König, Burkhard
Together with and Holger Butenschön, Burkhard König authored the "Memofix Organische Chemie". He studied chemistry in Hamburg and Southampton and gained his doctorate in 1991 under Armin de Meijere. Following his post doc, at Stanford University among others, and his lecturing qualification, in 1999 he accepted a chair for organic chemistry at Regensburg University. In his teaching he believes in a modern organic-chemical training, which also considers aspects of sustainable development.
Butenschön, Holger
Holger Butenschön is the editor of the successful German edition of Vollhardt's "Organische Chemie". He studied chemistry in Hamburg and gained his doctorate in 1983 under Armin de Meijere. As a post doc he joined K.P.C. Vollhardt's work group at the University of California in Berkeley. In 1991 he gained his lecturing qualification and in 1993 took up a chair at the University of Hanover, where he teaches and researches as Professor for Organic Chemistry.
Burkhard König ist mit Holger Butenschön bereits Autor des "Memofix Organische Chemie". Er studierte in Hamburg und Southampton Chemie und promovierte 1991 bei Armin de Meijere. Nach seiner Post Doc-Zeit, u.a. an der Stanford University, und seiner Habilitation folgte er 1999 dem Ruf auf einen Lehrstuhl für Organische Chemie an die Universität Regensburg. In der Lehre liegt ihm eine moderne organisch-chemische Ausbildung am Herzen, die auch Aspekte einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung berücksichtigt.
Holger Butenschön ist bereits Herausgeber der erfolgreichen deutschen Übersetzung von Vollhardts "Organische Chemie". Er studierte in Hamburg Chemie und promovierte 1983 bei Armin de Meijere. Als Post Doc war er in der Arbeitsgruppe von K.P.C. Vollhardt an der University of California in Berkeley. 1991 habilitierte er und folgte 1993 einem Ruf an die Universität Hannover, wo er als Professor für Organische Chemie lehrt und forscht.
Together with and Holger Butenschön, Burkhard König authored the "Memofix Organische Chemie". He studied chemistry in Hamburg and Southampton and gained his doctorate in 1991 under Armin de Meijere. Following his post doc, at Stanford University among others, and his lecturing qualification, in 1999 he accepted a chair for organic chemistry at Regensburg University. In his teaching he believes in a modern organic-chemical training, which also considers aspects of sustainable development.
Holger Butenschön is the editor of the successful German edition of Vollhardt's "Organische Chemie". He studied chemistry in Hamburg and gained his doctorate in 1983 under Armin de Meijere. As a post doc he joined K.P.C. Vollhardt's work group at the University of California in Berkeley. In 1991 he gained his lecturing qualification and in 1993 took up a chair at the University of Hanover, where he teaches and researches as Professor for Organic Chemistry.