Agazzi, Elena
Dr. Elena Agazzi ist Professorin für German Studies an der Universität Bergamo. Elena Agazzi is Full Professor for German Studies at the University of Bergamo. Her latest researches deal with the problem of cultural memory in Germany and Europe in the wake of the Second World War.
Turchetti, Giorgio
Giorgio Turchetti is Full Professor of Physics at the University of Bologna. Present positions: coordinator of the group of Complex Systems, director of the Centro Interdipartimentale L. Galvani.
Morisco, Gabriella
Gabriella Morisco is Full Professor of Anglo-American Literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'.
Castellani, Gastone
Gastone Castellani is laureated in Biology and Physics and is PhD in Physics. He is researcher at the Bologna University in Applied Physics-Biophysics. He holds the position of Associate Professor (Research) at Brown University, Providence RI USA.
Calanchi, Alessandra
Dr. Alessandra Calanchi teaches Anglo-American Language and Literature at the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'.
Dr. Alessandra Calanchi teaches Anglo-American Language and Literature at the University of Urbino »Carlo Bo«.
Gastone Castellani is laureated in Biology and Physics and is PhD in Physics. He is researcher at the Bologna University in Applied Physics-Biophysics. He holds the position of Associate Professor (Research) at Brown University, Providence RI USA.
Gabriella Morisco is Full Professor of Anglo-American Literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Urbino »Carlo Bo«.
Giorgio Turchetti is Full Professor of Physics at the University of Bologna. Present positions: coordinator of the group of Complex Systems, director of the Centro Interdipartimentale L. Galvani.