Sharon Andrews Ph.D. is Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Houston-Clear Lake in Houston, Texas, United States of America. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science in the specialization area of Software Domain and Description Languages from the Center for Advanced Computer Studies of the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, Louisiana, United States of America. Dr. Andrews is the designer, developer, and implementer of the Software Engineering MS curriculum, both the traditional MS degree as well as the founding creator and Chair of the Software Engineering Online MS Degree. Under her leadership the software engineering online MS program has been ranked 4th in the nation multiple times by and is currently ranked 6th in the nation. As part of her curriculum work she has developed and implemented each of her masters level software engineering courses as both 100% online, and hybrid, learning environments. Some of these courses include Software Reuse and Reengineering; Software Architecture; Software Engineering; The Software Life Cycle; Software Design; Software Process, Innovation and Creativity in Engineering. Dr. Andrews's scholarly pursuits include publications within international, national, and regional refereed journals, conference proceeding publications, and service as review editor for international refereed journals and professional conferences, as well as numerous conference presentations, panels, and invited talks. She has been a reviewer and panel member for the National Science Foundation. Dr. Andrews's areas of research within software engineering surround the issues of software architecture design, software knowledge reuse, problem conceptualization as well as curriculum design. Toward this end, her research has taken the form of the development of a framework for the automatic generation of architecture description languages, solutions to the problems of architectural erosion and drift, techniques and methods for the betterment of domain and knowledge engineering, and methods for the design and enablement of reusable software architecture. Most recently, her research has expanded to include the injection of innovation and creativity into engineering as well as expansion into the field of Esports, and its role in software engineering, the software industry, and academic curriculum by analyzing and synthesizing these intersecting disciplines with a multidisciplinary look at the areas of competitive gaming, software engineering, and innovation and creativity.