An Introduction to Its Method and Practice
E-Book, Englisch, 383 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-647-53460-2
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Christentum/Christliche Theologie Allgemein Christliche Kunst und Kultur
- Geisteswissenschaften Jüdische Studien Jüdische Studien Heilige & Traditionstexte: Torah, Talmud, Mischna, Halacha
- Geisteswissenschaften Christentum, Christliche Theologie Bibelwissenschaften Altes Testament: Exegese, Geschichte
Weitere Infos & Material
2;Title Page;4
4;Table of Contents;8
8;Izaak J. de Hulster, Brent A. Strawn, and Ryan P. Bonfiglio | Introduction. Iconographic Exegesis: Method and Practice;20
9;Part I: The Torah/Pentateuch;44
9.1;Izaak J. de Hulster | Chapter 1. Picturing Ancient Israel’s Cosmic Geography: An Iconographic Perspective on Genesis 1:1–2:4a;46
9.2;Brent A. Strawn | Chapter 2. The Image of God: Comparing the Old Testament with Other Ancient Near Eastern Cultures;64
9.3;Thomas Staubli | Chapter 3. The “Pagan” Prehistory of Genesis 22:1–14: The Iconographic Background of the Redemption of a Human Sacrifice;78
9.4;Brent A. Strawn | Chapter 4. “With a Strong Hand and an Outstretched Arm”: On the Meaning(s) of the Exodus Tradition(s);104
9.5;Izaak J. de Hulster and Brent A. Strawn | Chapter 5. Figuring Yhwh in Unusual Ways: Deuteronomy 32 and Other Mixed Metaphorsfor God in the Old Testament;118
10;Part II: The;136
10.1;Rüdiger Schmitt | Chapter 6. Royal Construction in the Book of Kings: Architecture and/as Iconography;138
10.2;Izaak J. de Hulster | Chapter 7. Of Angels and Iconography: Isaiah 6 and the Biblical Concept of Seraphs and Cherubs;148
10.3;Regine Hunziker-Rodewald | Chapter 8. Thrones in Sheol: An Ancient Near Eastern Motif in Isaiah 14:9;166
10.4;Izaak J. de Hulster | Chapter 9. “A Monument and a Name”: Isaiah 56 and the Aniconic Image;182
10.5;Izaak J. de Hulster and Brent A. Strawn | Chapter 10. The Power of Images: Isaiah 60, Jerusalem, and Persian Imperial Propaganda;198
10.6;Thomas Staubli | Chapter 11. What Do you See? Reading Zechariah’s Yhwh-Vision (4:1–14) in Light of Southern Levantine Lunar Iconography;218
10.7;Ryan P. Bonfiglio | Chapter 12. Divine Warrior or Persian King? The Archer Metaphor in Zechariah 9;228
11;Part III: The Ketubim/Writings (and Beyond);244
11.1;Brent A. Strawn | Chapter 13. Lion Hunting in the Psalms: Iconography and Images for God, the Self, and the Enemy;246
11.2;Joel M. LeMon | Chapter 14. On Wings in a Prayer: Multistable Images for God in Psalm 63;264
11.3;Joel M. LeMon | Chapter 15. Masking the Blow: Psalm 81 and the Iconography of Divine Violence;282
11.4;Brent A. Strawn | Chapter 16. “The Fear of the Lord” in Two (or Three) Dimensions: Iconography and Yhwh;296
11.5;Izaak J. de Hulster | Chapter 17. Iconography, Love Poetry, and Bible Translation: A Test Case with Song of Songs 7:2–6;314
11.6;Thomas Staubli | Chapter 18. Judith’s Victory Celebration and the Iconography of Twigs in Judith 15:12–13;330