Fumerton / Kosek / Hanzelková | Czech Broadside Ballads as Text, Art, Song in Popular Culture, c.1600–1900 | Buch | 978-94-6372-155-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 498 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm

Fumerton / Kosek / Hanzelková

Czech Broadside Ballads as Text, Art, Song in Popular Culture, c.1600–1900

Buch, Englisch, 498 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm

ISBN: 978-94-6372-155-4
Verlag: Amsterdam University Press

This landmark collection makes a major contribution to the burgeoning field of broadside ballad study by investigating the hitherto unexplored treasure-trove of over 100,000 Central/Eastern European broadside ballads of the Czech Republic, from the 16th to the 19th century. Viewing Czech broadside ballads from an interdisciplinary perspective, we see them as unique and regional cultural phenomena: from their production and collecting processes to their musicology, linguistics, preservation, and more. At the same time, as contributors note, when viewed within a larger perspective—extending one’s gaze to take in ballad production in bordering lands (such as Germany, Poland, and Slovakia) and as far Northwest as Britain to as far Southwest as Brazil—we discover an international phenomenon at work. Czech printed ballads, we see, participated in a thriving popular culture of broadside ballads that spoke through text, art, and song to varied interests of the masses, especially the poor, worldwide.
Fumerton / Kosek / Hanzelková Czech Broadside Ballads as Text, Art, Song in Popular Culture, c.1600–1900 jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Patricia Fumerton, Pavel Kosek, and Marie Hanzelková: The History and Reception of Czech Broadside Ballads within Local, Regional, and Global Contexts
Czech Broadside Ballads
General Overview
2. Ji.í Dufka: Broadside Ballads as Artefacts
3. Jakub Ivánek: The Czech Broadside Ballad in Its Historical, Social, and Literary Context
4. Jan Malura: The Origins of Czech Broadside Ballads in Sixteenth-Century News Leaflets
5. Michaela Soleiman pour Hashemi: Previous Research on Broadside Ballads, with a Particular Focus on Literary History
6. Ji.í Dufka, V.ra Frolcová, Markéta Holubová, Iva Byd.ovská, Jitka Machová, Hana Glombová, Romana Machá.ková: Three Collections of Czech Broadside Ballads: Creating, Organizing, and Providing Access
7. Hana Bo.ková: Finding Justice: Punishment in Broadside Ballads
8. Marie Hanzelková: Broadside Ballads and Religious Pilgrimage Songs: The Virgin Mary of Vranov
9. Markéta Holubová: Women in Broadside Ballads: Roles and Stereotypes
10. Maciej M.trak: Give the Devil His Due: Demons and Demonic Presence in Czech Broadside Ballads
11. Jana Poláková: Reality and Fiction in Broadside Ballads and Their Contemporary Reception: A Case Study
Musicology and Transmission
12. Kate.ina Smy.ková: Broadside Ballads as a Printed Medium and the Rise of Literacy
13. Tomá. Slavick.: Melodies of Czech Broadside Ballads in the Historical Contexts of Song Culture
14. V.ra Frolcová: The Melodies of Broadside Ballads and Pilgrimage Songs and the Many Media of the Song Tradition
15. Peter Ru.in: Czech Religious Broadside Ballads in Slovak Manuscript Hymnals of the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century
16. Jana Pleskalová and Olga Navrátilová: The Language of Czech Popular Broadside Ballads: Revisiting the Low
17. Pavel Kosek, Veronika Bromová, Alena Andrlová Fidlerová, Dmitrij Timofejev: The Orthography of Czech Broadside Ballads from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
The Wider Context
18. Patricia Fumerton: English “Heyday” Broadside Ballads
19. Piotr Grochowski: Broadside Ballads in Poland: Content, Forms, and Research Perspectives
20. Monika Szturcová: Czech-Polish Interrelations: The Example of Marian Songs in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
21. Kate.ina B.ezinová: Roaming Heroes and Their Ballads: Brazilian Cordel Narratives in the Context of the Global Broadside Ballad Tradition
List of Figures and Tables

Poláková, Jana
Researcher at the Ethnographic Institute, Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic, http://www.mzm.cz/etnograficky-ustav. Poláková has published several journal articles about Czech broadside ballads and popular culture and has written two monographs, the most recent of which is Dva životy, dve kultury, dve zeme. Rekové na ceském území od 2. poloviny 20. století do soucasnosti (2020). She has also been the curator of two exhibitions about Czech broadside ballads, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxMF8EudGtc.

