connection with Haunch Frame
Experimental Instruments and Results’ Analysis of a Shaking Table Model Test for a Complex High-Rise Building
Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Strengthening Joints in Light Steel Adding Storey
Study on Seismic Behavior of Evacuated Square Pyramid Space Grids in a Project
Study on Seismic Behavior of Transformed-Connection Joint in Light Steel Adding Storey
Study on Finite Element Method for Simulating Seismic Behavior of New All-Bolted Semi-Rigid Connection
The Analysis of Influencing Factors for Seismic Performance of Load-Bearing Wall Using Light Artificial Block
The Seismic Performance of High-Rise Structure with Different Conversion Layer Position
Vibration Energy Dissipation Analysis of a Shear Wall Structure
Vibration Table Test and Research on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Eccentric Frame - Shear Wall Structures
Shaking Table Test on Seismic Pounding Response of Reinforced Concrete Bridge
On the Application of Anti-Seismic & Waste-Recyclable Foamed Concrete Cast-in-Place Wall in Architecture
Chapter 7: Computational Mechanics
Coupled Damage and Plasticity Modeling in Failure Analysis of Heated Concrete
Numerical Simulation of Buried Structure Response to Strong Dynamic Load
Numerical Simulation of Ground Shock Produced by Chemical Explosion in Closed Soil
A Wavelet Collocation Precise Integration Method for Laminated Rectangular Plates with Four Sides Clamped
Numerical Simulation of Shock Wave Around-Flow in Explosion Test
Properties of the Solution Set for Generalized Equilibrium Problems with Lower and Upper Bounds in FC-Metric Spaces
Stability Analysis of Stiffened Plates Based on State-Vector Equation
Studying on Deduction of Unit Weight Mean Square Error of No-Equal Precision Independent Surveying Values about Literatures[1-2]
A Constraint Model for Interface Stress Element Method without Virtual Elements
A Flow-Condition-Based Interpolation Method Combined with Splitting Algorithm for Wind Field Calculation
An Interference Fitting Algorithm of the Oil Well Structural Stresses Calculation Based on the Concrete Solidification Process
DQM to Simulate 3D Vortex Structure of Cuboid Cavity Driven Flow
Lateral Buckling Analysis for Rectangular Cantilever Plate Subjected to a Concentrated Loads
Lateral Buckling Studied of Rectangular Plate with Two Opposite Edges Clamped under the Action of a Concentrated Loads
Element Bearing Ratio Based Integral Safety Evaluation of Penstocks
Stability of Implicit Midpoint Algorithm Applied to Structures with Nonlinear Damping
Correct Indirect Discrete-Continual Boundary Element Method of Structural Analysis
Some Properties for a System with Dense Orbits
Simulation of Dust Control in Coal Mining
A TF-Contractive Fixed Point Theorem in a General Metric Space
Chapter 8: Traditional Construction Materials
The Static Test Study on Anchors of CFRP Cables
The Application of Bounded Normal Distribution in Statistics of Concrete Strength
Material Factor for GFRP RC Structures in Canada
Chloride Ion Diffusion Behavior of Concrete after Freezing and Thawing Cycles
A New Measuring and Calculating Method for Concrete Thermal Conductivity with Multipoint
Chapter 8: Traditional Construction Materials
A Simplified Concrete Damage Constitutive Model
Analysis on Concrete Neutralization and Life Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Chimney
Deterioration of Concrete due to Acid Rain Attack in North China
Effect of High Frequency Vibration on Pore Parameters and Frost Resistance of Air Entrained Concrete
Nanostructural Layer and Properties of 35 CrMo Steel Rolled by Cross-Rolling
Research on Test of Fracture Toughness and Fracture Criterion of Crack of Mixed Mode I and II of Steel Fiber Concrete
Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Modified with Chemical Warm Asphalt Additive
Study on Expansion Rate Assessment Method for Sulfate Resistance of Cementitious Material
Study on Nonlinear Multi-Objective Optimization for Concrete Mixed Proportions
Test and Research on Mechanical Property of Ceramsite Steel Fiber Concrete
An Improved Test Method for the Detection on Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregate
Application of Special Sensor for Deformation Modulus Test of Plastic Concrete
Applying Study on the Bayer Red Mud as Fast Building Dam Materials
Development and Construction Techniques of Foreign PC Continuous Beam
Effect of Composition of Cementitious Materials on Alkalinity of Pore Solution and Strength of Cement Paste
Experimental Research on Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete under Uniaxial Loading
