The book presents the results of a complete detailed survey of the eastern region of Samaria, mainly the Middle Jordan Valley, within the territory of Israel/Palestine. It is Volume 5 of the Manasseh Hill Country Survey publications. This project, in progress since 1978, and covering 2500 sq. km, is a thorough, metre-by-metre mapping of the archaeological-historical area between the River Jordan and the Sharon Plain, and between Nahal 'Iron and the north-eastern point of the Dead Sea. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Biblical and archaeological view; and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, archaeology, Near Eastern history and other aspects of the Holy Land.
This volume describes the area of the Jordan Valley between Wadi Fasael in the north and Wadi 'Aujah in the south. It is a fully revised and updated version of the Hebrew publication of 2012.
"This rich volume makes an important contribution to the corpus of archaeological and historical knowledge about the land of Israel, and it will be a necessary acquisition for academic libraries. It will be of great interest to all those concerned with the study of the history and ar-chaeology of the land of Israel." - Ralph K. Hawkins, Averett University, Danville, VA, in: Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 64 (2019)
Zertal Zl / Zertal Z"l / Bar
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Adam Zertal, was Emeritus Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Haifa, Israel. He dedicated most of his career to the survey and its implications. Among his other achievements are the discoveries and excavations of several sites, including the Iron Age 1 altar on Mt. Ebal, the city of el-Ahwat, and the foot-shaped gilgalim enclosures in the Jordan Valley.
Shay Bar received his PhD in archaeology from the University of Haifa (2008). He is a researcher in the Zinman Institute and teaches in the archaeology department at this university. His current projects include directing the Manasseh Hill Country Survey and the excavations of Tel Esur and the Fazael Valley proto-historic project.