Andrlová Fidlerová, Alena
Assistant Professor of Czech language at the Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Czech Republic, https://ucjtk.ff.cuni.cz/ustav/lide/zamestnanci/mgr-alena-andrlova-fidlerova-ph-d/. Fidlerová has edited one critical edition, three textbooks, and co-authored two books: Repertorium rukopisu 17. a 18. století z muzejních sbírek v Cechách. Part I, A–J, and Part II, K–O (2003)

Szturcová, Monika
Researcher at the Silesian Museum and at the Centre for Regional Studies, Department of Czech Literature and Literary Criticism, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, https://www.osu.eu/monika-szturcova/45359/. Szturcová has published several journal articles about Czech and Polish pilgrimage broadside ballads and co-authored a book: Pod ochranu tvou se utíkáme. Kult Panny Marie Censtochovské v ceském Slezsku a na Morave/Pod twoja obrone uciekamy sie. Kult Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej na Slasku Czeskim i na Morawach (2019)

Pleskalová, Jana
Full Professor of Czech Language in the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, https://www.muni.cz/en/people/218-jana-pleskalova/zivotopis. Pleskalová has co-edited four collections of essays and authored two books: Tvorení nejstarších ceských osobních jmen (1998) and Vývoj vlastních jmen osobních v ceských zemích v letech 1000–2010 (2011).

Hanzelková, Marie
Marie Hanzelková is assistant Professor at the Department of Czech Literature, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech. She has published several articles about Czech hymn-books from the sixteenth century.

Malura, Jan
Full Professor of Czech Literature at the Department of Czech Literature and Literary Criticism, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, https://ff.osu.eu/kcl/jan-malura/12695/. Malura has co_x0002_edited three critical editions, co-edited six collections of essays, and co_x0002_authored five books, most recently Horo krásná, spanilá! Poutní písne na Morave (1600–1850) (2019).

Timofeeev, Dmitriy
Researcher at the Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, https://ujc.avcr.cz/zakladniinformace/pracovnici/timofejev-dmitrij.html. Timofejev has co-edited six electronic critical editions and co-authored the book Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea, signatury 1 D, 1 E a 1 G (2016)

Smycková, Katerina
Researcher at the Regional Studies Centre in the Depart_x0002_ment of Czech Literature and Literary Criticism, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, https://ff.osu.eu/katerina-smyckova/81197/#3-publikacni-cinnost. Smycková has published several journal articles about Czech hymn books and authored the monograph Krátká vecnost:Vytržení z casu v narativních textech od stredoveku na práh moderní doby (2022). katerina.smyckova@osu.cz

Navrátilová, Olga
Assistant Professor of Czech Language in the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, https://www.muni.cz/en/people/109306-olga-navratilova. Navrátilová has authored two books, the most recent of which is Slovosled posesivních zájmen ve staré ceštine (2018).

Soleiman pour Hashemi, Michaela
Full Professor of Czech literature at the Department of Czech Literature, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, https://www.muni.cz/en/people/2257-michaela-soleiman_x0002_pour-hashemi/zivotopis. Hashemi has co-edited four critical editions and two collections of essays, and she has authored two monographs: Karel Racín—nedocenený barokní autor (2005) and Literární fenomén nepomu_x0002_censké homiletiky (2007)

Glombová, Hana
Formerly Researcher at the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, Moravian Library in Brno, https://www.mzk.cz/en/study-rooms/manuscripts-and-early-printed-books. Glombová co-edited the exhibition catalogue The Wide Road to Brno: Broadside Ballads with Secular Themes (2021).

Machácková, Romana
Formerly Researcher at the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, Moravian Library in Brno, https://www.mzk.cz/en/study-rooms/manuscripts-and-early-printed-books. Machácková has published several journal articles about the collection of old printings of the Moravian Library and about Czech writers of the twentieth century.

Brezinová, Katerina
Director of the Ibero-American Centre of Metropolitan University in Prague and a research fellow at Complutense University in Madrid: https://www.mup.cz/en/research/research-centres/ibero-american_x0002_centre-iac/our-team/. Brezinová is author of monographs and articles that focus on the non-hegemonic processes of identification, mobilities of people and ideas within the Americas, as well as on the historical narratives of exchange and interconnectedness that the period of the Cold War helped to create between Latin America and Central Europe. In her most recent monograph entitled A Different Minority? US Latinos between Kennedy and Trump (2020), she analyzes the U.S. Latinx community in the nexus of transnational migration and citizenship

