Hankins, James
James Hankins is Professor of History at Harvard University and founder and General Editor of the I Tatti Renaissance Library. He is the author of <i>Virtue Politics: Soulcraft and Statecraft in Renaissance Italy</i>, winner of the Marraro Prize and a <i>Times Literary Supplement</i> Book of the Year; <i>Political Meritocracy in Renaissance Italy: The Virtuous Republic of Francesco Patrizi of Siena</i> and <i>Plato in the Italian Renaissance</i> and editor of <i>The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy</i>. Widely regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on Renaissance philosophy and political thought, he is a Corresponding Member of the British Academy.
Putnam, Michael C. J.
Michael C. J. Putnam is W. Duncan MacMillan II Professor of Classics Emeritus at Brown University.