Buch, Englisch, 535 Seiten, Format (B × H): 129 mm x 198 mm, Gewicht: 454 g
Diagnosis and Management, 7th Edition
Buch, Englisch, 535 Seiten, Format (B × H): 129 mm x 198 mm, Gewicht: 454 g
ISBN: 978-1-138-38176-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Presented in an easy-to-read format, the book includes succinct bullet point text, synoptic tables, charts and diagrams to find key information quickly, in a new edition aimed as much for use at the bedside as it is for studying. Every emergency topic is approached in the same standardized format covering first the Diagnosis and then Management.
Diagnosis includes essential knowledge to elicit in the history including background and epidemiology, characteristic features on examination including vital signs and organ-specific findings, and investigations such as bedside testing, laboratory testing, and radiology. Management then covers general supportive measures, specific treatment, and the disposal decision including whether time-critical, to which specialty and conversely who may safely go home.
The text is supported by a wealth of additional online material at www.lifeinthefastlane.com including high-resolution clinical images, videos, case-based questions, examination material and links to online references. This edition is completely revised and contains up-to-date evidence on every topic, including the latest 2015 CPR guidelines, sepsis guidelines, major trauma management, HIV care and many other newly released treatment protocols.
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Weitere Infos & Material
CRITICAL CARE EMERGENCIESCardiopulmonary Resuscitation Acute Upper Airway Obstruction Shocked Patient Unconscious Patient Anaphylaxis Severe Head Injury Critical Care Areas Drug Infusion GuidelinesFurther ReadingGENERAL MEDICAL EMERGENCIESChest PainCardiac Arrhythmias Breathless PatientUpper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage Diabetic Coma and Pre-ComaAltered Conscious Level Acute Neurological ConditionsHeadacheAcute ArthropathyAllergic or Immunological ConditionsSkin DisordersElderly PatientFurther ReadingACID–BASE, ELECTROLYTE AND RENAL EMERGENCIESAcid–Base Disturbances Electrolyte DisordersAcute Renal Failure Further Reading INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND FOREIGN TRAVEL EMERGENCIESFebrile Neutropenic Patient Hepatitis Gastrointestinal Tract Infection Sexually Transmitted Diseases Needlestick and Sharps IncidentsHuman Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Tuberculosis Bites with Rabies or Other Lyssavirus RiskCommon Imported Diseases of TravellersPandemic Influenza Further ReadingSURGICAL EMERGENCIESMultiple Injuries Further Diagnosis and Management of Multiple Injuries: Definitive Care Head and Facial Injuries Neck InjuriesChest InjuriesAbdominal and Pelvic TraumaAdditional Orthopaedic Injuries in Multiple TraumaHead Injury BurnsAcute Abdomen Further Reading ORTHOPAEDIC EMERGENCIESInjuries to the Shoulder and Upper ArmInjuries to the Elbow and Forearm Injuries to the Wrist and HandCervical Spine Injuries Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injuries Pelvic Injuries Injuries to the Hip and Upper FemurInjuries to the Lower Femur, Knee and Upper Tibia Injuries to the Lower Tibia, Ankle and FootFurther Reading MUSCULOSKELETAL AND SOFT-TISSUE EMERGENCIESSoft-Tissue InjuriesNon-Articular Rheumatism Back Pain Further ReadingPAEDIATRIC EMERGENCIESGeneral Assessment Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Breathless ChildStridorAbdominal Pain, Diarrhoea and VomitingFebrile Child Seizures and Febrile Convulsions Acute Poisoning Limping Child Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy Child Abuse (Non-Accidental Injury) Further ReadingOBSTETRIC AND GYNAECOLOGICAL EMERGENCIESGynaecological Assessment and ManagementGynaecological Causes of Acute Abdominal PainBleeding in Early PregnancyConditions in Late PregnancyWomen’s Medicine CrisesFurther ReadingOPHTHALMIC EMERGENCIESVisual Acuity Topical Ophthalmic Preparations Traumatic Conditions of the EyeConditions Affecting the EyelidsPainful, Red Eye Sudden Loss of Vision in the Uninflamed EyeFurther ReadingENT EMERGENCIESTraumatic Conditions of the EarNon-Traumatic Conditions of the EarTraumatic Conditions of the Nose Non-Traumatic Conditions of the NoseTraumatic Conditions of the ThroatNon-Traumatic Conditions of the ThroatFurther ReadingMAXILLOFACIAL AND DENTAL EMERGENCIESTraumatic Conditions of the Face and MouthNon-Traumatic Conditions of the MouthFurther ReadingPSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCIESDeliberate Self-Harm Violent Patient Alcohol and Drug Dependency and Abuse Involuntary Admission Further ReadingTOXICOLOGYAcute Poisoning: General Principles Specific PoisonsChemical Burns Further ReadingTOXINOLOGY EMERGENCIESSnake Bites Spider Bites Marine Envenomation Bee and Wasp Stings Further ReadingENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIESHeat, Cold and DrowningSports-Diving AccidentsElectrocution and Lightning StrikeFurther ReadingADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL ISSUESHabits of a Good Emergency Department DoctorTriage Consent, Competence and Refusal of TreatmentPolice, Coroner and Attending CourtRetrieval and Inter-Hospital Transfer Major IncidentFurther ReadingPRACTICAL PROCEDURESEndotracheal Intubation Rapid Sequence Induction Intubation Cricothyrotomy Needle Thoracentesis Intercostal Catheter Insertion DC Cardioversion Pericardial Aspiration Central Line Insertion Intraosseous Line Insertion Lumbar Puncture Indwelling Urethral Catheter Insertion Nasogastric Tube InsertionBier’s Intravenous Regional Block Femoral Nerve Block Digital Nerve Ring Block Knee Aspiration Further Reading Glossary Appendix: Normal Laboratory Values