Ivánek, Jakub
Assistant Professor of Czech Literature in the Department of Czech Literature and Literary Criticism and Researcher at the Centre for Regional Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, https://ff.osu.eu/jakub-ivanek/8855/. Ivánek has co-edited three collections of essays and co-authored three books, most recently Horo krásná, spanilá! Poutní písne na Morave (1600–1850) (2019)

Hanzelková, Marie
Assistant Professor in the Department of Czech Litera_x0002_ture, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, https://www.phil.muni.cz/en/about-us/faculty-staff/13963-marie-hanzelkova. Hanzelková has published several articles about Czech hymn books from the sixteenth century and about Czech pilgrimage broadside ballads (e.g., “‘Turning’ of Czech Pilgrimage Broadside Ballads” [2021]). marie.hanzelkova@phil.muni.cz.

Bromová, Veronika
Researcher in the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, https://www.muni.cz/en/people/11829-veronika-bromova. Bromová has authored the monograph Textová struktura nejstarších ceských listin se zvláštním zretelem k vývoji formuláre (2009).

Metrak, Maciej
Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland), https://ispan.waw.pl/default/ en/employee/maciej-metrak/. Metrak has published several journal articles about minority languages and cultures, linguistic contact in German-Slavic border areas, and Czech nineteenth-century popular literature (broadside ballads and chapbooks) from a linguistic and anthropological perspective

Machová, Jitka
Researcher at the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, Moravian Library in Brno, https://www.mzk.cz/en/study_x0002_rooms/manuscripts-and-early-printed-books. Machová has published Three Collections of Czech Broadside Ballads 153 several journal articles dealing with the early printings in the collections of Moravian Library.

Bydžovská, Iva
Researcher at the National Museum and curator of the collection of broadside ballads and chapbooks and the digital library Špalícek (http://www.spalicek.net/). Bydžovská has published several articles about Czech broadside ballads and has organized two exhibitions. iva.bydzovska@nm.cz

Dufka, Jirí
Head of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the Moravian Library in Brno (https://www.mzk.cz/en/study-rooms/manuscripts-and-early-printed-books). Dufka has published several articles about the collecting and cataloguing of old printings. His most recent work (with Eva Chodejovská) is a monograph: Sberatel a jeho atlas. Bernard Pavel Moll (2021).

Slavický, Tomáš
Researcher at the Czech Museum of Music, National Museum, Czech Republic, https://www.nm.cz/slavicky-tomas-phdr-phd. Slavický has co-edited a critical edition (Fridrich Bridelius: Jeslicky. Staré nové písnicky [2012]) as well as a collection of essays. tomas.slavicky@nm.cz

Bocková, Hana
Associate Professor of Czech literature in the Department of Czech Literature, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, https://www.muni.cz/en/people/91-hana-bockova. Bocková has co-edited four critical editions and authored the monograph Knihy nábožné a prosté. K nábožensky vzdelávací slovesné tvorbe doby barokní.

Fumerton, Patricia
Patricia Fumerton is distinguished Professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, California, and Director of the English Broadside Ballad Archive. She has edited nine collections of essays, and authored three monographs.

Kosek, Pavel
Pavel Kosek is full Professor of Czech Language at the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. He has co-edited four critical editions, three collections of essays, and authored two books.

Holubová, Markéta
Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, http://www.eu.avcr.cz/en/about-us/ staff/marketa-holubova/. She has co-edited three collections of essays and co-authored eight monographs, most recently, Etnografický atlas Cech, Moravy a Slezska IX. (2020)

Rušcin, Peter
Researcher at the Institute of Musicology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, http://uhv.sav.sk/ustav/vedecki-pracovnici/mgr-peter-ruscin-phd/. Rušcin has edited and co-edited two collections of essays as well as authored two monographs, the most recent of which is Cantus Catholici a tradícia duchovného spevu na Slovensku (2012). peter.ruscin@savba.sk

Frolcová, Vera
Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, http://www.eu.avcr.cz/cs/pracovnici/vera_x0002_frolcova/. Frolcová has co-edited three collections of essays and co-authored two monographs, most recently, Velikonoce v ceské lidové kulture, 2nd ed. (2020).

Grochowski, Piotr
Associate Professor in the Institute of Culture Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland, https://www. researchgate.net/profile/Piotr-Grochowski-2. Grochowski is the author of several monographs and papers dealing with Polish broadside ballads, folklore and popular culture, inter alia, Straszna zbrodnia rodzonej matki: Polskie piesni nowiniarskie na przelomie XIX i XX w. (2010). Piotr.Grochowski@umk.pl

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