E-Book, Englisch, Band Band 033, 329 Seiten
Reihe: Reformed Historical Theology
ISBN: 978-3-647-55089-3
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Praktische Theologie Christliche Spiritualität, Christliche Mystik
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Systematische Theologie Geschichte der Theologie, Einzelne Theologen
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Christliche Kirchen, Konfessionen, Denominationen Protestantismus, evangelische und protestantische Kirchen Reformierte Kirchen, Calvinisten, presbyterianische Kirchen
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Kirchengeschichte
Weitere Infos & Material
2;Title Page;4
4;Table of Contents;6
7;1. Introduction;12
7.1;1.1 Bullinger as church minister;12
7.2;1.2 Outline of this study;18
7.2.1;1.2.1 Object;18
7.2.2;1.2.2 Method;21
7.2.3;1.2.3 Sources;24
7.3;1.3 Survey of research;25
8;2. Prophets and prophecy in the Christian tradition;38
8.1;2.1 New Testament prophecy;39
8.2;2.2 Prophets as heralds of eschatological change;41
8.2.1;2.2.1 Montanus and the New Prophecy;42
8.2.2;2.2.2 Joachim and medieval monastic prophecy;44
8.2.3;2.2.3 Luther and Müntzer: Prophets in dispute;47
8.3;2.3 Prophets as interpreters of Scripture;50
8.3.1;2.3.1 Scripture and the cessation of prophecy;50
8.3.2;2.3.2 Prophecy and the sensus spiritualis;52
8.3.3;2.3.3 Prophets as exegetes in the sixteenth century;54; Erasmus;54; Luther;58; Bucer and the Strasburg milieu;61
8.3.4;2.3.4 Prophecy and liturgical chant;64
8.4;2.4 Prophets as church officials;67
8.4.1;2.4.1 The prophet as bishop;68
8.4.2;2.4.2 The prophet as teacher;72
8.5;2.5 Prophethood of believers in general;75
8.6;2.6 Conclusion;81
9;3. Prophets in the Zurich context;84
9.1;3.1 Prophecy in the early Zurich reformation;85
9.1.1;3.1.1 Zwingli's initial position;85
9.1.2;3.1.2 Radical applications;87; The rise of Anabaptism;87; Zwingli and Hubmaier on language study;89; The Schleitheim articles (1527);91
9.1.3;3.1.3 Summary;96
9.2;3.2 Zwingli's restatement of the prophetic office;97
9.2.1;3.2.1 Von dem Predigtamt (1525);97
9.2.2;3.2.2 The prophet as guardian;100
9.2.3;3.2.3 The prophet as interpreter of Scripture;103
9.2.4;3.2.4 Later developments;107; Prophetic revelation and divine inspiration;107; Prophets and kings;109
9.2.5;3.2.5 Summary;112
9.3;3.3 The Zurich “Prophezei” up to 1531;112
9.3.1;3.3.1 Historical development;113
9.3.2;3.3.2 Relation to Zwingli's concept of prophecy;119; Terminological considerations;119; Between education and liturgy;120
9.3.3;3.3.3 Summary;125
9.4;3.4 Conclusion;126
10;4. De propheta libri duo (1525);130
10.1;4.1 Introduction;130
10.1.1;4.1.1 On De propheta libri duo;130
10.1.2;4.1.2 Defining the prophet;132
10.2;4.2 Prophetic authority in dispute;136
10.2.1;4.2.1 The “false prophets” of Catholicism;136
10.2.2;4.2.2 The “self-commissioned messengers” of Anabaptism;143
10.3;4.3 Prophets as exegetes;148
10.3.1;4.3.1 Prophecy and the sacred languages;148
10.3.2;4.3.2 Prophecy and rhetorical training;153
10.3.3;4.3.3 Summary;155
10.4;4.4 Prophets as bishops;156
10.4.1;4.4.1 Scholar or preaching minister?;157
10.4.2;4.4.2 Consolation and admonition;159
10.4.3;4.4.3 Summary;164
10.5;4.5 Weighing the prophet's words;165
10.5.1;4.5.1 The rule of the Spirit;165
10.5.2;4.5.2 Published prophecies;168
10.5.3;4.5.3 Summary;170
10.6;4.6 Conclusion;171
11;5. De prophetae officio (1532);176
11.1;5.1 Introduction;176
11.1.1;5.1.1 On De prophetae officio;176
11.1.2;5.1.2 Defining the prophet;178
11.2;5.2 Prophetic authority and confessional controversy;180
11.2.1;5.2.1 The rule of faith and love;180
11.2.2;5.2.2 Between Zwingli and Luther;182
11.3;5.3 Prophets as exegetes;188
11.3.1;5.3.1 Prophets and the covenant;188
11.3.2;5.3.2 Love exceeds linguistic training;192
11.3.3;5.3.3 Summary;197
11.4;5.4 Prophets as bishops;197
11.4.1;5.4.1 Criticism and moderation;198
11.4.2;5.4.2 Prophets and church discipline;202
11.4.3;5.4.3 Prophets and the magistrate;208; Earliest ideas;209; Discussions 1531–1532;211; Refined understanding;217
11.4.4;5.4.4 Summary;220
11.5;5.5 Conclusion;221
12;6. De episcoporum institutione et functione (1538);224
12.1;6.1 Introduction;224
12.1.1;6.1.1 On De episcoporum institutione et functione;224
12.1.2;6.1.2 Defining the prophet;225
12.2;6.2 From prophetic to ministerial authority;228
12.2.1;6.2.1 Historical context;228
12.2.2;6.2.2 Developments in the 1530s;231
12.2.3;6.2.3 Central theme in 1538;236
12.2.4;6.2.4 Summary;240
12.3;6.3 Prophets in biblical-historical perspective;241
12.3.1;6.3.1 Early works;242
12.3.2;6.3.2 Dominant perspective in 1538;248
12.3.3;6.3.3 Summary;253
12.4;6.4 Prophetic imagery and church office;254
12.4.1;6.4.1 Re-sacralization of the ministry?;255
12.4.2;6.4.2 Prophets in relation to other New Testament functions;258; Commentaries 1520s;258; Commentaries 1530s;262; Developments in 1538;264
12.4.3;6.4.3 Prophecy for the educated;267
12.4.4;6.4.4 Summary;272
12.5;6.5 Conclusion;274
13;7. Bullinger and the “Prophezei”;278
13.1;7.1 Personal involvement;279
13.2;7.2 Schools in historical perspective;280
13.3;7.3 Prophecy in the liturgy of the Zurich church;287
13.4;7.4 Prophecy and the daily office;294
13.5;7.5 Conclusion;298
14;8. Conclusion;302
16.1.1;Works by Bullinger;312
16.1.2;Works co-authored by Bullinger;315
16.2;Secondary literature;316