Experimental Study on Cement Mortar with Bentonite
Performance Research on Ultra-High Performance Self-Compaction Concrete (UHP-SCC)
Research on the Thermal Insulation Performance and Energy Saving of Fabricated Straw Brick
Swelling Behaviour of GMZ Bentonite
Tests on Mechanical Properties and Anti-Penetration Performance of Steel-Fiber Reactive Powder Concrete
Timber and Chinese Architecture
Application of Infra-Red Thermography to the Analysis of Construction of the Valencian Rammed Earth Walls of The Seminary-School of Corpus Christi in Valencia (Spain)
Study on Gluing Properties and Surface Wettability of Radial Bamboo Strips
The Research Progress of Epoxy Resin Coating in Building Waterproof
Chapter 9: Advanced Construction Materials
Restrain Effect of Expansive Admixture in Concrete Members
Analysis of Thermal Performance of a New Regenerated Glass Pumice External Wall Insulation System in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone
Experimental Study and Life Cycle Assessment of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete
Experimental Study on Mechanics Performance of Complex High Titanium Heavy Slag Concrete
Exploration about New Green Building Materials - The New Decorative Materials of Water Printing Ecological Wood
Flammability and Mechanical Properties of Toughened Phenolic Foams Containing APP, MP and MCA
Influence of Adding Lime Dust on Compressive Strength and Frost Resistance of Fly Ash Recycled Concrete
Mechanical Behavior of Super-Elastic Home-Made NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Bar in Tension
Nonlinear Fatigue Life Modeling of FRP Composite Materials Based on Genetic Algorithm
Polypropylene-Based Biocomposites Reinforced by Tailor-Modified Cellulose Fibers and Microfibrils
Quantitative Characterization of 3D Pore Structure in Porous Limestone
Slope Effect of Phase Change Materials in Phase Change Roof
Study on the Workability of High Performance Concrete Mixture with Compound Mineral Admixtures
Test and Analysis on the Wearability of Bamboo Pulp Fabric
Test Research of Thermal Insulation Property of Straw-Based Board
The Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Usage of Iron Mine Tailing Sand on Concrete
An Experimental Study on the Compressive Behavior of CFRP-Confined High- and Ultra High-Strength Concrete
Compressive Behaviour of Recycle Concrete Cubes after Freeze-Thaw Cycles
Effect of Fluidity of Cement Mortar and Dispersion of Basalt Fibers on Mechanical Properties of BFRC Composites
Experimental Study on a GGBFS Activator Using a By-Product Salt
Experimental Study on Fire Resistance Properties of Post-Installed Rebar Connection
In Situ Synthesis of Nylon 6/MgAl Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Nanocomposites by Hydrolyzed Ring Opening Polymerization
Introduction on a Kind of Environmental Biological Materials - Dextrins
Mechanical Behaviors of HDPE Fiber Reinforced Cement Mortar
New Trends of Green Building’s Skin Material: Take the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 for Example
On Study of Development Expansive Coal Gangue Portland Cement by Microwave Technology
Preparation and Experimental Study on a New Type of Exterior Wall Putty
Research on the Strength of High-Strength Steel Slag Concrete with Skeleton Coarse Aggregate Gradation
Synthesis, Properties and Engineering Applications of Green Energy-Saving Slump Retaining Agent
Technology Development and Application of Asphalt Concrete Impervious Panel
Temperature Sensitivity Analysis of Temperature Control Parameters for Massive Concrete Mixing with Slag Powder and Fly Ash
The Carbonized Life of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Waste Storage Containers
Using GFRP to Develop the Mechanical Performance of Structural Insulated Panels
Experimental Study of Asphalt Mixtures Containing Polyolefin/Ethylene Copolymer Modifier by Dry Process
Test Machinery System of the Pressure Water Absorption Inside the Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Infrared Spectrum Test and Analysis of Regenerated Cellulose Fibers
Study of High-Strength Lateral Ties Stress of High-Strength Confined Concrete
Chapter 10: Modern Technology in Construction
Hydraulic Method for Earthwork Excavation Construction Technology
Research on the Construction Technology of Composite Floor of Super High-Rise Core Tube Copestone and Steel Composite Wide-Flat Beam of Hollow Steel Tube and its Application
Research on the Installation Technology of Box-Shaped CFST Column with Super-Large Section and its Application
