E-Book, Englisch, 513 Seiten
A study in human intentionality in the area of criminal, cultic and religious and ethical law.
E-Book, Englisch, 513 Seiten
Reihe: Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts
ISBN: 978-1-4632-1654-2
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)
Weitere Infos & Material
- Acknowledgments (page 5)
- Table of Contents (page 7)
- List of Tables (page 11)
- Introduction (page 13)
- A. State of the Problem and Purpose (page 13)
- B. Definition and Methodology (page 14)
- 1 The Role of Intention in Criminal Law (page 21)
- 1.1. Exodus 21:12-25 (Cf. Leviticus 24:17) (page 21)
- 1.1.1. General historical and literary analysis (page 21)
- 1.1.2. Philological and conceptual analysis (page 26)
- 1.2. Numbers 35:9-34, Deuteronomy 4:41-42; 19:1-12, Joshua 20 (page 34)
- 1.2.1. General historical and literary issues (page 34)
- The institution of asylum (page 35)
- The role of the temple in the administration of justice asdivine jurisdiction (page 40)
- 1.2.2. Philological and conceptual analysis (page 43)
- Numbers 35:11-34 (page 43)
- Deuteronomy 4:41-42; 19:1-12 and Joshua 20 (page 52)
- 1.3. Summary (page 60)
- 2 The Role of Intention Incultic/ritual Law Texts (page 63)
- 2.1. Leviticus 4, 5, and Numbers 15„Overview Of Historical and Literary Issues (page 63)
- 2.1.1. The historical character of Leviticus 4, 5, and Numbers 15 (page 64)
- 2.1.2. The literary arrangement of Leviticus 4, 5, and Numbers 15:22-30 (page 66)
- Leviticus 4„A hierarchy of inadvertentŽ offenders (page 66)
- Leviticus 5„A list of possible offenses9 (page 67)
- Numbers 15:22-30„Generic cases of inadvertent (of omission)and intentional offenses (page 68)
- 2.2. Philological and Conceptual Analysis (page 72)
- 2.2.1. The offerings (page 72)
- 2.2.2. The biblical view (page 77)
- 2.2.3. Scholarly views (page 79)
- 2.2.4. Analysis of Leviticus 4, 5, and Numbers 15 (page 81)
- Leviticus 4 (page 81)
- Leviticus 5 (page 85)
- Numbers 15 (page 97)
- 2.3. Summary (page 103)
- 3 The Role of Intention in NonactionŽcases, Or Cases Wherethe Intent, More Than The Action, Establishes Blame Or Praise (page 107)
- 3.1. Overview of General Issues and Scholarly Literature (page 107)
- 3.2. General Semantic Background of Key Terms For Expressing the Notion of IntentŽ (page 121)
- 3.2.1. Idioms for divine examinationŽ of heart, mind, and thoughts (page 121)
- Background of the concept of testingŽ (page 122)
- Idioms for divine examinationŽ of intentions, thoughts,mind, and heart (page 124)
- 3.2.2. A classification of terms related to actual physical organs andphysiological functions with mental and emotive characteristics (page 129)
- Terms related to actual physical organs (page 129)
- Terms serving as intermediary between the physiological andpurely intellectual/spiritual/emotive processes (page 136)
- Terms denoting intellectual and spiritual/emotive processes (page 139)
- 3.3. Analysis of Biblical Passages (page 145)
- 3.3.1. The role of intentionŽ in cases of divine-human relations (page 145)
- The discernment of intentions/thoughts/motivations by God(the divine examination of the heart) (page 146)
- The role of intention in texts describing observable culticand/or religious acts (page 166)
- 3.3.2. The role of intentionŽ in mixed cases of inter-human anddivine-human relationships (page 173)
- 3.3.3. The notion of positive intentionŽ (page 177)
- 3.4. Summary (page 178)
- 4 The Role of Intention in Philoof Alexandria, in Criminal And Cultic, Religious and Ethical Texts (page 181)
- 4.1. the Role of Intention in Action Cases of Criminal Law (page 181)
- 4.1.1. General review of the problem of criminal intentŽ in scholarship (page 181)
- Review of scholarship on the notion of intent in criminal lawin the Graeco-Roman world (page 182)
- Review of Scholarship on the Philonic Notion of Intent Incriminal Law (page 198)
- 4.1.2. Philological and conceptual analysis of the Philonic texts onintentionŽ in criminal law (page 212)
- Frequent idioms for intentŽ in criminal law in Philo andGraeco-Roman literature (page 213)
- The generalŽ aspect of intention in criminal cases (page 225)
- The complexŽ aspects of intention in criminal cases (page 231)
- 4.1.3. Preliminary conclusions (page 250)
- 4.2. the Role of Intention in Non-actionŽ Cases, Orcases Where the Intent, More Than the Action, Establishes Blame Or Praise (page 252)
- 4.2.1. General review of scholarship on the concept of intentionŽ in the areas of the cult, piety and ethics/philosophy (page 253)
- Review of scholarship on the Graeco-Roman authors (page 254)
- Review of Philonic scholarship (page 281)
- 4.2.2. The analysis of the philonic texts on intentionŽ in the areas ofritual, piety, ethics and philosophy (page 293)
- The role of intention in piety and the reinterpretation of thecult (page 294)
- The role of intention in religious/theological and ethical(philosophical) texts (page 311)
- 4.3. Summary (page 327)
- 5 The Role of Intention in Early Rabbinic Literature, In Criminal, Cultic/religious And Ethical Texts (page 331)
- 5.1. Terminology for IntentŽ (page 332)
- 5.1.1. (page 332)
- 5.1.2. (page 334)
- 5.1.3. (page 336)
- 5.1.4. (page 337)
- 5.1.5. (page 338)
- 5.1.6. (page 343)
- 5.1.7. (page 343)
- 5.1.8. (page 343)
- 5.1.9. (page 344)
- 5.2. The Role of Intention in Action Cases of Criminal (page 345)
- 5.2.1. Review of scholarly literature (page 346)
- 5.2.2. Analysis of texts„The role of intention in action-cases of criminal law (page 354)
- Rabbinic commentaries on biblical passages (page 355)
- The category of liability for intended, but not completed,homicideŽ (page 364)
- The category of liability for indirect causationŽ and incitementŽ (page 369)
- 5.3. The Role of Intention in Civil and Cultic (Ritual) Law, and in Non-action Cases, Or Cases Where Theintent, More Than the Action, Establishes Blame Or Praise (page 373)
- 5.3.1. Review of scholarly literature (page 374)
- Civil and cultic (ritual) law (page 374)
- Non-action cases, or cases where the intent, not the action,establishes blame or praise (page 383)
- 5.3.2. Analysis of texts (page 398)
- Intentionality in civil and cultic (ritual) law (page 399)
- The role of intention in non-action cases, or cases where theintent, more than the action, establishes blame or praise (page 436)
- Conclusions (page 455)
- Bibliography (page 469)
- Index of Subjects (page 491)