Honings, Rick
Rick Honings is Scaliger Professor Special Collections at Leiden University and a specialist in nineteenth-century Dutch and Dutch Indies literature. In 2018 he published Star Authors in the Age of Romanticism: Literary Celebrity in the Netherlands, the international edition of his monograph De dichter als idool: Literaire roem in de negentiende eeuw (2016). In 2021, he co-edited De postkoloniale spiegel: De Nederlands-Indische letteren herlezen. Currently, he works with a research team on the NWO Vidi project Voicing the Colony: Travelers in the Dutch East Indies, 1800-1900. He is editor-in-chief of the journal Indische Letteren.
Op de Beek, Esther
Esther Op de Beek is an assistant professor in Modern Dutch Literature at Leiden University. She obtained her PhD at Radboud University Nijmegen, within the NWO-funded research project The Best Intentions, Literary Criticism in the Netherlands 1945-2005. Her research examines modern Dutch travel literature, literary criticism, and the circulation of happiness narratives in literature. She is a member of the editorial board of Nederlandse Letterkunde and delivered Cees Nooteboom. Avenue – 15 jaar wereldliteratuur (2013) and, together with Jos Muijres, Op de hielen: Opstellen over recente Nederlanse en Vlaamse literatuur (2014).