Study and Application of 60cm (Thickness) Roller Compacted Concrete Technology
Construction Technology and Organization of Jiande Yangxi Main Bridge
Experimental Study on Spray Uniformity of Spraying Machinery
IT Supported Construction Management: A Comprehensive Review and Ongoing Research
Optimization Design and Application of Sluice Pier Sliding Formwork
Research and Benefit Analysis on Exterior Mesh Construction Technology of Super Cross-Section CFST Cylinder
Expert System Apt to Automatical Matching and Forming for Connecting Joint of Steel Structure
Applications of Fiber Grating in Temperature Measurement of Hydration Heat of Concrete
Construction Method of Low Temperature Welding for Large-Span Steel Truss Beam Structure
Development of Civil Engineering Structural Damage Diagnosis
Exploration for Maintenance Measures and Temperature Control of Mass Concrete Pile Caps
The Application of the Crack Control Measures Applied in Ultra-Long Basement Concrete Structure
Research on Data Correlation in Structural Health Monitoring System
Application of Bridge Construction Control Based on Gray System Theory Modified by Kalman Filtering Method
Application of Global Positioning System Measuring Technology in Safety Monitoring of Long-Span Bridges
Study on Safety Control of CSTS and Application
Stress Monitor and Control in Cantilever Construction of a Continuous Bridge
Real-Time Monitoring System for Landslides Based on GPRS Technology
3D Visual Geology-Modeling in Wannian Mine of Fengfeng Coalfield
A Comparative Study on the System of Displacement Monitoring of Slope
A Multi-Information Intelligent Identification Method of Rock Mechanics Parameter and Application in Underground Engineering
The Feasibility Study of GPS Displacement Monitoring in the Slope Geological Disaster Survey
The Setting of the Database Management System for Geotechnical Engineering Exploration
Application of Global Positioning System Measuring Technology in Safety Monitoring of Highway Slope
Data Preprocessing of Magnetic Suspension Gyro-Total-Station by Vondrak Filter
Implosion Method of Numerical Simulation and Local Component Failure Analysis
3D Laser Scanner and its Application in Engineering Survey
Chapter 11: Energy-Efficient Technologies in Buildings
The Research of the Application of Energy-Saving Technique in the Buildings Rebuilt Project in Germany
Analysis and Study of Solar-Assisted Heat Pump System
Development of Foreign Building Saving-Energy Technology
Experiences and Enlightenment in Energy-Saving of Newly-Built House from Developed Countries
Optimum Tilt Angles of Modules on Louvered PV Façade in Changsha, China
Simulative Study on Solar-Assisted Air Source Heat Pump System
The Application of Energy Efficiency System with EPS Module Steel Structure of Industrial Building in Construction Engineering
Thermal Optimization Strategy of External Wall in Low-Rise Light Steel Keel Structure Based on the Theory of Thermal Bridge
Building Enclosure Structure Energy Saving Discussion
A Model for Solar Plant Site Selection
Chapter 12: Architectural Design and Its Theory
A Comparative Study of Humane Ecological Status Quo in New Rural Areas of Zhejiang Province Based on the Interaction Analysis Method
A Study on the Architectural Aharacteristic of Nanyue Temple under the Influence of Different Cultures
Biological NanoArchitecture: Architecture in the Age of Biomaterials
Contemporary Architectural Education and the Radical Experiments in 1960s in Florence
Creation of Outdoor Space for the Elderly
Evolution of Research on Chinese Vernacular Dwellings
Features of Architecture and Construction about Traditional Residential House in Shanxian of Henan
Fusion Study on Architecture Feng-Shui Theory and Ecological Architecture of Edong Ancestral Hall
Humanistic Interpretation for Green Building
Kaiping Village Planning Thoughts during the Late Qing-Dynasty and the Republican Period (1900 -1949)
Livable Index System’s Establishment and Analysis of Old Community Renovation
Modern Architecture in Shanbei Influenced by Regional Environment
Mystification Housings Based on Mystification Cultures - Study on Mosuo Folks Housings in China
Performance Evaluation of Affordable Housing Projects Based on Gray Correlation Analysis
Research on a Roof Shape for Bi-Objective Optimization of Investment Value and CO2 Emission
Research on Structure and Conservation of Ancient Bridge in Bahe River District
Research on the Indoor and Outdoor Wind Environment of University Apartment in the Hot in Summer and Cold in Winter Area
Research on the Urban Architecture Color and Chromatography - A Proposal of Digital Environmental Color Taking Dandong City’s Building Color as an Example
