Bonner Jeremy:
Jeremy Bonner is an independent scholar currently based in Sheffield, England. He is the author of Called Out of Darkness into Marvelous Light: A History of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, 1750– 2006 (Wipf and Stock, 2009) and The Road to Renewal: Victor Joseph Reed and Oklahoma Catholicism, 1905–1971 (Catholic University of America Press, 2008) and the editor of a forthcoming retrospective on the impact of the Kikuyu Crisis of 1913 on the Church of England. He has published scholarly articles on Mormon and Anglican history and taught American history at Robert Morris University, Duquesne University, and the University
of Sheffield.Denny Christopher D.:
Christopher D. Denny is an associate professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at St. John’s University in New York City, teaching courses in Church history and Christian historical theology from the patristic era to the contemporary period. He is the coeditor, with Christopher McMahon,
of Finding Salvation in Christ: Essays on Christology and Soteriology in Honor of William P. Loewe (Pickwick, 2011). Other recent publications include an essay on John Courtney Murray in Vatican II: Forty Years Later (Orbis, 2006) and articles in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Logos, Communio, and Horizons. The recipient of best- article awards from the Catholic Press Association and the College Theology Society, Denny is a former regional director and board member of the American Academy of Religion.Connolly Mary Beth Fraser:
Mary Beth Fraser Connolly, currently the assistant director of the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts, is an adjunct in history at Valparaiso University. She has taught American, women’s, and religious history at universities in New Hampshire and Indiana. She has also worked as the historian for the Sisters of Mercy Chicago Regional Community, writing their community’s history.