- Presents clinical presentation and pathology of cardiovascular diseases as clinico-pathological cases
- Covers uncommon presentations of commonly encountered acquired cardiovascular diseases
- Includes gallery of gross and microscopic photographs of various cardiovascular lesions at autopsy
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About this book
The book covers 75 autopsy-based cases (about 75) of common and uncommon presentations of various cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). It emphasizes the importance of the autopsies, which have played a pivotal role in the understanding of the pathology and hence the clinical manifestations of several CVDs. The book attempts to present the material from the perspective of the autopsy table. It uses the clinical data as the initial framework and the autopsy findings to develop a true understanding of the disease and the associated pathophysiology of the condition with final clinico-pathological correlation. Each case covers a complete journey of the deceased patient concisely under the following headings—title, clinical history, autopsy findings and discussion, which includes a brief review of the literature. The text is accompanied by relevant high-quality macroscopic and microscopic images.
The book is relevant for specialists in pathology, cardiology, cardiac surgery, internal medicine, critical care and pediatrics
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Table of contents (75 chapters)
Pericardial Diseases
Valvular Heart Disease: Rheumatic
Valvular Heart Disease: Non-Rheumatic
Editors and Affiliations
About the editor
Pradeep Vaideeswar completed his post-graduation in the subject of pathology in 1990 from Bombay University, India. After his appointment as Assistant Professor (5 years), Associate Professor (13 years) and Additional Professor (14 years), he currently holds the position of Professor since 2022 in the Department of Pathology, Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai, India. He completed a specialization in cardiovascular and pulmonary/thoracic pathology with a fellowship in cardiovascular pathology at Toronto General Hospital (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and held a post of visiting clinician in pulmonary pathology at the Mayo Clinic (Scottsdale, Arizona, USA). Dr Vaideeswar has authored/ co-authored more than 100 papers for platform presentations/posters and has 226 international/ national publications to his credit. He participated in around 219 presentations as a faculty member in conferences, workshops, CMEs and slide seminars. He is a life member of the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (IAPM), Pediatric Cardiology Society, Society for Human and Animal Mycologists, Indian Society of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine and served the IAPM as its President (2019); Vice-President (2018); Secretary (2014 – 2016) and Joint Secretary (2011 – 2013). He is a current councilor of the Asia-Australasia Pulmonary Pathology Society. Dr. Vaideeswar is an Associate Editor of the Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology and Member, Editorial Board of Cardiovascular Pathology and Postgraduate Journal of Medicine, and a reviewer for several national and international journals in pathology, pulmonary medicine, cardiology and cardiac surgery.
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Tropical Cardiovascular Pathology
Book Subtitle: Autopsy-Based Clinicopathological Cases
Editors: Pradeep Vaideeswar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3720-0
Publisher: Springer Singapore
eBook Packages: Medicine, Medicine (R0)
Copyright Information: The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022
Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-19-3719-4Published: 22 October 2022
Softcover ISBN: 978-981-19-3722-4Published: 23 October 2023
eBook ISBN: 978-981-19-3720-0Published: 21 October 2022
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XVII, 412
Number of Illustrations: 4 b/w illustrations, 233 illustrations in colour
Topics: Pathology, Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Internal Medicine, Intensive / Critical Care Medicine