The Application of Transparency in Renovation of Historical Building
The Development of An Ancient Village - Xidi, Wannan
The Dynamic Adaptability Research on the Residential Units and the Family Structure
The Ecological Strategy of the Pit House in Western Henan
The Framework of the System on Architectural Design Logical Thinking and its Application
Whether Museum Spatial Experience can Synthesize its Exhibits in the Museum with Chinese Garden Configuration
A Review for Research on the Sino-West Hybrid Style Buildings in Early Modern China
Discuss the Influence from the Traditional Residential Architecture Culture to the Development of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone
Discussion about the Cultural Inheritance and Protection Measures Optimization in Qijiang Ancient Town
NanoArchirecture and Sustainability
Research on Self-Updating Mode of Rural Housing
Research on the Contemporary Sports Architecture Creation of China under Rational Expression of Technologies
Shanxi Datong Mosse Memorial Hospital – Beautiful Scenery on the Northern Boundary
Study on Christian Stone Architecture of Song and Yuan Dynasties in Quanzhou
Study on the Space Interface Characteristics of Minimalism Architecture
Study on Traditional Architectural Features of JIN-Ai under the Influence of Silk Road Commerce
Tentatively Research on Responsive Design of Architectural Spaces in Cold Region of Northeastern China
Use of Irregular Wood Components to Design Non-Standard Structures
Preliminary Analysis of Axis Design Method in Applications of Architecture Design
Study on Traditional Stone Villages in West Hunan – Village of Lahaoyingpan as Example
A Statement on the Application of Decorative Material in Building Skin Design- Visiting Three Commercial Building in Omotesando, Tokyo as an Example
Chapter 13: Urban Planning and Design
Comparative Study on the Main Elements of Urban Design Control Method
Cultural Districts, Tourist Booster and Local Mingle a Focus on Seoul
Health-Oriented Community Slow Greenway’s Planning and Design
Space Syntax: A Neutral Tool for Inclusive Planning on Urban Renewal
Study on Chinese Small Town Design Theory and Practice Explore
Study on the “Roadside Village” Problems in New Rural Area
The Construction of Human Settlements from the Architecture Development Strategy
The Investigation on Strategies of Urban Three-Dimensionalization
The Suitability Evaluation of Underground Space Development and Exploit about Shijiazhuang Zhengding Newly-Developed Area
The Urban Planning Strategies Research of Decreasing Traffic Carbon Emissions
Traffic Issues and its Strategies in the View of Spatial Expansion in the Central Area of Lanzhou City
Urban Rainwater Infrastructure Planning in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Based on LID
A Study on Investigation and Reconstruction of Negative Spaces in an Old-Street Area in Nanning - Analysis of Thermal Environment in Negative Spaces
Controllable Factors in Urban Color
Evolution of Power - Development of Urban Space in Huanggang
Research of Space Form Evolution of New and High Technology Industries Development Zones
Research on the Dilemma and Measures of China's Urban and Rural Planning
Research on the Diversified Planning of Historic and Cultural Towns
Study on Ancient Chinese Ecological Thoughts in Traditional Festivals and Festival Systems
Study on Urban Public Security Planning
The Investigation on Residential Requirement for the Aged Based on Taking Care at Home
Chapter 13: Urban Planning and Design
The Macro Morphology Evolution Aanalysis of Jiangcheng Town in Yunnan Province
The Methods of French Urban Design and its Inspiration for China
Thoughts over New Countryside Eco-Community Construction - Layout of Lianhuatang New-Countryside Eco-Community, Chimagang Office, Chibi City
Urban Design Supported by "Green" Streets - Urban Design for Financial Technology Island of Beijing "TBD"
A Research on Joint Urban Design Project in Undeveloped Area
On Mode Planning and Design of Urban Complex
Research on Active Disaster Prevention of Underground Space Based on City Vulnerability Analysis
Study on Hierarchical Indices of Emergency Facilities in Resident Emergency Congregate Shelter
Study on the Design of Urban Public Space in City Complex
Study on the Construction of Commercial Centers in Communities Centered on Senior Citizens
Chapter 14: Water and Gas Supply, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Works
An Economic Comparison between Two Types of Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems for Public Buildings in Severely Cold Regions
Analysis of Energy-Saving Measures on the Operation and Management of Central Air Conditioning System
Optimal Control Strategy for Ice-Storage System Based on Hourly Dynamic Load Simulation
Simulation of Dynamic Heat Load for Underground Structure Envelope
Analysis of Air Conditioning Energy Saving Measures
Analysis on the Daily Temperature Variation of a Concrete Slab under Environmental Effects
Characteristics of the Initial Stage of CaCO3 Crystallization Fouling on Straight Oblique Fin Tube
Evaluation on the Thermal Stresses of a Concrete Slab under Solar Radiation
Experimental Study of a Novel Indirect Evaporative Cooler
Heat Simulation Analysis of Heat Exchangers with Inclined Boreholes in Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems
Phenomenon of Radiation Asymmetry in The Capillary Plane Air-Conditioning Systems
Research on Heat-Exchange Efficiency of Buried Pipe with Numerical Method
Analysis of Dirt Resistance Based on the Double-Pipe Device
Application of No-Negative-Pressure Variable Frequency Water-Supply System in Campus
Membrane Separation Coupled with Photocatalysis for Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
Quantitative Study on Eco-Environmental Water Demand of Urban Water System
Selection and Parameter Determination of Dehumidizer in Liquid Desiccant Air Conditioning System
Simulation Analysis of Groundwater Source Heat Pump’s Underground Temperature Field Changes under Different Pumping and Injecting wells Modes
Chapter 15: Architectural Environment and Ecological Environmental Protection
The Research of Urbanization and Environment Problems of Shandong Province
The Study on the Green Building’s Values and it’s Crucial Factor - Green Engineering Management
The Urban Ecological Sensitivity Analysis of Enshi city Based on GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process Model
Canonical Correspondence Analysis on Phytoplankton Community and its Environmental Factors in Poyang Lake
Characteristics and Removal Efficiency of Washing with Different Reagent for Soil Contaminated by Leads of Various Sources
Health Risk Assessment of Professional Operating Personnel in Methanol Wastewater Reinjection Stratigraphic Process
Key Protecting Strata Criterion of Water Conservation Mining and its Application
Pyrolysis Experiment of Refuse Derived Fuel and Study on Characteristics of Semi-Coke
Simulation of Wind Speed in Campus Based on FLUENT
The Green Degrees of Single Construction Technology Assessment System Using AHP-Fuzzy
Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste Composting and Determination of Composting Maturation
Disasters of Flood and Waterloging Impact on Agriculture
Measurement and Analysis of Summer Thermal Environment of Arcaded Pedestrian Space on a Pedestrian Street in the Lingnan Hot-Humid Region
Measurement and Analysis of Indoor Thermal Environment of a Library in the Hot-Summer and Warm-Winter Region of China
Measurement and Questionnaire Survey on Indoor Thermal Environment of a Library in the Hot-Summer and Warm-Winter Region of China
Research of Decontamination Ammonia Nitrogen from the Tiny Polluted Water by Modified Zeolite
Research on Improvement of Nitrogenase Activity of Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Using DBD Plasma
Research Progress of Landfill Leachate Treatment
Study on the Comprehensive Consolidation and Ecological Reclamation of Coal Mining Areas in Jiaozuo
Study on Washing Method of Hydrothermal Synthesis Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash
Synthesis of 7-hydroxy-4-methyl Coumarin with Microwave Radiation Catalyzed by Zirconium Sulfate Tetrahydrate
The Dynamic Response of Carbon Sink to Rainfall in Karst Area - A Case Study from Maocun Karst Ecosystem
The Environment Design for Square Space
The Soil Respiration Rate Difference of the Different Reclamation Types of Soil on the Freshwater-Wetland During the Non-Growth Season
Understory Light Environment of Canopy Tree Species in Urban Green Land
A Study on the Treatment Process of Coalbed Methane Wastewater
Removal of the Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Bisphenol A from Water by Activated Carbon
Membrane Bio-Reactor Process for the Expressway Service Center Wastewater Treatment
Assessment of Environmental Quality of Soil Fertilized Grapefruit Trees with Municipal Sewage Sludge
Removal of Congo Red from Dyeing Wastewater by Biodegradation with Myriophyllum
Research on the Treatment of Oily Sludge
Research on Treatment of Oily Wastewater by Membrane Filtration
Study on the Treatment of Surfactant Wastewater by Anaerobic Biological Filter
Influences of Environmental Variations on Water Resources
Research of the Flood Control Rainfall and Flood Regime Information System for Poyang Lake Region Based on GIS
The Technical Study on Photo-Catalytic Oxidation Treatment of Low Concentration Methanol Wastewater in Gas Field
Effect of Prepareing Conditions on the Tensile Strength of Bamboo Carbon-Polyvinyl Formal Biological Carrier
Research on Ecological Regression Process of Sustainable Architecture
Chapter 16: Landscape Planning and Design
Research on Landscape Design and Tourism Spatial Layout in Mountainous Towns
The Organic Evolution of Chinese Traditional Urban Waterfronts: A Case Study of the Landscape of Slender West Lake
The Perception to the Symbolic Meaning in Landscape Designing
The Probe into the Multi-Objective Landscape Design of Urban River Based on Ecological Security - With the Planning of the Weihe River Landscape Zone in Xi'an-Xianyang as an Example
The Rainwater Artful Design of the Ecological Farm in Fumin County of Yunnan Province
The Type and Spatial Characteristics of Landscape Prototype in Entrance Space of Traditional Blocks in Jiangnan Area
A Study on Children’s Participation in Rural Primary School Campus Landscape Planning and Design: Taking the Renewal Design of Huangtu Town Center Primary School Campus Landscape as Case of Study
Analysis on Landscape Tree Species Composition in the Gardens of the West Lake Scenic Area, Hangzhou, China
Brand Construction of Kaifeng Cultural Industry Park for Ancient Capital of Song Dynasty
Some Reflections on Legibility of the Cityscape
Chongqing City Wanzhou Area Contrary Space Sequence Landscape Analysis and Protection
Chapter 17: Transportation Engineering
Lane Change Trajectory Planning and Simulation for Intelligent Vehicle
A Design of Automatic Bus Station Reporter Based on VS1003 and SD Card
A Kind of Car License Plate Location Based on Color Feature and Mathematical Morphology
A New Data Aggregation Model for Intelligent Transportation System
A Research of the Green Traffic Planning Strategies in Liangjiang New Area
An Approach for Short Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Genetic Neural Network
Apartitioned Approach to Real Time Lane Detection at Different Weather Conditions
Application of Ecological Footprint Theory to Passenger Traffic in Wuhan
Calculation Method of Spatial Value Added for Commodity to Transport
Evaluation for BRT Operation Effect Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Hierarchical Regression Model for Truck Collision Severity Analysis
Intelligent Vehicle Navigation System Based on Multi-Visual Cognition Information
Passenger Traffic Plaza Layout Planning Research under the Influence of Integration in City
Prediction Models of Short-Term Traffic Flow Based on Neural Network
Research of Air Traffic Flow Forecasts Based on BP Neural Network
Evaluation on Leading Order Vortex Decay behind an Aircraft Using an Analytical Model
Research on the Integrated Planning of Urban Passenger Transit Network
Study on Layout Planning of Transfer Hub Integration of Urban Passenger Transit
The Characteristic of Viewpoint’s Time-Transients in Traffic Operation
The Design of Intelligent Street Lighting Control System
Traffic Parameters Prediction Method Based on Rolling Time Series
Prediction for Traffic Flow of BP Neural Network based on DE Algorithm
The Research of Optimal Allocation of Port Berth and Quay Crane Based on Heuristic Algorithm
Analysis on Important Parameters Design of Aircraft
Study on Safety Evacuation Time for Passengers in Subway Station and Its Application
Chapter 18: Engineering Management in Construction and Industry
An Automated Progress Tracking System for Industrial Facility Construction Projects
Analysis and Application of BIM Technology in the Project Goal Control
Analysis of Electrical Engineering Project Management in Construction
BIM Application Analysis in Transportation Project
Construction Engineering Bidding Risk Analysis
Cost Control and Management of the Project in the Design Phase
Economic Evaluation of a New Type of Reinforced Concrete Structure with Fabricated Concrete Tubular Columns
On the Existing Problems in the Supervision of Reflection
Research of Building Pavement Maintenance Management System of Downtown Area - Zhongli City, Taoyuan County for Example
Research on Cold Chain Logistics of Subsidiary Agricultural Products in Chongqing Based on SWOT Analysis
Research on Public Safety-Based Construction Organization Design Specification of City Comprehensive Transportation Hub
Research on Service Modes of Steel Processing and Distribution Centers in China
Selection of Ready-Mixed Concrete Supplier Based on Entire Process Management System
The Analysis about Reliability Factors in Management System and Their Application for Reliability Allocation Theory
The Establishment of Prophase Innovative Management System in Nuclear Power Project
The Evaluation Model of Dangerous Reservoirs Treatment
The Influencing Factors Analysis of Implementing Green Supply Chain Based on the Investigation Data in Shandong Province of China
The Total Life-Cycle Management of Building Engineering Systems
The Total Life-Cycle Risk Assessment of a Harbor Highway BT Project
Value Engineering-Based Selection Strategies of Construction Scheme
A Comparative Analysis of the Safety Education Awareness between Site Managers and Foreign Laborers in Construction Site
A Power-Dilemma Model for Demolition Conflict Analysis From the Perspective of Social Psychology
An Analysis of Stress Factors for Estimators in Construction Companies
An Analysis of the Safety Education for Foreign Laborer in Construction Site
Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method in Engineering Project Risk Management
Comparative Study of Old City Transformation Project Management Mode Based on Full Life Cycle for China and Britain - A Case Study of Shanghai Little Lujiazui and London Canary Wharf
Computer Simulation Forecast of the Markov Chain for Payback Period of Construction Projects Investment
Practical Application Study of Gaussian Process Model in Construction Project Cost Estimation
Research on Application of SIM in Project Investment Environment Analysis of International Engineering Consulting Company
Research on Project Cost Management Based on the Strategy of Sustainable Development
Study on Saving-Energy Product’s Application in Residential Building based on the Product’s Life Cycle
Optimized Construction Equipment Allocation Method for Highway Construction Projects
Analysis of Influencing Index System of Human Error in Dam-Break Risk
Study on the Design of Project Controlling Information Management System for Large-Scale Hydraulic Engineering
Combined Impacts of Sand Mining Activities: The Nandu River Downstream Segment
Performance-Based Fire-Protection Partition Study of a Commercial Center Project
Analysis of Vicious Price Competition in Logistics Park Based on Game Theory
Based on the Fuzzy Multi-Objective People Decision Method of Engineering Bidding Evaluation
Chapter 19: Information Technologies in Construction and Industry
A Tree-Structured Traffic Model of Mobile POS Service Applied in Cellular Network
Chinese Date Detecting and Grading Method with Computer Vision
The Application of Multifractal Theory and LVQ Neural Network in Maize Disease Intelligent Identification
Uncertainty Analysis for One Direction Singular Rough Sets System
Network Security Management for Railway Out-of-Gauge and Enhanced-Load Goods Dispatching System
Application Research Based on FlexRay Bus for All-Electronic Computer Interlocking System of Railway Signal
Application of Google Maps API with Grails Services for Mapping Highway Construction Sites
Method of Rectangular Angle Vectorization and Restriction Used in Auto-Forming Board and Application
The Generation of a Three-Dimensional Aggregate Model for Concrete Based on Unity3D
FEM-Based Modeling and Deformation of Soft Tissue Accelerated by CUSPARSE and CUBLAS
Numerical Simulation of Explosion in a Confined Box-Shaped Structure
Study on Effective Classifier for Software Engineering Data Sets
Study on Sink Node Design for Wireless Network
Research on the Application of Animation Technology in Three Dimensional City Modeling
A Security Framework for the Internet of Things Based on Public Key Infrastructure
Chapter 20: Engineering Education and Other Related Topics
Establishment of ‘Urban Tunnels’ in the Major ‘Civil Engineering’
The Construction of Characteristic Specialty of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering in Local Universities
Application of Microsoft Agent in Humanized Courseware
Reinforcing Practice Teaching and Cultivating Applied Talents in Civil Engineering
Research Experimental Teaching System Based on Innovative Practice Ability
Study on the Safeguard Measures of Civil Engineering "Outstanding Engineers" Training for New Colleges and Universities
The Research of the Multimedia Technology Application in the Enhancing Oil and Gas Recovery Teaching
The Discuss on Step-Voltage and Risk of Down-Conductor When Lightning Strikes a Building